June 28, 2013
In This Issue
*NASUAD: 2013 National HCBS Conference
*CMS Notifies SMD of Phased-down State Contribution Full Dual-eligible Per-Capita Medicaid Drug Payment Rates
*CBO Releases a Report on LTSS Expenditure for Senior Population
*HHS: New, consumer-focused HealthCare.gov & 24-Hour Consumer Call Center Reflect HHS' Health Insurance Marketplace Education Effort
*FEMA Publishes a Report: Alerting the Whole Community: Removing Barriers to Alerting Accessibility
*AARP Emphasizes Affordable Care Act Education in Hispanic Communities
*ANVC: Free Volunteer Training at n4a's Conference
*NASHIA: Annual State of the States in Head Injury Meeting
*NRCPDS: Financial Management Services Conference Call for Presentations
*June Observances
*Grant from CMS: Planning and Demonstration Grant for Testing Experience and Functional Tools in Community-Based Long Term Services and Supports (TEFT)
*Grant from HHS: Support for Demonstration Ombudsman Programs Serving Beneficiaries of State Demonstrations to Integrate Care for Medicare-Medicaid
*Grant from ACL: NWD/ADRC Opportunity
*Grant from AHRQ: Rapid Secondary Analysis to Optimize Care for Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions
*Grant: 2014 RSVP Competition
*Job: FEMA Seeks Emergency Management Specialists
2013 HCBS
Check out NASUAD iQ!
Friday Update on Hiatus for July 4th Independence Day

There will be no NASUAD Friday Update on July 5th in observance of the July 4th holiday.

Don't Miss this year's National HCBS Conference

The nation's long-term care system is in the midst of an historic shift from institutional care to individualized home and community services for older adults and people with disabilities. You are invited to attend one of the year's most important national conferences, the National Home and Community Based Services Conference (HCBS), which showcases innovative national, federal, state and local delivery and policy developments vital for assuring Americans of all ages and abilities receive the highest quality community living supports, care, and services possible.


Due to the overwhelming success of last year's conference, many groups have decided to host special Pre-conference Intensives at this year's conference. NASUAD is working closely with the Administration for Community Living (ACL) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to develop content for both the Pre-conference Intensives and HCBS conference. The pre-conference intensives and HCBS conference are designed to meet specific federal grant requirements.   



The Hyatt Regency Crystal City

2799 Jefferson Davies Hwy.

Arlington, VA 22202

Click here to make a hotel reservation.



NASUAD Meeting: September 7th - September 8th

Pre-Conference workshops will: September 9th

HCBS Conference: September 10th - September 12th


Click here for a draft agenda of the pre-conference intensives and HCBS conference.


Registration - Don't miss the early bird rates!

Sponsorship Opportunities.
From the Administration
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

CMS Notifies SMD of Phased-down State Contribution Full Dual-eligible Per-Capita Medicaid Drug Payment Rates

On June 28, 2013, CMS sent a letter to State Medicaid directors to notify of the phased down State contribution full dual-eligible per capita Medicaid drug payment amount for October - December 2013, as required by the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003.  The letter will be available here soon.

Congressional Budget Office
CBO Releases a Report on LTSS Expenditure for Senior Population
Congressional Budget Office recently published a report Rising Demand for Long-Term Services and Supports for Elderly People. This report provides a summary of how Long-Term Services and Supports  (LTSS) are financed, and also offers projection of future spending for LTSS for senior population under three possible scenarios.
Department of Health and Human Services
HHS Launches Health Insurance Marketplace Educational Tools
On June 24, 2013, the Obama administration announced its launch of the Health Insurance Marketplace education effort with a new, consumer-focused HealthCare.gov website and the 24-hours-a-day consumer call center to help Americans prepare for open enrollment and ultimately sign up for private health insurance.  The new tools will help Americans understand their choices and select the coverage that best suits their needs when open enrollment in the new Health Insurance Marketplace begins October 1. Americans may now access new educational information and learn what they can do to begin to get ready for open enrollment this fall.  The website will add functionality over the summer so that, by October, consumers will be able to create accounts, complete an online application, and shop for qualified health plans.  For Spanish speaking consumers, CuidadoDeSalud.gov will also be updated to match HealthCare.gov's new consumer focus.
Federal Emergency Management Agency

Alerting the Whole Community: Removing Barriers to Alerting Accessibility

FEMA recently published a paper Alerting the Whole Community: Removing Barriers to Alerting Accessibility. This paper serves to demonstrate how Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) addresses the challenges of reaching the whole community, including the 25% of our population who might need assistance. It offers compelling evidence that, while IPAWS doesn't solve all of the challenges, it can certainly mitigate them - particularly with greater stakeholder engagement and public awareness.

