headline logotop 
October 2013
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From Our Pastors
BIrthdays and stuff 



Nov 12  10:0AM

Nov 26 10:00 AM

Deadline for the DECEMBER
newsletter is November 20, 2013




It's stewardship season!  Sunday, November 10, is Pledge Dedication Day for our 2014 pledges.  Please see the separate article by the Stewardship and Finance Committee for details about this year's program. 

            As we think prayerfully about what we will give to the work of our congregation for next year, please consider four principles for giving that come from the scripture.  Dr. Albert Winn has called them "deeply embedded principles" of Christian giving.  Recommended by the Apostle Paul in First and Second Corinthians, they are regularity, proportionality, priority, and risk.  These principles are a guide for making our financial giving a spiritual practice related to our commitment to Christ.  





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Christine Garton, Director of Christian Education, can be reached at cgarton@OxfordPresbyChurch.org or you can call or text her cell phone at 850-276-3231.



ADULT VOLUNTEERS AND DRIVERS ARE NEEDED FOR THE KIWANIS FOOD DRIVE FROM 1-4 PM ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3.  Teams of adults and youth will go door to door to collect food.  Please meet at the Seminary at 12:45 PM.  If you can help, PLEASE contact Christine Garton.


THANK YOU to our October 2nd-5th grade Sunday School teachers Debbie DeGennaro, Greg Hughes, Michael Hughes, and Christine Garton. 









Keep these friends in your prayers:

Stacey Winn, Becky Bee, Joyce Trump, WW Ridenour, Helen Martin, Cathy Fey, Marilyn Rettig, Brian Hitsman, Dick Jellison and Joyce Weber.






We welcome our new alto, Joy Chen, to the choir.


Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and a song of praise is fitting.  Psalm 147:1ESV.




Thank you and thank you again to Carol Burkholder and Paula Foltz for staffing the office while Elaine was on sick leave.








Angel Report: Angels received 16 cards, 5 calls, 21 visits and 8 ides/errands.

Kindness fund: cheered 11 people with fresh flowers or balloons.  Prayer Shawls: We wrapped 4 friends in prayer shawls.

Special Projects:  Two children needing warm winter coats, hats and gloves received them from the Deacons.





Shoppers for the Oxford Community Choice Pantry bought tuna, shampoo, and body wash.  They had a purchase value of $162, but guess what, they spent only $147 because of clever coupon use.  Deacons shop for the pantry each month, aiming to spend $150.



Do you know someone who needs a Prayer Shawl? We have all shapes, sizes and colors available.  If you have a friend or relative to whom you would like to give a Prayer Shawl, please call Sue Skillings 523-3120.






Oxford Presbyterian Church Women 





will meet at 1:30 p.m., Nov. 19 in the Country Kitchen of the Knolls of Oxford. Becky Quay will lead the lesson, Jean Butterfield will do the Mission Yearbook reading and Sarah Soika will share the Least Coin reading. Members of the Circle are invited to eat lunch together at the Knolls. Please call Lawretta Clum to make a reservation. The cost is $6. 

There is no meeting in December. 




meets at 7:30pm on November 5 at the home of Vi Suit.  Co-hostess is Connie Everhart, Karen Simpson will lead devotions and Janet Holmes will do the program.



I was looking at our bulletin board. We get thank you notes for our donations which came from our 2012 Fund Raising efforts and I want to share 3 of them with you:

  • We support the Family Resource Center to which we gave $335.00. The donation went to help programs that help families in their efforts to achieve self-sufficiency. Included in this is emergency assistance with rent and utilities which served 336 families in the Talawanda School District. Diane Ruther-Vierling, Executive Director.
  • We gave $180 to Oxford Seniors which was deposited into the Transportation account. Joan Potter-Sommer, Executive Director.
  • One Way Farm received $300, which helped bring extras to the children living there. Barbara Condo, Executive Director/Founder.

