April 4, 2014
In This Issue
*NASUAD Extends Call for Sessions for 30th Annual HCBS Conference
*ACL: Materials to Promote Older Americans Month 2014 Available
*CMS: Reducing Hospital Readmissions through Collaboration with Community Partners
*CMS: Webinar: Minority Health
*CFPB: Webinar: Preventing and Addressing Elder Financial Exploitation
*DOL: Fair Labor and Standards Act (FLSA) Shared Living Arrangements Guidance
*IRS: Warning Against Telephone Scam
*NIDRR: Comments for New Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Family Support
*HHS: Special Cases Deadline for Health Insurance Marketplace
*HHS: National Autism Awareness Month
*SSA: New Agency Strategic Plan Published
*Congress: Full Year "Doc Fix" Includes Medicare Extenders
*LeadingAge: Making it Work: Quality Measures in Nursing Home Care
*NASI: Assessing Care Integration for Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries
*NASBO: Reports on Governors Proposed Budgets and Health Care Reform
*NCOA: Webinar: How Medicare works with the Marketplace
*NSCLC: Webinar: Consumer Outreach in the Dual Eligible Demonstration
*Job Announcements
*Friday Updates Archive

Save the Date! 

30th Annual National HCBS Conference

September 15-18, 2014 

Check out NASUAD iQ!

NASUAD Extends Call for Sessions for 30th Annual HCBS Conference

The National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD) extended the Call For Sessions for the 30th Annual National Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Conference to April 14, 2014. The conference will be held from September 15-18, 2014 in Arlington, VA and offers a blend of policy, program and practice issues for professionals interested in home and community-based waivers and services for all ages and abilities. Last year's conference had a strong presence from the agencies of the US Department of Health and Human Services including Administration for Community Living (ACL) and Administration on Aging (AoA).


From the Administration

Administration for Community Living

Materials to Promote Older Americans Month 2014 Available

The Administration for Community Living has released materials to promote Older Americans Month for 2014.

May is Older Americans Month and this year's theme focuses on injury prevention: Safe Today. Healthy Tomorrow. To help participating organizations promote their events, ACL has posted new materials for 2014. The toolkit includes facts about preventing falls and injuries, an activity guide, poster templates, logos, and tips for consumers.


Click here to access the materials.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Reducing Hospital Readmissions through Collaboration with Community Partners

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Partnership for Patients (PfP) is holding an Education Series program on April 17, 2014, 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. ET. The program will discuss how PfP and other federal stakeholders, including Hospital Engagement Networks (HENs), Community-based Care Transitions Programs (CCTPs), Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs), and the Administration for Community Living (ACL), are aligned in their aims and how collaboration with local community partners have helped hospitals produce impressive reductions in 30-day readmissions through more effective care transition models.


This program is a live broadcast and offered as part of the federal Partnership for Patients Initiative. Continuing education units (CEUs) are available.


Click here to register for the program

Webinar: Minority Health Disparities

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Office of Minority Health is holding a webinar in honor of Minority Health Month on April 9, 2014, 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET. Speakers will discuss the ongoing efforts of CMS to reduce and eliminate health disparities, and their work to encourage newly insured consumers to use preventive services and primary care.


Click here to register for the webinar.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau


Preventing and Addressing Elder Financial Exploitation: Tips and Tools from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is holding a free webinar that will address the growing problem of elder financial exploitation on April 23, 2014, 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET. CFPB and its Office for Older Americans have developed an array of tools to help a broad spectrum of aging and legal services providers prevent and respond to financial abuse of older consumers. This interactive webinar will cover the CFPB's consumer complaint process; the Managing Someone Else's money guides for financial caregivers; the Money Smart for Older Adults awareness program; and other resources to help participants and their communities. The webinar is part of a series of National Elder Rights Training Project webinars for the National Legal Resource Center. Space is limited.


Click here to register for the webinar.

Department of Labor

Fair Labor and Standards Act (FLSA) Shared Living Arrangements Guidance
The Department of Labor created the Fair Labor and Standards Act (FLSA) Shared Living Arrangements Guidance to assist stakeholders in determining whether an entity paying a direct care worker through a shared living arrangement is required to comply with the FLSA's minimum wage and overtime requirements. The guidance also describes how certain FLSA principles apply to shared living arrangements, also called adult foster care, paid roommate arrangements, or host homes, in which an individual receiving services and a direct care worker providing the services live together.

Click here to learn more and view the Guidance.