From Other Organizations
AARP Emphasizes Affordable Care Act Education in Hispanic Communities
AARP recently announced a new effort focused in Hispanic communities to increase education and knowledge about the Affordable Care Act and to prepare families for the opening of health exchanges in the fall. In collaboration with a number of organizations including the Hispanic Federation, National Council of La Raza, Esperanza and the League of United Latin American Citizens, AARP will focus on training and resources for promotores - members of local communities who receive specialized training to provide basic health education - to assist with the enrollment process for health insurance.
The Aging Network's Volunteer Collaborative

Free Volunteer Training at n4a's Conference

The Aging Network's Volunteer Collaborative and its PowerUP! Initiative are offering a free training for the Aging Network focused on teaching organization's and their volunteers how they can build self-directed teams of volunteers.  Aging Network organizations are invited to bring one staff person and one volunteer to the PowerUP! Training at n4a's conference for free, even the cost of travel will be reimbursed!  This in-person workshop will be held Sunday, July 28, from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. in Louisville, KY.


Learn more and register

National Association of State Head Injury Administrators (NASHIA)

Annual State of the States in Head Injury Meeting

NASHIA will hold their 24th Annual State of the States in Head Injury Conference in Detroit, MI, October 7-10, 2013. The conference will convene program administrators, service providers, clinicians, researchers, and advocates working in the brain injury field.


Click here to register online.
National Resource Center for 
Participant-Directed Services

Financial Management Services (FMS) Conference Call for Presentations

The NRCPDS will hold 5th Biennial Financial Management Services (FMS) Conference on November 4-5, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency in Baltimore, MD. The conference will be a day and a half long and will feature workshops with participant direction tax experts within the Internal Revenue Service as well as with other Financial Management Services specialists and experts. 


The NRCPDS is now accepting presentation applications for a limited number of speaking opportunities that are available at the conference. Those who  are interested in applying should complete the application online. Applications are due Friday, July 15, 2013.

June Observances
June is PTSD Awareness Month

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a severe anxiety disorder that can occur when people experience a traumatic event.  PTSD can affect anyone - from service men and women returning from the horrors of war to abused children and the survivors of rape, domestic violence, or natural disasters.


Read the statement  from HHS Secretary Sebelius on PTSD Awareness Month.


More information on PTSD provided by Department of Veterans Affairs.

Funding Opportunities
Planning and Demonstration Grant for Testing Experience and Functional Tools in Community-Based Long Term Services and Supports (TEFT)
On June 27, 2013, CMS released a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) 
to solicit applications for participation in the Testing Experience and Functional Tools (TEFT) in Community-Based Long Term Services and Supports (CB-LTSS) planning and demonstration grant.  This solicitation is primarily intended to test the collection of adult quality measures for use in Medicaid CB-LTSS. 
In addition, it also provides states the opportunity to use web-based personal health record (PHR) systems, subject to beneficiaries' permission, as a vehicle for capturing, testing and reporting on state quality measures and other related quality related information.  TEFT will also support the evaluation and testing of standards for the electronic Long Term Services and Supports (e-LTSS) record which will be used by providers to capture both health and service (e.g. CB-LTSS) delivery information electronically.  These standards will also enable e-LTSS information to be shared with individuals through a PHR system.

mation about the funding announcement.
Funding Opportunity Number: CMS-1H1-13-001; CFDA: 93.627).


Important Dates:

  • Applicant's Teleconferences: July 10, 2013 2013, 3:30 PM Eastern Time (Baltimore, MD)
  • Call in Phone Number: 877-267-1577 ID - 5254
  • Notice of Intent to Apply: July 19, 2013 by 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time (Baltimore, MD)
  • Electronic Grant Application Due Date: August 12, 2013 by 3:00 p.m., Eastern Time (Baltimore MD)
  • Anticipated Issuance of Notice of Awards: September 13, 2013
    Anticipated Grant Period of Performance: September 13, 2013 through September 12, 2017

Support for Demonstration Ombudsman Programs Serving Beneficiaries of State Demonstrations to Integrate Care for Medicare-Medicaid

On June 27, 2013, HHS released a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) designed to support states in providing Medicare-Medicaid enrollees with more person-centered, coordinated care through Demonstration Ombudsman Programs. 