    And I'd like to say Thank You to all those who contributed to this year's Birthday Offering. Your response to the plea amounted to $1,187.00! Together we can make a difference.


    Karen Simpson, Coordinator of Studies and Mission Interpretation.





    Church Women United in Oxford will be celebrating World Community Day on Sunday, November 3, starting at 2 p.m., in the Oxford United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. Need a ride? Contact Karen Simpson, 523-8363.





    The 2013 Fall Women's Rummage Sale Oct. 17-19 has a preliminary total of $2012.88.  Thank you to the congregation for making this generous number possible. All the proceeds go to local, national and international missions. 

    Special Kudos to Co-chairs Ginny Staberg and Barbara Mecklenborg. You made it happen.


    Our thanks go to all:

                    The Sorters

                    The Donors

                    The Set-Up Crew

                    The Shoppers

                    The Clean-Up Crew


    A special thanks to Marty Miller for taking charge of the boxes and helping folks carry their donations and to Dave Butcher and his neighbor Bill Long for delivering the remainders of the sale to the Oxford Resource Center.  Also thanks to Nancy Moeckel for taking charge of publicity, Janet Ziegler for handling the money, and Susan King for chairing the Boutique. Members of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity assisted with set-up and tear-down.  Their help was greatly appreciated. 


    Our appreciation of your donations of time and effort and good cheer go to the workers:

    Carol Burkholder, Diane Young, Margaret Butcher, Susan King,

    Leanne Staley, Joe Simpson, Karen Simpson, Robert Simpson, Becky Quay, Jack Staberg, Jane Jackson, Sue Wilson, Paula Foltz, Dave Wilson, Jane Baer, Pris Berry, Janet Holmes,

    Grady Holmes, Lucy Soika, Nick Soika, Sarah Soika, Lawretta Clum, Marilyn Curry, Judy Herold, Ann Hardy, Betty Reinhart, Jan Reinhart, Jo Reinhart, Sue Siegel, Carol Flee, Sue Skillings, Lynn Cronk, Brad Cronk, Nancy Sturgeon,


    Thank you and Thanks be to God!  The Women's Rummage Sale has been operating now for over 110 years!!!

    If your name was inadvertently let off this list, please let us know so that we can properly thank you.





    Most children in foster care carry their belongings in black garbage bags. Each child averages 4 moves while in foster care.  We contacted Butler County Children's Services in Hamilton and they were thrilled to receive as many suitcases as we could donate.  What a joy it was to connect suitcases to these children.  Thank you to everyone who donated a suitcase, backpack, or carryon size piece of luggage.  These items went straight to mission!



    Suitcases For Kids (www.suitcasesforkids.org) is an international nonprofit organization with chapters in every state as well as nine foreign countries.  It was started 6 years ago by a 10 year old.





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Dear Member of the Oxford Presbyterian Church,


Based on a number of measures, last year's stewardship campaign format worked well.  We intend to follow the same process this year. We want to complete the fall campaign BEFORE the 2014 budget is required so that we have an accurate income estimate. Without a good estimate, it is difficult to draft a realistic budget.

In a separate letter, you will receive a letter similar to this one plus a pledge card and a return envelope.   Members of the congregation are asked to pledge by November 8.  On Sunday afternoon, November 10, a team of Church volunteers will attempt to facilitate the completion of the pledging process by visiting members who have not yet responded.

We have a good Church blessed with talented leadership and a caring community of believers.  We ask that you reflect on what the Church means to you as you determine your pledge amount for 2014.  Please consider increasing your pledge in order to support the vital ministries of our church.  We want to maintain Oxford Presbyterian's presence in our community as a welcoming, caring and prayerful congregation who give of themselves for others in Christ's name.


As always, the amount you pledge is confidential - that amount should represent your best estimate of what you can and will contribute to the Church during 2014.  As 2014 progresses, your pledge may be modified as needed to accommodate 

changed circumstances.  Please return your signed pledge card in the addressed envelope by November 8th.  You may also place the sealed envelope in the locked mailbox of our financial secretary (Jean Hitsman) at the church.

