bulletin and announcements)
3rd Sunday after Pentecost
Discerning God's Direction
Rev. Dr. Marg Kutz
Psalm 32:8-9
9:00 & 10:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:00-10:30 AM
Fellowship Hall
Remember: The FIT 4 FAITH Sunday School class
will be in the Sanctuary this Sunday at 9AM.
Join us as we recognize the rising 5th graders and other graduates.
BUILDING CLOSER NEEDED - We need someone to lock up the building after church on the Sundays in July. Could you help? If so, please contact Ben Handzel or sign-up on the bulletin board in the reception hallway.
JUNE COMMUNION OFFERING - The Missions Committee has designated the June Communion Offering to go towards supporting the mission work of Presbytery of the James
(POJ) missionary to Haiti, Cindy Corell. You are invited to support Cindy and her mission work in Haiti throughout the month of June by using your Communion Offering envelope. You may also write a check or donate online with "Corell" entered in the designated memo area. To read about Presbytery Missions and to learn more about Cindy, visit the POJ website (www.presbyteryofthejames.com), and from the homepage, you may access her bio and follow her mission blog.
The 2016 Annual Conference offering goal is $150,000 to support both local and international needs. Please read below for more information. Special Offering envelopes will be available in the pew pads for the next two Sundays. Donations may also be made online or checks may be mailed to the church, to be received by June 14th. Please note Annual Conference in the designated memo area. Pastor Marg will take this offering with her when the annual conference is held later this month.
The church plays in a mildly competitive co-ed softball league on Friday nights. Our next game is June 3rd at 8:30PM at Ironbridge Park, field #6.
If you re interested in participating, please contact Jeff Branyon at
June 6
June 7
Robert Anderson, Christine Most, Helen Winn
June 8
Davis Xuan-Nghiem, Gail Plante, Kevin Rackley, Bob Rainey
June 9 Bob Tucker
Jennifer Booker, Angie Branyon, Stacey LaRiviere, Khaki LaRiviere, Betsy McElfresh,
Lora Williams
Craik Goodspeed, Georgie Thompson, Kathy Vaughan

SPEAKER'S BREAKFAST - The next Speaker's Breakfast will be Saturday, June 11th at 8 AM in the multi-purpose room. Our speakers will be Tom Byer and Greg Jastrzemski of Byer Kleinschuster Wealth Management Group with UBS. They will provide insightful information about finances, retirement, and the market with respect to the current economic and political environments. All men and women are welcome! You may sign up by calling or emailing Dawn.
Are you thinking about helping with children's Sunday School? Or perhaps with Youth Sunday School? VBS? The JP mission trip?
If so, please remember that your Safe Sanctuary Training must be up-to-date. Tammy and Ashley will be talking with you soon to update you on your status. Lots of people will need to renew their training.
Check your calendars now and save the date!
Safe Sanctuary Training will be held at 11:45AM on two Sundays this month: June 5th and June 19th. Please sign-up with Tammy and get your paperwork in advance.
Join us as we continue a six-week study of Tony Evans' "Kingdom Agenda" using his book and videos. We meet in the MPR classroom at 8AM on Wednesday mornings. It is a great time to join our group of laid-back Bible studiers.
Continuing through August, join us for this adult Sunday School class as we read and discuss one chapter of Bill Hybels' classic book each week. The class will focus on practical ideas for slowing down to be with God. For more information, contact Linda Saunders or by phone at 804-501-8868.
This 34-week in-depth study of the Bible is one of the most popular and significant programs the United Methodist Church has offered in its long history. Thousands of people have taken it, including many in this church. Classes continue on Thursdays at 7:00 PM. Contact Pastor Marg for more information.
Sunday's May 8 - June 19 at 9AM. A new intergenerational Sunday School class, developed by Steve Begg and Dave Daniels. Watch clips from the move and discuss themes from Star Wars, such as temptation, good and evil, life after death and the force vs. the Holy Spirit. Then we'll examine what the Bible has to say on these topics. Designed for middle school students on up.
This intergenerational Sunday School class, meeting in the Fellowship Hall Sundays at 9AM, continues with a focus on Neighbors. Come and experience the grace of Christ, love of God and fellowship of the Holy Spirit! More information is available from Pastor Ed.
We would like to acknowledge and thank the following people for their tireless efforts in bringing relevant and meaningful Sunday School classes to us all year long! A big thank you to all who have volunteered to deepen the faith journey of those here at the Brandermill Church!
Adult Sunday School:
Greg Allen, Steve Begg, John Petty,
Linda Saunders, Dorothy Werkmeister
Youth Sunday School:
Dave Daniels, Steve Begg
Children's Sunday School:
Jennifer Booker, Kelly Dodgen, Mary Helen King, Eric King, Tom Mullen, Liz Ford,
Lisa Kohan, Melissa Findlay, Anne Handzel, Anna Ramirez, Amy Dyer Barbour,
Sharon Mann, Cameron Mann, Mary Grace Mann, Heather Nghiem, Tami Hawkes,
Stacey Barrack, Emily Hubbard, Nan Sweet, Mary Ellen Futrell, Brenda Bartges,
Marissa Mullen, Natalie Mullen, Lindsey Paulette
 Rev. Carson Rhyne has met and will again meet with the Covenant Review Group on Sunday, June 5th after the 2nd service. The next Church Council meeting will be held on Monday, June 13th.
 VBS will be held Sunday, June 19 through Thursday, June 23, from 6-8PM for families and will include a meal at the beginning of each evening. Registration is now open. Forms are available in the entryway literature rack or you may print one here.
The cost is just $5 per family and registration has been extended for this awesome adventure! Forms need to be in to the church office by June 12th!
Tammy Tipton-Nay, Director of Children & Family Ministries, will be leaving the Brandermill Church.
It is with a heavy heart that Tammy has heeded God's call to pursue another opportunity and will be leaving the Brandermill Church family, at the end of June.
Tammy has worked tirelessly as Director of our Children & Family Ministries and she has organized multiple local education and mission outreach programs. Her leadership will be missed.
Please watch the bulletin for further announcements about a farewell reception for Tammy.
I know we all wish Tammy much success in her
new endeavor.
Tom Earle
Chair, Staff Parish Relations Committee
The Brandermill Church
4500 Millridge Parkway
Midlothian, Virginia 23112