
March  2012

In This Issue
Hiring Issues
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 It's Hiring Time Again ... and That's No Joke!


With the recession finally behind us most employers are beginning to take a serious look at bringing new employees on board. But the hiring process can be a comedy of errors if it isn't planned properly. Most hiring managers have some pretty funny stories about the outrageous things that job candidates have said or done. 





 I Don't Understand, I Texted my resume


The Bottom Line on Hiring


Can You Afford to Lose a Good Worker?


Turnover is a fact of life in every organization. But unwanted turnover costs organizations millions of dollars. The price to pay for making a bad hiring decision can run to 1-2 times an employee's annual salary.


For a company with 200 employees, an average annual salary of $50,000, and a 15% turnover rate the cost of turnover could result in costs of between $1,500,000 to $3,000,000 per year! Conversely, reducing turnover by 20% could result in a savings of $300,000 - $600,000 per year.


Triage To Reduce Turnover

There are steps employers can take to make sure they hire the right candidate for the right job. The process includes:

            Understanding Job Requirements

        Employing Innovative Recruiting Techniques

        Conducting "Air-Tight" Interviews

        Verifying Candidates' Backgrounds

        Matching Candidates to the Job You're Filling


In our work we help clients avoid costly turnover by making the right decision... putting the right person in the right position!  


- Dr. Jan Ferri-Reed, President


 Resumes: The Best of the Worst


A hiring manager can get bleary-eyed pouring over a stack of resumes for an open position. But, every once in a while managers spot a resume that elicits a chuckle, if not outright disbelief!, a job search website, conducted a survey of more than 2,600 managers which asked about "the most memorable or unusual r�sum�s" they had seen. Some highlights:

        One candidate was fired from different jobs, but included each one as a reference.

        Another candidate listed her dog as reference.

        One job applicant listed the ability to do the moonwalk as a special skill.

        Then there was the job seeker said that he would be a "good asset to the company," but failed to include the "et" in the word "asset." 

        Another applicant listed an email address that had "shakinmybootie" in it.



For more information about hiring the right person for the right job, please visit, or to schedule your complimentary  Executive Briefing for your team on The Hiring Dilemma - How To Hire Right Every Time and Increase Your Bottom Line, contact Kelly Hanna at 724-942-7900.




The Last Word:

"I am convinced that nothing we do is more important than hiring and developing people. At the end of the day you bet on people, not on strategies."


-- Larry Bossidy, former Chairman and CEO of AlliedSignal Corporation






































































































































































































































































































































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Contact KEYGroup at:   KEYGroup
1800 Sainte Claire Plaza 1121 Boyce Rd. 
Pittsburgh, PA 15241
724-942-7900 (T) 724-942-4648 (F)


All contents copyright 2011 by KEYGroup.Please feel free to distribute this ezine to others in your organization who may be interested.