Thank you for being part of this Church,



The Stewardship Committee

Brent Bader, John Curry, Rich Drewes, Steve Flee, Katie Payne, Trevor Richmond, and Charles Teckman plus ex officio members Mark Barnes and Jean Hitsman





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First Friday Niters will NOT meet in November.




Tom Holmes and John Curry

Members of the



As many of you know, the Seminary Building is beginning to show its age.  There are significant structural and internal condition issues.  The second floor has been closed to use for some time now.  The stained glass windows need attention soon.  Old carpeting, lack of air conditioning and moisture issues impact our safe use of the building.  As a congregation, we need to decide whether or not the Seminary will be part of the long-range facility plan for our church.  As a first step in this process, the Session has appointed the "Seminary Options Team."   The Team is exploring and gathering information on as many options as possible, including cost ranges for each option and the impact each option might have on our programming and mission.  This information will then be used by you, the congregation, as a basis from which to offer further input, other options and ideas, and feedback.  With your input, the Team will report back to Session, with a recommendation, so that the Facilities Go Team can proceed with the overall Facilities Planning project.

Please watch the bulletin, newsletter, and website for progress reports and requests for your response, input and feedback. At any time, feel free to contact Team members with your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas.  Their names and contact information are on the back of this note.

The future of the Seminary is an important decision and needs YOUR 



Seminary Options Team Members


  • Rich Drewes (chair) 664-6919 drewesra@gmail.com
  • Brad Cronk      524-8574  bcronk@woh.rr.com
  • John Curry      523-3598   jcurry1@woh.rr.com
  • Steve Flee       523-4037   sflee@woh.rr.com
  • Pat Gifford      523-2227   gifforp@miamioh.edu
  • Tom Holmes    523-3857  holmest2@frontier.com
  • Mary Lee Keebler      524-7464   keeblerml@miamioh.edu
  • Nancy Moeckel 523-6003  moeckej@miamioh.edu
  • Tom Poetter   664-8226   poettets@miamioh.edu
  • Joe Simpson    523-8363   simpsojc@miamioh.edu
  • Barbara Barnes 523-6364 bbarnes@oxfordpresbychurch.org
  • Mark Barnes    523-6364  mbarnes@oxfordpresbychurch.org


FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ANY MEMBER with your comments, questions, concerns, ideas and support.  








A hymn festival, designed by organist Lynn Jacobs, exploring and celebrating the wonder of music in our faith, will be the highlight ofthe worship service on November 17, 2013. There will be three main areas of focus -


  • the POWER of music in our faith,
  • the COMFORT of music in our faith,
  • the JOY of music in our faith. 

Each part of the service will include congregational hymns, scripture and inspirational readings, choral anthems, instrumental music and hand bells.


Instrumentalists include: Stephen Lytle and Tyler Graves, trumpet; Greg Phillips, horn; Darren Ling, trombone; Alex Stahl, tuba; William Albin, timpani; Emma Hamlet, flute;  Doug Hamilton, violin; Janice Murray, piano.  Doug and Joan Hoover will be soloists in the anthem, "Neither Death Nor Life". 

 This hymn festival is made possible by the generous support of anonymous donors to the church





Would you enjoy a time of refreshment and re-creation for your body, mind and spirit?  Would you enjoy having fun with others in your church family? Come to the church retreat led by a wonderful nationally-known leader, Dr. Nancy Copeland-Payton of Sand Point, Idaho.  She's a physician, minister, author, and spiritual director. It's in a beautiful facility 45 minutes away in Glendale, north of Cincinnati, with private single rooms with private baths and lovely spaces both inside and on the grounds.  Ample scholarship help is available; just talk to Mark or Barbara.  There is an option just to come for the day Saturday (from 9 a.m. top 4 p.m.). See the brochure here for more information and a registration form and register soon!  The retreat center needs to know the number of participants soon.  Thanks!







