California Oncology Weekly
"Where California Oncologists Go For Answers!"
A collaborative publication of the
Medical Oncology Association of Southern California, Inc.
and the
Association of Northern California Oncologists, Inc.
August 16, 2016
California  News

- Your ACTION is needed NOW! SB1010 is heading to the Assembly Floor for a vote in the next week or two. As we have been placing in this publication throughout this legislative season, Senate Bill 1010, by Senator Ed Hernandez, could threaten your ability to prescribe to your patients the desired treatments needed to help them. SB 1010 is supposed to be a drug transparency measure, but it only looks at one small component of the healthcare process. It holds prescription drug manufacturers solely responsible for drug pricing by requiring them to notify health plans, insurers, pharmacy benefit managers, regulatory entities and the State Legislature of drug price increases. This call for 'transparency' only looks at one piece of the pie, because many different organizations impact drug pricing, including wholesalers, distributors, health plans and other purchasers.
MOASC has officially come on in opposition to the bill and has done so because the bill could result in: Hoarding of needed treatments for our patients, Barriers to access specific medicines, resulting in delays in treatment or relying on less-optimal medications, Bureaucratic red-tape that doesn't put patients' needs first.
.@MEMBER: Vote #NoOnSB1010, which could impede oncologists' ability to ensure access to appropriate treatments for cancer patients. 
.@MEMBER: Vote #NoOnSB1010, which could create utilization management techniques - hurdles for cancer patients needing treatment.
.@MEMBER: Don't come between the provider and the patient. #NoOnSB1010
.@MEMBER: CA oncologists are opposed to SB 1010 b/c it threatens access to live saving #meds. #NoOnSB1010
Please share this landing page with your friends and colleagues.
If you have any questions, you can contact Erica Root: [email protected]
- The California Medical Association (CMA) has published a MACRA preparation checklist available at CMA's MACRA resource center at
- Blue Shield of California is shutting down for the four days after Labor Day to reduce its payroll-related liabilities, citing losses in California's Covered California, Affordable Care Act, exchange.

Noridian News
- Noridian/JEMAC has posted the following updates to its website (
MLN Connects Provider eNews
Claims, Pricers, and Codes--
ICD-10 GEMS for 2017 Available
*Non Covered Services LCD-R12
* Timely Reporting of Provider Enrollment Information Changes SE1617
* Re-openings Update-Changes to Chapter 34 CR9639
* Medicare B News JE July 2016 Bulletin-Now Available
* Understanding National and Local Coverage Determination Workshop-August 30

- Noridian/JEMAC will soon be deactivating billing privileges for physicians who received revalidation notices from Noridian but have not submitted completed applications to CMS. To prevent deactivation, CMA recommends that practices look up their revalidation dates through the CMS look-up tool. If it shows that your practice missed the deadline, you should submit and sign your application online immediately. Visit for more information. CMA will host a webcast entitled Medicare Provider Enrollment: Strategies for Revalidation, Reporting Changes, and Deactivation on August 17. Contact CMA's member help center at (800) 786-4262 or e-mail [email protected].

DHCS/Medi-Cal News

- DHCS is surveying physicians for feedback on the effectiveness on Medi-Cal's fee-for-service provider relations activities, including the telephone service center; cash control unit, regional reps, publications and provider seminars/trainings. DHCS has not asked for this level of feedback in quite some time and it's critical that physicians that participate in the Medi-Cal fee-for-service program and their staff take the time to participate. DHCS is encouraging administrators/billers/office staff to separately submit their feedback. The survey is estimated to take up to 20 minutes to complete. This may seem a long time to spend providing feedback, but it's YOUR opportunity to be heard. CMA has posted an article on Medi-Cal's Provider Survey and encourages physicians to take the survey, especially those practices that have complained about Medi-Cal in the past. The survey is confidential and anonymous. Thank you!