Internal Revenue Service 

Warning against Telephone Scam 

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has been alerting the public to a scam that involves people pretending to be IRS agents and calling people to say they are indebted to the IRS. Older adults and recent immigrants are particularly vulnerable to this scam, which threatens deportation or suspension of drivers' licenses to those who don't send money.


Click here to learn more about this scam.

Click here to view other tips to avoid scams by the National Council on Aging. 

National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research

Comments for New Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Family Support

The National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation seeks comments from aging and disability stakeholders for a new Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Family Support. The purpose of this center includes engagement in research, data analysis, knowledge translation, development and dissemination of informational products to improve supports and services for individuals who provide assistance to their family members with disabilities.

The Notice of Proposed Priority is posted in the Federal Register. Comments can be submitted until April 23, 2014.


Click here to submit comments.

Health and Human Services 

Health Insurance Marketplace Deadline - April 15 for Special Cases

The deadline for health insurance coverage through the Marketplace is extended to April 15, 2014 for individuals who tried to enroll by the March 31 deadline and did not complete the application process. This deadline is also extended for people applying for Medicaid/CHIP. These individuals qualify for a Special Enrollment Period. 


Click here to view more special cases and enroll clients for 2014 coverage.

HHS Honors National Autism Awareness Month

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a statement by Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in honor of National Autism Awareness Month. "Every day, the millions of Americans living with autism and their families face unique and daunting challenges. During National Autism Awareness Month, HHS will renew their commitment to better understand autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and improve the lives of individuals living with it. A recent report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 1 in 68 children in the United States has been identified with ASD. There is also a growing understanding of the significant needs that individuals with autism have across their lifespan, including education, employment, housing, and other supports that would allow them to fully participate in community life. The Administration for Community Living (ACL) has bolstered their commitment to promoting the health, well-being, and independence for those with autism, their families and caregivers."

Click here to view the entire statement. 

Social Security Administration

New Agency Strategic Plan Published

 The Social Security Administration (SSA) has published its Agency Strategic Plan for fiscal years (FYs) 2014 to 2018 for the public. SSA has established five strategic goals for the coming years including deliver innovative, quality services; strengthen the integrity of programs; serve the public through a stronger, more responsive disability program; build a model workforce to deliver quality service; and ensure reliable, secure, and efficient information technology services.


Click here to learn more about the agency plan, goals, and steps SSA will take to meet the goals.
From Congress

Full Year "Doc Fix" Includes Medicare Extenders

Earlier this week, Congress passed and the President signed legislation blocking a scheduled 24 percent cut to Medicare reimbursements for physicians under the current payment formula, the sustainable growth rate (SGR)The one-year payment patch, the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (PL 113-93),  updates physician payments by 0.5 percent through the end of 2014.  Payment rates will then stay flat until April 1, 2015.


In addition to the so-called "doc fix", the legislation also temporarily extends several Medicare-related initiatives, including outreach and enrollment activities for low-income beneficiaries.  Originally authorized by the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA), these activities were most recently extended for three months in December's budget deal, the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013.  Now included as part of the 12 month SGR bill, full-year funding will be available for Area Agencies on Aging ($7.5 million), State Health Insurance Assistance Programs ($7.5 million), Aging and Disability Resource Centers ($5 million), and the National Center for Benefits and Outreach Enrollment ($5 million) to continue these efforts.


Also among the measure's "extenders" is the Qualified Individual (QI) Medicare Savings Program.  The QI program pays the Part B premium for individuals with income between 120 and 135 percent of the federal poverty level, and who also have very limited resources.  The bill also extends the current Medicare therapy cap exceptions process through March 31, 2015, and delays until October 2015 the transition to the  ICD-10 diagnostic coding system.


The text of the bill is available here.

From Other Organizations

Event: Making it Work: Quality Measures in Nursing Home Care

LeadingAge is holding an event at their office entitled, Making it Work: Quality Measures in Nursing Home Care, on April 11, 2014, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ET. This meeting will look at Advancing Excellence tools as a core base, with QAPI as the framework for assessing quality care. In addition, the event will also look to develop the person-centered culture of safety that providers, residents and families look for in skilled care. There will be a networking breakfast at 9:00 a.m. ET.


There is a $25 registration fee for this event.

Click here to get more information and register for this event.

National Academy of Social Insurance

Assessing Care Integration for Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries

The National Academy of Social Insurance released a brief entitled, Assessing Care Integration for Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries: A Review of Quality Measures Chosen by States in the Financial Alignment Initiative. As part of the federal Financial Alignment Initiative, states have the opportunity to test care models for dual-eligibles that integrate acute care, behavioral health and mental health services, and long-term services and supports, with the goals of enhancing access to services, improving care quality, containing costs, and reducing administrative barriers. This brief was funded by the Commonwealth Fund and reviews the quality measures chosen by eight demonstration states as of December 2013. The brief concluded that quality-of-life measures are notably lacking, as are informative, standardized measures of long-term services and supports.