The call has gone out and bakers, crafters and cookie elves are busy making preparations for the Oxford Presbyterian Women's annual Cookie Walk. On Saturday, December 7 at the Seminary Building, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., holiday cookies, candy, crafts and Christmas treasures will be available for sale. Proceeds from the sales benefit OPW mission projects.


Anyone wishing to volunteer for elf duty as bakers, workers or crafters for the event can so indicate on the Cookie Walk forms located in the November Sunday bulletins and available online here. In addition to the sale day, volunteers will be needed on Friday, December 6, to assist with set-up and receipt of cookies For additional information or questions, please contact Connie Everhart at 523-4120 or Diane Young at 255-6051 or cyoung9999@yahoo.com.


Packaging suggestions:

  • A dozen items on a pretty paper plate, placed inside a zip lock plastic bag
  • Place your treats in a holiday tin
  • Use gift bags with cellphane "window panes"

Please LABEL your treats and cookies:

For example:  Chocolate chip cookies with pecans.


Attach a recipe card, if possible.



To the Seminary on

  • Friday, Dec. 6, any time between 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. or
  • Saturday. Dec. 7, by 9 a.m. or
  • To the church office on Friday, Dec. 6, between 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

Or call Connie Everhart at523-4120 or Diane Young at 255-6051 for home pick-up




OPW Cookie Walk

December 7, 2013

9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

The Seminary Building







     This will be the third year that members of OPC have helped decorate the Hatton Center at Safe Haven Farms for Christmas.  Safe Haven is a residential home for autistic adults in Butler County located in a peaceful, rural setting about an hour east of Oxford. Decorations are stored on site, many of which were donated by people in our congregation.  All that is needed are fresh greens, willing workers and a big heart.  If there are folks who would like to contribute, financially, to the annual Christmas party at the farm, it would be much appreciated. (Checks made out to Safe Haven Farms Inc.)

  • Date:  Sunday, December 8, 2013
  • Leave Oxford at 1:30 p.m. from the church
  • Car pooling will be available
  • Directions will be provided by Dave and Sue Wilson
  • Time spent:  about two hours, however any time you can spend will be welcome


If you are interested in spreading the Christmas Spirit in a place where it is sincerely appreciated please contact




Come and join us on Nov. 12 & 26!

  • What? - Presbyterian Church services on DVD
  • Where? - In the Country Kitchen at The Knolls
  • When? - At 10:00 A.M.
  • Why? - For fun & fellowship!

Thanks! Becky! 





Hello everyone, I wish I could greet all of you, but my rare visits to Oxford have not been long enough or on Sunday.  I miss seeing my friends there and certainly miss the church.  Best wishes for the Fall Season


Help spread the news-share what's happening with you and your family by sending info to Nancy Moeckel, your newsletter editor.  (moeckenj@miamioh.edu)


Deadline for the December Newsletter is November 20, 2012






Annual Holiday Craft Fair

Talawanda Band Boosters


Oxford Holiday Festival Winter Arts and Craft Show

Date: Saturday, December 7, 2013 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Location: Oxford Community Arts Center




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November Birthdays





1       Joyce Weber

2       James Baer

2       Timothy Jackson

3       Chuck Crain

3       James Thomas

4       Jonathan Feazell

5       Kathy Angi (missionary)

5       Herb Preston

5       Matt Todd

6       Ken Bogard

6       Kent Peterson

7       Rich Drewes

9       Johanna Reinhart

9       Larry Johnson

10     Randy Listerman

10     Carol Richmond

10     Kelsey Listerman

11     Nancy Nisbet

13     Pete Roberts

15     Kara Marado

15     Mike Handy

15     Chase Walter

16     John Curry, Sr.

16     Scott Shriver

18     Mary Jo McFadden

23     Roger Gates

23     Russell Logsdon

24     David Feazell

24     Alex Logsdon

25     Vicki Shriver

26     Betty Barnhart

26     Mary Dodd Hunter

27     Barbara Skipper

29     Karolin Ginting


November Neatos for our Scorpios and Sagittariuses



November happens to be:

Tobacco Awareness Month

NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month

National Beard Month

Diabetes Awareness Month

National Native American and Native Alaskan Month


November 3rd is Clich� Day (but a little bird told me it's a good rule of thumb to avoid clich�s like the plaque.)


Daylight savings time ends at 2:00 AM on Sunday, November 3 (better late than never)


Around November 17, the Leonids meteor shower reaches its peak


On November 2, 1889, North Dakota became the 39th state of the United States.

On November 2, 1889, South Dakota became the 40th state of the United States.


International Tongue Twister Day: November 10

The trickiest tongue twister in the English language is apparently "Sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick". Give it a try and thee for yourthelf.


According to legend, the wider  that middle brown section of a wooly  bear caterpillar is (i.e., the more brown segments there are), the milder the coming winter will be. Conversely, a narrow brown band is said to predict a harsh winter.




Fibonnaci day is November 23.


The international space station travels about 32, 500 km/hour, allowing the crew to see a sunrise or sunset about every 45 minutes.


The low frequency call of the humpback whale is the loudest noise made by a living creature.


Mosquitoes have killed more humans than all the wars in history.


Question of the Month: 

What is the last word in the Bible?

As always, find the answer somewhere in the newsletter.







From Our Pastors 
Full Article




It's stewardship season!  Sunday, November 10, is Pledge Dedication Day for our 2014 pledges.  Please see the separate article by the Stewardship and Finance Committee for details about this year's program. 

            As we think prayerfully about what we will give to the work of our congregation for next year, please consider four principles for giving that come from the scripture.  Dr. Albert Winn has called them "deeply embedded principles" of Christian giving.  Recommended by the Apostle Paul in First and Second Corinthians, they are regularity, proportionality, priority, and risk.  These principles are a guide for making our financial giving a spiritual practice related to our commitment to Christ.  


Giving regularly whether it's weekly, monthly, or annually is a way of being mindful in our giving.  It's an acknowledgment that both our need to give and the needs of the church and other charities go on week by week, month by month.  Giving regularly also helps express our gratitude for God's love for us which is always faithful and constant.


Giving proportionally is another way to be intentional in our giving.  A tithe (10%) was the ancient biblical norm and it's a good place to start.   But there's more to tithing than the number 10. For some 10% is not possible while others who have greater resources may feel that 10% is too small a challenge.   The important question is:  What proportion of our total resources would be a gift that demonstrates clearly our gratitude to God for all the gifts of life and especially the greatest gift of Jesus Christ our Savior?


Giving as a matter of priority means putting our giving to church and other charities first.  We're sometimes tempted to wait until other expenses are taken care of but making our giving a top priority is one concrete way we can put God first, as the old prayer goes,  "not only with our lips but with our lives". 


Giving as risk is part of the Christian practice of giving.  We commit to give an amount challenging enough to make us reorganize other priorities.  What is it that we really need as opposed to those things we may want but really don't need that much in view of God's call for us to build up loving community and serve the needs of others? What might we give away that will be a fitting sign of our awe and gratitude for the risk God has taken for us in becoming flesh in Jesus and through him giving such a sacrificial, extravagant gift of love to the world? 


Let's reflect on these deeply embedded scriptural principles as we decide what we will give in 2014.  God has richly blessed us with a wonderful church in which we may enjoy and support each other in our mission of "seeking God, serving others, and sharing the good news of Christ will all".   May God help us through our gifts to pass on the blessing we have received for the life of the world.