- Thank you to those who have responded to the MOASC & ANCO 2016 Staff Salary Survey. The purpose of the staff salary survey is to update data relevant to practice expenses in California. This year's survey questionnaire and past survey results can be found at The survey was adopted from The Health Care Group and updated by studying other salary surveys. Please complete the survey and return it to the MOASC office at your earliest convenience, but no later than September 30, 2016. Respondents will be provided with a $50 Visa gift card. Gift cards will be placed in the mail on October 1, 2016. Please contact MOASC if you have any questions at [email protected]
- Mark your calendars, and save the date, for MOASC's Fall Clinical Staff, Billing and Administrator Programs, November 9 and 10, 2016 at Embassy Suites Anaheim-Orange 400 N. State College Blvd., Orange. The Clinical Staff Track & Billing Staff Track will be held on Wednesday, November 9th from 8am - 2pm. The Administrator's Program will be on Thursday, November 10th from 8am - 2pm.
- MOASC and ANCO have partnered with SullivanLuallin Group to offer your practice the opportunity to participate in an Oncology-based Patient Satisfaction Survey. The Survey is designed to assess your organization's performance in key areas associated with the ACO, PQRS and CAPHS Surveys. SullivanLuallin Group's eSurv: Online Patient Satisfaction Survey platform allows you to efficiently and cost-effectively capture how your patients feel about your systems, services, and performance. Download more information and an enrollment form at

Job Board:
A prominent Oncologist-Hematologist is seeking new employment. He has been in private practice for 15 years, currently working for an oncology group but wants to be employed in an environment where he can concentrate on patient care and treatment. He is willing to relocate anywhere in a 50 mile radius of central Orange County, and would consider a long term employment opportunity elsewhere in the state with a successful group. Please direct any information or questions to Charles Denny, Charles Denny Consulting, [email protected], 949-233-8604, regarding CV, references, and any other questions.
A busy Oncology/Hematology practice in west Los Angeles, has an immediate position available for an RN. The candidate must have a minimum of 5 years of experience plus oncology experience. Duties include: Assist RN with injections, IV, chemo. admin., use computer applications to include EMR, take vital signs and enter them immediately into the EMR & on the flow sheet, review current medications and document them, take medical histories, i.e. allergies, report to MD/RN any acute complaints, prepare patients for examinations, assist physician during exams, perform venipuncture, EKGs, assist in preparing flushes, priming saline bags, stock exam rooms & assist with inventory control, maintain cleanliness of exam rooms and infusion room, assist MD/PA in admin. Duties available upon request. Current schedule Monday - Thursday 8:30-5 pm, with possibility of working every other Friday once fully trained. Excellent Pay for the Right Candidate! Please fax resume to (310)272-7822.

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- ANCO is pleased to announce that it will host ASCO Highlights 2016 on August 27 at The Claremont Resort in Oakland. The meeting will summarize the major research and treatment advancements presented at this year's ASCO Annual Meeting. The program will focus on breast, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, gynecologic, and lung cancers as well as hematological malignancies. The meeting was announced in late June; download the meeting announcement and registration form at 

- ANCO and MOASC have partnered with SullivanLuallin Group to offer your practice the opportunity to participate in an Oncology-based Patient Satisfaction Survey. The Survey is designed to assess your organization's performance in key areas associated with the ACO and PQRS CAPHS Surveys. SullivanLuallin  Group's eSurv: Online Patient Satisfaction Survey platform allows you to efficiently and cost-effectively capture how your patients feel about your systems, services, and performance. Download more information and an enrollment form at

- ANCO and MOASC have partnered to conduct a 2016 Staff Salary Survey. The purpose of the Staff Salary Survey is to update data relevant to practice expenses in California. Past ANCO Staff Salary Survey results are reported at The 2016 Staff Salary Survey was distributed to members the week of May 16 and is available online at
Completed Surveys are due no later than September 30 and respondents will be provided with a $50 Visa gift card. Results will be analyzed and reported during 4Q2016.

