

Event on the Plaza

May 30, 2015





Strawberry Moon Sponsors will be named on all party-related materials (invitation, website, program, signage), our monthly newsletter, and listed on our website.


Thank you for making our soir�e a success!



Chocolate Covered Strawberry Donor:       $10,000

Your logo on Netiya website for 12 months; invitation for four for Supper Club dinner; two-hour garden consultation with Master Gardener and Netiya Executive Director Devorah Brous; 20 complimentary event tickets.


Strawberry Shortcake Donor                       $5,000

Your logo on Netiya website for 9 months; invitation for two for Supper Club dinner; complimentary event tickets.


Wild Strawberry Donor:                               $2,500

Your logo on Netiya website for six months; five complimentary event tickets.


Strawberry Ice Cream Donor:                     $1,000

Your logo on Netiya website for three months; four complimentary event tickets.


Strawberry Preserves Donor:                      $500

Your logo on Netiya website for one month; two complimentary event tickets.


Wood Strawberry Donor:                             $250

One ticket and recognition on all party-related materials (invitation, website, program, signage), our monthly newsletter, and our website.


Strawberry Fresh from the Vine:               $125

This category supports purchase of tickets for our all-star Netiya interns and volunteers.