Mark and Barbara Barnes, Co-Pastors 







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Christian Education Full Article 




ADULT VOLUNTEERS AND DRIVERS ARE NEEDED FOR THE KIWANIS FOOD DRIVE FROM 1-4 PM ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3.  Teams of adults and youth will go door to door to collect food.  Please meet at the Seminary at 12:45 PM.  If you can help, PLEASE contact Christine Garton.


THANK YOU to our October 2nd-5th grade Sunday School teachers Debbie DeGennaro, Greg Hughes, Michael Hughes, and Christine Garton. 


THANK YOU to the members of Alpha Phi Omega who helped clean out and organize the Supply Room on Saturday, Sept. 28.  Allyson Lucas, Beth Fricke, Caitlin Duff, and Alyssa Goss, we appreciate you spending your Saturday morning helping our church!




THANK YOU to everyone who purchased a church t-shirt to support our 2014 Youth Mission Trip to New Jersey!  Watch the bulletin to find out how many shirts were ordered and how much was made.   


HELP!!!  SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS NEEDED for the 2nd-5th grade workshop rotation classes.  Teachers commit to teaching one workshop for 2 Sundays in a 3-Sunday block.  If you are willing to teach Sunday School, please contact a member of the Christian Education Committee or Christine Garton ASAP. 





Please look at the 2 December activity announcements under Family News to find an invitation to the Advent Workshop and Christmas Caroling.  These events are open to EVERYONE in our congregation. 






Our youth interns will lead youth group meetings.  Lunch will be provided, and monetary donations toward lunch are greatly appreciated!  Meetings end @ 12:15 PM.


NO YOUTH GROUP MEETINGS on December 1 due to Thanksgiving Break.


NOVEMBER MONTHLY YOUTH OUTING for grades 6-12 will be the Kiwanis Food Drive on Sunday, November 3.  Youth are needed to help collect food door to door from 1-4 PM.  Please meet at the Seminary at 12:45 PM.  If you can help, PLEASE contact Christine Garton.  Thanks!  


ALL 6TH-12TH GRADERS ARE INVITED TO OUR YOUTH CHRISTMAS PARTY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8 @ 11:15 AM IN THE YOUTH ROOM.  Come decorate cookies, play games, and wish the interns well on their exams!  Friends are welcome to this party, which will end @ 12:15 PM. 


2014 YOUTH MISSION TRIP is heading to the Jersey Shore!  Trip dates are June 5-15, 2014 and the cost is $600 per person (we have to raise money for the van rentals, gas, and adult chaperones as well).  We are working with a group called TEAMeffort to repair and rebuild homes that were damaged during Hurricane Sandy.  Our work site will be Union Beach, New Jersey, where over 85% of the homes were damaged or destroyed during the storm.  We will have a tourist day in New York City and a beach day at the Jersey Shore.  If time and money permit, we may also take a trip to Six Flags theme park.  Youth, if you are interested in this trip, please contact Christine Garton.  A $50 deposit will hold your spot.  We will start doing fundraisers this fall.    




ADVENT WORKSHOP will be held on Sunday, December 8 immediately following worship.  The workshop will consist of self-led stations that individuals and families can participate in at their own pace.  The workshop will be set up in the Molyneaux Lounge. 

CHRISTMAS CAROLING at the Knolls for families and youth will take place on Sunday, December 22.  Watch next month's newsletter for times.




All college students are invited to our study of Engage: Gospel Fridays @ 4:30 PM @ the Campus Ministry Center, located @ 16 S. Campus Ave.  The last meeting takes place on Nov. 15.  Engage is a 6-week small group study about faith sharing.  We will look at our own faith journey and explore how it fits into the larger picture of the gospel. If you would like more information or need a ride, please contact Christine Garton.  Thanks!