National Association of State Budget Officers 
Reports on Governors' Proposed Budgets and Health Care Reform

The National Association of State Budget Officers recently released two reports on state budget issues. The first report, Summaries of Fiscal Year 2015 Proposed Executive Budgets, provides summaries of governors' budget proposals and links for further information. Over the past several months, governors in 34 states have released their fiscal 2015 budget proposal. 16 states enacted a biennial budget last year covering both fiscal years 2014 and 2015. Governors in 6 of these states have proposed a supplemental budget to adjust spending by some extent. The second report, Health Care Toolkit for State Budget Officers: Resources for Implementing the Affordable Care Act and other Health Care Reforms, looks at five core areas pertinent to state budgets as a means to analyze the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and other health reforms. State budget officers provide a unique perspective on how the crucial delivery of a key service such as health care fits into the framework of state budgets.

National Council on Aging
Webinar: How Medicare Works with the Marketplace

The National Council on Aging (NCOA) Center for Benefits Access is holding a webinar entitled, How Medicare Works with the Marketplace, on April 9, 2014, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET. The webinar will explain how the Marketplaces work for older adults, especially those who may soon become eligible for Medicare. The webinar will cover: 

  • An overview of the Marketplaces
  • How the Marketplaces differ from Medicare
  • Useful case examples illustrating how the Marketplaces affect people with Medicare
  • Medicare and the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP)
  • Making decisions about Medicare drug coverage for SHOP enrollees

Click here to register for the webinar.

Click here to access NCOA's Medicare and Marketplace fact sheets.

National Senior Citizens Law Center


Consumer Outreach in the Dual Eligible Demonstration

The National Senior Citizens Law Center is holding a webinar entitled, Consumer Outreach in the Dual Eligible Demonstration, on April 8, 2014, 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET. This webinar will offer some practical suggestions based on the experiences in states that have already started the enrollment process.


Click here to register for the webinar.


2014 Annual Conference on Independent Living

The National Council on Independent Living is holding the 2014 Annual Conference on Independent Living from
July 27-31, 2014 in Washington, DC. Attendees will come together to remind legislators of the Independent Living Program's significant successes and the impressive return on investments. Examples of workshop sessions include: 
  • Resource Development Track
  • Basic Fundraising Tools Anyone Can Use
  • Transit and Disability Rights Advocates: Stronger Together
  • The Impact of the Disability Community on Elections
  • Administration on Community Living - Aging & Disability
Registration is now open.


Click here to register and learn more about the conference.

Preventing Crimes against Seniors Virtual Conference

The National Crime Prevention Council and the Bureau of Justice Assistance are sponsoring a virtual conference with information to help law enforcement, crime prevention organizations, victim service providers, and others recognize and respond to elder abuse and fraud against seniors. The conference will be held on April 10, 2014, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET.


Conference objectives include:

  • Get insight into the signs and symptoms of abuse and the roles and resources of agencies involved in elder abuse prevention.
  • Learn strategies and multidisciplinary models of response to help tackle elder abuse in your community.
  • Discover tools to build community awareness surrounding elder abuse.
  • Identify elder financial crime trends and how to avoid victimization.
  • Learn about partnerships and resources for crime victims and how to prevent crime in the first place!

Participants will consist of law enforcement, crime prevention leaders, community-based organizations, seniors, and anyone in the general public interested in protecting seniors.


Click here to register and learn more about the conference.
Job Announcements
Fall White House Internship Program

The White House Internship Program provides a unique opportunity to gain valuable professional experience and build leadership skills. This hands-on program is designed to mentor and cultivate today's young leaders, strengthen their understanding of the Executive Office and prepare them for future public service opportunities. In addition, the program's mission is to make the White House accessible to future leaders from around the nation.


Applicants must be U.S. citizens, 18 years of age on or before the first day of the internship, and meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at a college, community college, or university (two-to-four year institution)
  • Graduated from an undergraduate or graduate program at a college, community college, or university (two-to-four year institution) no more than two years before the first day of the internship
  • A veteran of the United States Armed Forces who possesses a high school diploma or its equivalent, and has served on active duty for any length of time in the two years preceding the first day of the internship

The application for the Fall 2014 White House Internship Program is now open and the deadline is April 13, 2014.


Click here to view the internship timeline and FAQs. 

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