September 11, 2015
Vol 5, Issue 17
Tom and Julie
March Forth!
Note From Julie and Tom
Hello Family,

Wow! September is here in a whirlwind! Are you feeling it, too? Are there new beginnings for you and your family? Has the dust settled yet?

We have all kinds of opportunities for you to get equipped and empowered to raise that beautiful child that keeps you on edge!

Check it out:

Our Blog this eZine: Letters to Moms and Dads of Complex Children (see below)

Around the world:

EQUIPPING PARENTS - is your child struggling with Reading and Math? Are you looking for laser tips on how to help them? Be sure to check out the program:
6 Quick LESSONS to Teach Your Child
Reading and Math from the Inside/Out
It all starts THIS MONDAY - SEPTEMBER 14TH. Don't miss out! Register today:

ADHD, AUTISM, ASPERGERS - Another Perspective - Check out our very popular no-fee webinar:  Presenting LIVE again on September 23rd.  As always, recording available to those who register. Know other parents whose children have been diagnosed or have similar symptoms? Please invite them to join us, too! We appreciate you helping us get the word out.

Local to Lynchburg, Virginia

Shout out to all who are part of the Homeschool Connecting Place here in our hometown of Lynchburg, VA. Julie is looking forward to sharing with you all tomorrow morning - Friday, September 11, 2015.

If you are somewhat local to Lynchburg, VA and are free on Tuesday, September 15th from 6:30 to 8:30, you may want to consider viewing a DVD by Dr. Karyn Purvis entitled "Children from Hard Places & the Brain". This is a free event due to the generosity of Family Life Services. If you are raising a child who has been in foster care, adopted, or who is biological but has brain injury of any sort, this material from Dr. Purvis is outstanding. For more information:  If you plan to attend, please contact FLS and let them know.

Please know we are here for you!

Much love,
Tom and Julie
Dear Mother of a Complex Child,
By Julie Meekins

Do you feel alone?

When you look around you, you don't see another family like yours, do you?

Are there days that you feel alone because you think no one truly understands your agony, your desires, your intense joys over what others take for granted, your fury and hurt over the way your child gets treated sometimes, your exhaustion, the lengths you go to in order to help others understand your child, or your confusion?

I am here to tell you -I see you. You are not invisible. In fact, you are one of my heroes! You are brilliant. You are capable. You are lovely. You are hard-working. You are persevering. You are super-woman.

Coming Events
September 11 - Friday - 10:00 AM -  Homeschool Connecting Place
here in our hometown of Lynchburg, VA. Julie will be speaking.

September 15 - 6:30 to 8:30 PM - DVD by Dr. Karyn Purvis entitled "Children from Hard Places & the Brain". This is a free event due to the generosity of Family Life Services. If you are raising a child who has been in foster care, adopted, or who is biological but has brain injury of any sort, this material from Dr. Purvis is outstanding. For more information:  If you plan to attend, please contact FLS and let them know.

September 14 - Six Quick LESSONS to Teach Your Child 
Reading and Math from the Inside/Out 
  • Are you ready to delve deeper into your child's struggle with Reading and/or Math?
  • Would you like to solve the problem from the inside out?
  • Would you like to get to the root cause? From a DEVELOPMENTAL point of view?
What you get: Six 20 minute classes will be available starting September 14. Two coaching sessions with Tom and Julie to get specific with applying the classes to your specific child. Your investment, only $149.
For more information and to register, Click Here

September 23 - 1:00 PM -
ADHD, Autism, Aspergers - Another Perspective
Has your child been labeled ADHD? Do you have a diagnosis of Autism or Aspergers?Are you looking for another perspective? Do YOU want to be empowered to do activities and exercises at home with your child that could give him or her more opportunities? Join us for this NO-FEE webinar.
For more information and to register, Click Here 

About Us
As the founders of March Forth Family, LLC, we are devoted to providing hope, encouragement,  education, and empowerment to all parents especially to those who are raising a child who is complex.  We bring our training and experience in neurodevelopmental child development, health coaching, and parenting skills. And as presenters for and the special needs specialists of the National Center for Biblical Parenting we bring heart-based parenting strategies to ALL parents. 

We are parent mentors, authors, and 
motivational speakers. We speak to large and small groups. We would love to connect with you! Let's talk! Send us an email at

Schedule a Get Acquainted Call with us today -- Find more information see our website at:
The outreach of March Forth Family extends worldwide. We work with you online by phone, Skype, and your computer wherever you live.
Forward to a Friend
Please feel free to forward this eZine newsletter to friends, family members or colleagues who might be interested and inspired by it. Thank you!

Tom and Julie are USA Missionaries to Parents through PEF Ministries. Would you consider supporting us with a tax deductible donation at:

Quick Links

Find us on the web:


Have you "Liked" our Facebook page yet? Visit us and "like" us!


Find us on the National Center for Biblical Parenting website:

Parenting Children with Special Needs 


See us on our Nutrition School Blog:


The Mini Documentary VIDEO created by our nutrition school, IIN (9 min):

March Forth Family


Our Services: 
How we can support you:  

Private Coaching: Sign up for a Get Acquainted Call.  Check out our website: Contact us at: or 410-746-9010

Speaking and Teaching: Looking for a Speaker? We love to speak to groups to encourage and empower parents! We do weekend seminars, individual classes and webinars. Contact us for more information at:


Our Books: Check out our book on Amazon, 

Melt the Meltdowns. The booklet form of our very popular talk of the same name. Check it out on Amazon today. Only $11.


Click here



We have written 4 eBooks. Julie's is available on Amazon. It is available for the Kindle for $2.99, Every Mom's Checkist - Five Point Focus. 


Happy Moms Peaceful Homes

Our second eBook is available for no cost on our website. For our current readers of this newsletter, a link is provided HERE to get the PDF version of the book right now! Just click this link to get Happy Moms Peaceful Homes - 3 Tips to Survive Overactive Children. You may also want to save the book to your computer to access at anytime. And be sure to direct your friends to our website to sign up and get their copy! Contact us about receiving our third and forth eBook. We would love to share it with you!


Classes: We teach live online webinars on a regular basis. Stay tuned to these newsletters and the EVENTS tab of our website for dates and times! AND we have recorded online classes for listening. Visit our website and go to the "Our Services" tab. You will also find a list of our services and fees.


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In This Issue
Coming Events
About Us
Our Services