ADULTS, COLLEGE STUDENTS & HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH are invited to our next study called Enough.  It is a DVD-based study that invites us to rediscover the Bible's wisdom on prudent financial practices.  This study is endorsed by Dave Ramsey, famed Christian finance expert.  Enough started October 27 but you can still attend! The study will run for 5 weeks.  All participants will meet together at 11:20 AM in the Molyneaux Library to watch the DVD, and then split into small groups for discussion.  Study will take roughly 1 hour each week.  Please sign up on the sheet in the Molyneaux Library or on the church secretary's door, or contact Christine Garton to sign up.  IF YOU NEED CHILDCARE SO YOU MAY ATTEND THIS STUDY, PLEASE CONTACT CHRISTINE GARTON.  


ADVENT STUDY @ The Knolls will be held from 2-3 PM each Monday in December through Dec. 23.  All adults are invited.  Watch the bulletin for more information about the study.  


AMAZING GRACE: Hymn Stories for Devotions is the 3-week study meeting @ The Knolls Country Kitchen Nov. 11, 18 & 25 from 2-3 PM.  The group will hear a devotion about a particular hymn, have a time of prayer and group sharing, and talk about our favorite hymns.  Everyone is invited! 


kidscornerKids Corner

We have started a new feature in our newsletter called the Kids Corner.  Each month during the school year the Kids Corner will feature a character or place from the Bible and a trivia question.  You are encouraged to read the story along with your child or grandchild and discuss!  Any child who can tell Christine Garton the answer to the trivia question will receive a piece of candy.  Come by Christine's office or find her on Sunday morning to answer the trivia question.



         Solomon's name means "peace."  He can be found in the Bible in

2 Samuel 5:14.  Solomon lived in Israel 3,000 years ago.  Solomon's mother was famous: Bathsheba.  King David had killed her husband and married her.  Solomon's brother tried to steal Solomon's job as king, so Solomon killed him.   

         Even the smartest people sometimes do the dumbest things.  Solomon is proof.  He wasn't just smart.  The Bible says he was the wisest king who ever lived-or ever would live.  But as smart as he was, Solomon was still dumb enough to bring fake gods to Israel.

         Who would have guessed?  He was the son of David, a respected king who loved God.  When Solomon became king, he didn't ask God for money.  And he didn't ask for fame.  He asked God to make him wise because he wanted to be a good king. 

         God said that was a great request.  It showed Solomon cared about others.  So God promised to give Solomon more than wisdom.  He gave the new king money and fame, too. 

         In all of Israel's 3,000 years, the country was biggest and richest when Solomon was king.  Solomon's father, David, had defeated the country's enemies.  So Solomon didn't have to fight wars.  He could do other things.  He built walls around many cities to protect them.  He also built palaces and the first Jewish temple.  But Solomon made a big mistake.  It happened after he married 1,000 women.  Back then, kings married relatives of other kings.  This helped make sure the kings would not go to war against each other.  But some of Solomon's wives worshiped idols instead of God. 
         They got Solomon to worship these false gods, too.  It's sad, but the wisest king in history died worshiping fake gods. 


*Taken from Who's Who & Where's Where in the Bible for Kids by Stephen Miller. 


TRIVIA QUESTION: How many wives did King Solomon have?  1,000!


wordsearchFind the Word Search Puzzle about Solomon by clicking here.  



You can help the 2014 Youth Mission Trip for FREE!!!  We have an account on www.iGive.com that receives a percentage of your online shopping dollars if you register 

with iGive for free.  You can download the iGive shopping button at http://www.iGive.com/button and then...shop!  Giving is automated and there is NO additional cost to your online order.  When you sign up, please choose "Oxford Presbyterian Church (Ohio) Youth Mission Trip" as your cause.  




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Newsletter Editor                            Church Office
Nancy Moeckel                               Elaine Patterson
moeckenj@miamioh.edu                  office@oxfordpresbychurch.org
523-6003                                        523-6364                               
We welcome your feedback on the newsletter.   Please let us know what you think of this online version of the newsletter.  What would work better, what does not work at all, what do you like?