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In This Issue

We are offering Drop-in classes December 14 - 30, 2015.

A 2-hour Restorative Special Focus class is coming up Dec. 28. Registration is required for the Restorative.

The 11-week winter term begins the week of January 4, 2016.
If you haven't enrolled yet, there are still a few openings available.
Call (503)223.8157 to register.
If you are enrolled, you should receive an email confirming your class choice soon.

Join Stuart for his 10th annual Tuscan retreat outside the town of Castelfiorentino.
The dates are May 22 - 29, 2016.

Contact Stuart for details at
The dates for this year's Anatomy Workshop in Portland, OR are August 1 - 5, 2016.

This workshop offers a great way to deepen your practice.

Yoga Alliance credits are available.
San Francisco, CA
January 14 - 18, 2016
Cannon Beach Yoga Festival,
Cannon Beach, OR
February 26 - 28, 2016
Health Advantage Yoga,
Herndon, VA
March 12 - 13, 2016
Sunrise Yoga,
Clemmons, NC
March 19 - 20, 2016
Gudmestad Yoga

Winter Quarterly Newsletter


As I sit down to write, I'm looking back with a smile at the Thanksgiving weekend recently past. As you sit down to read, you're probably looking ahead to a new year, and a new yoga term about to begin. I am still savoring the fragrance of thankfulness from the holiday, and hope that you too have much to be thankful for as you look back at the past year and plan for next.

Studies have shown that you can improve your mood and outlook by taking a few minutes each day to  "count your blessings", or identify the things, people, and experiences you value the most. Being thankful can also help ease depression, which can be a problem during winter here in the Northwest. Additionally, knowing your list can help you make choices that are most likely to lead to your future health and happiness.

As I look back over the past year, I am most thankful for you, our loyal yoga students, and of course our wonderful teachers and staff that keep the studio humming and glowing. And like you, I hope, I treasure the many benefits Yoga brings us, and I look forward to another year of practice with you.

Remember, wherever you are in the world, weaving a little yoga into your day will help you stay more relaxed, focused, and comfortable.

As always, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, feel free to contact us.
Julie Gudmestad
Yoga Tip

One of the many benefits of yoga is flexibility, including the ability to maintain or improve our mobility as the decades of our lives whiz by. Even by middle age, the hips, shoulders, and spine have started to stiffen up and lose normal range of motion. Practicing simple stretches for these joints a few times each week not only helps us enjoy our present activities more, but also helps us maintain our independence and quality of life in later years.
One of our favorite shoulder stretches is practiced simply by lying on the floor with a rolled towel or blanket under the shoulders. The roll provides extra leverage for shoulder opening, so be sure to place it high enough on the upper back, just up to the base of the neck. Keeping your knees bent helps prevent uncomfortable over-arching of the low back. Now, reach your arms straight up to the ceiling, with palms parallel, and then stretch overhead. If your shoulders are tight, or you're recovering from a shoulder injury, place a block or even a chair overhead to support the weight of your arms, in a position where you feel stretch but not pain.

As you settle into the stretch, adjust your hand height on the block or chair so that your elbows are straight. Keep your breathing smooth and steady, and with each exhale, visualize lengthening from your side waist to your fingertips. Over time, you'll be able to move your hands closer to the floor, as illustrated in the photos, which indicates improving shoulder flexibility. One more step toward optimal health and mobility!

If you found this yoga tip informative and yearn for more in-depth articles about anatomy and yoga written by Julie, click here 
200-hour Teacher Training Begins in February

Rachel is the creator of the Lundberg Yoga Teacher Training Program (RYS). She has a comprehensive alignment-based curriculum that qualifies each graduate to receive their 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher certification with Yoga Alliance.

Training teachers is one of Rachel's passions and she feels there is a need for teachers trained in alignment based yoga. This program is designed for those who would like to be teachers as well as anyone who is interested in deepening their yoga practice/understanding.

Rachel is thrilled to be offering her next teacher training at Gudmestad Yoga beginning February, 2016. This training will include specialty classes with the Gudmestad physical therapists as well as additional anatomy training with Julie Gudmestad. Registration is now open. Visit her teacher training website for more info.

An information session is scheduled for Sunday, January 10 from 6:00 - 8:00pm at Gudmestad Yoga.
The New Year is coming!

The solstice is upon us and that means the light will slowly begin to return.

Take time to honor the darkness this holiday season. Take time for you. Make time to rest. And don't forget to celebrate the return of the light!

I hope to see you all here at the studio this winter term.  
Gudmestad Yoga Studio  �  3903 SW Kelly Avenue, Suite 210  �  Portland, OR  97239 

phone: 503 223 8157

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Gudmestad Yoga | 3903 SW Kelly, Suite 210 | Portland | OR | 97239