Working with Diverse Communities Update
Greetings from JSI!

Over the past few months, we have been working with two grantees to conduct Root Cause Analysis (RCA) as a means for engaging with new community partners, and building a broader, more diverse local constituency for teen pregnancy prevention. In addition, we are writing case studies to capture ways grantees have used the RCA process in their communities. Please contact us if you have a story to share!

If you are interested in technical assistance related to conducting a Root Cause Analysis, or doing follow-up planning for one you have already done,
please contact JSI.

An overview of the RCA process is provided in our tool, Conducting a Root Cause Analysis and Action Planning Process.
For more tools and resources on working with diverse communities,
visit our website.

To offer feedback or suggestions, please contact us at

This update is published by JSI Research & Training Institute's Working with Diverse Communities Component, part of the Teenage Pregnancy Prevention: Integrating Services, Programs, and Strategies Through Community-wide Initiatives project, funded by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health (OASH), Office of Adolescent Health (OAH)/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the President's Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative (TPPI).