Through this new opportunity, states can apply for funding to develop independent Demonstration OmbudsmanPrograms to support their current demonstrations through the Financial Alignment initiative.  These programs will provide beneficiaries with access to new resources and person-centered assistance in resolving issues related to the demonstration. These programs will also monitor beneficiary experience and offer recommendations to CMS, the states, and participating plans on how the beneficiary experience could be improved.


The total amount of federal funds available is anticipated to be about $12 million over three years.   CMS anticipates issuing the first notice of award in September, 2013, and will accept three rounds of applications:

  • July 30, 2013 (first round)
  • October 8, 2013 (second round)
  • January 14, 2014 (third round)

The FOA is available at the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) websiteYou may also visit www.cfda.gov and search for Funding Number 93.634.


A Fact Sheet on the announcement is available.  


More Information on the Financial Alignment Demonstration. 

NWD/ADRC Opportunity - Sustainability Competive Continuation

Grant Title: NWD/ADRC Opportunity - Sustainability Competive Continuation

Agency Issuing Grant: Administration for Community Living

Eligible Applicants: ADRC grantees who received a Part B - ADRC Sustainability Program Expansion Supplemental in FY 2012.

Close Date: July 24, 2013   

Funding Opportunity Number: HHS-2013-ACL-CDAP-DR-0054

CDFA Number: 93.048 

Grant Amount: $5.7 million for 36 awards

Description: This opportunity provides additional funding and an additional 12 months for ADRC grantees to carry out their current activities under their Part B - ADRC Sustainability Program Expansion Supplemental awarded in FY 2012. It is specifically designed to help support states efforts to continue their sustainability strategies for ADRC/NWD System in conjunction with their health systems transformation and funding from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) and Veteran Health Administration (VHA).


More Info on this funding opportunity.


Applicants must apply through www.grants.gov.

Rapid Secondary Analysis to Optimize Care for Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions

Grant Title: Rapid Secondary Analysis to Optimize Care for Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions

Agency Issuing Grant: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Eligible Applicants: State governments, Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized) and Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments)

Close Date: August 28, 2013

Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-HS-14-001

CDFA Number: 93.226

Grant Amount: $1,600,000 for 4 grants

Description: This opportunity seeks to fund research studies that can be conducted rapidly and will provide evidence to optimize processes, care, treatments and health of MCC patients. The goal is to provide scientific evidence and information for use by patients and the clinical community to best manage care of MCC patients.


More Info on this funding opportunity.


Applicants must apply through www.grants.gov.

2014 RSVP Competition

Grant Title: 2014 RSVP Competition

Agency Issuing Grant: Corporation for National and Community Service

Eligible Applicants: State governments, Nonprofits and Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)

Close Date: Notice of Intent to Apply due August 9, 2013. Application due: September 10, 2013.

Funding Opportunity Number: CNCS-06-10-13-01

CDFA Number: 94.002

Grant Amount: $14,500,000 total funding

Description: CNCS seeks to increase the impact of national service in 270 specific communities across the country. These RSVP grants will support volunteers 55 years and older serving in a diverse range of activities that meet specific community needs and respond to National Performance Measures.


More Info on this funding opportunity.


Applicants must apply through www.grants.gov.

Job Opportunities

FEMA Seeks Emergency Management Specialists

FEMA announced an employment opportunity with FEMA's Incident Management CORE Program.  Several Emergency Management Specialist (Disability Integration Advisors - AD-0089-11; Job Announcement Number: FEMA-MJ007-IM/COR-13) will be hired throughout the United States. As a part of FEMA's disaster workforce, CORE Reservists serve the nation by assisting all citizens and first responders during disasters or emergency situations.  This announcement is open from June 26, 2013 until July 2, 2013 at 11:59pm EST.  Click here for more information.

Additional Job Opportunities


To see more job postings, please visit nasuad.org.  

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