National News  

- The Community Oncology Alliance (COA) reports that S3211, the Cancer Care Payment Reform Act of 2016, has been introduced and would establish a national Oncology Medical Home (OMH) demonstration project for payment reform under the Medicare program. The purpose of the bill is to change the way Medicare pays for cancer treatment in order to provide well-coordinated, high-quality care that results in lower overall costs to cancer patients and the health care system. It creates a five-year OMH pilot program that will provide practices the option of participating in a model which compares treatment methods and best practices. The goal is to determine what approaches generate the best value and, more importantly, the best outcomes for patients. S3211 complements the Cancer Care Payment Reform Act of 2015 (HR1934) introduced in the House last year.
- The Office of Inspector General (OIG) has a video series called "Eye on Oversight" with a monthly posting which can be viewed for training and education purposes.  Each video highlights an emerging healthcare problem or trend. These issues have a social and financial impact. The program will remain on the site indefinitely. Please contact your IT department to help access and download the videos from YouTube.  Here is a list of some of the topics for 2016 posted thus far to this site: 
- Medicare Part D Fraud [February 2016]
- Dangerous Drugs - Opioids [April 2016]
- Kickbacks to Physicians [May 2016]
- Listen to this week's TRICARE Beneficiary Bulletin #361 for August 12, 2016 podcast to hear about: Health Care Options when Losing TRICARE  and Colon Cancer Screenings.
Visit the TRICARE Media Center for this and previous podcasts at
- Aetna, one of the nation's major insurers, said Monday that it would sharply reduce its participation in the Affordable Care Act's public marketplaces next year. Aetna said it would no longer offer individual insurance products on the exchanges in about two-thirds of the 778 counties where it now provides such coverage. The company will maintain a presence on exchanges in Delaware, Iowa, Nebraska and Virginia. The move also means that at least one Arizona County is at risk of having no insurers offering exchange plans in 2017.

CMS News

- The next CMS Physicians, Nurses & Allied Health Professionals Open Door Forum scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday August 17, 2016 at 11:00 PM Pacific Time (PT);
Please dial-in at least 15 minutes before call start time. Conference Leaders: Marge Watchorn (Center for Medicare) & Dr. William Rogers (Director, PRIT, Office of Communications). Some of the topics to be addressed are: Medicare Care Choices Model, Preparing for EIDM 
The next ODF is scheduled for September 28, 2016.
Open Door Participation Instructions:
This call will be Conference Call Only.
To participate by phone: 1-800-837-1935 & Reference Conference ID: 42616699
Persons participating by phone do not need to RSVP.
For ODF schedule updates and E-Mailing List registration, visit our website at

Affiliate Association News  

- ASCO has scheduled a series of MACRA webinars and workshops and has posted updated resources on how practices can prepare for MACRA. The next MACRA webcast,
Are Your Ready for MACRA? Meaningful Use (Advancing Care Information) and Clinical Practice Improvement Activities is scheduled for August 30. Learn more and register at
- Join Bobbi Buell for a webcast on the Medicare Proposed Rule for 2017 and Other Issues on September 2 (
- Join expert faculty for, "When First-Line Treatment Fails: Navigating New Treatment Paradigms in Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma,"Tuesday, September 20 at The Huntley Hotel, Santa Monica. Lead by Jonathan L. Kaufman, MD, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, and Jatin J. Shah, MD, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, this CE accredited for physicians, nurses and pharmacists, complimentary program, will discuss recent advances in the treatment of relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma and how to navigate current agents to find the right option for your patients. The full details of the program can be found here. This program is supported by educational grants from Amgen Inc., Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, and Takeda Oncology.
- Applications for ASCO's Leadership Development Program are now open and must be received by September 23. To learn more about the Program, please visit
- Oncology Education, alongside EOCI, will be hosting Immuno-Oncology Update that will be held September 23-24, 2016 in Toronto, Ontario. This year's program will cover a variety of important topics examining advances in immuno-oncology and also explore topics that pertain to clinical practice, adverse event management and the pharmacoeconomics of novel therapies. Immuno-Oncology Update+ will draw from among experts in immuno-oncology from across North America. For more information please click here.
- At the MGMA 2016 Annual Conference, Oct. 30 - Nov. 2 in San Francisco, you'll find the best practices, proven strategies and lasting support you need to grow professionally; see and capitalize on opportunities; and, ultimately, lead your practice to even greater success. Click here for the full schedule and session details.
- Join Dr Neil Love and his education group, Research To Practice, at the Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel (1700 Ocean Avenue) on Saturday, November 12, 2016, for another installment of the Year in Review multi-tumor oncology CME program. The daylong event (from 8:00am - 4:00pm) we will be joined by an exceptional faculty panel that will review many of the year's most important new data sets and conference presentations in several distinct areas of oncology: breast cancer, lung cancer, genitourinary cancers, select gastrointestinal cancers, melanoma, multiple myeloma and Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. For more information or to register and secure hotel accommodation, visit:
- ASCO and the Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SOG) have updated guidelines on the role of chemotherapy for advanced ovarian cancer. Read the updated guideline at
- ANCO and MOASC encourage all members to participate in ASCO's Practice Census, the only annual survey of the entire oncology community that aims to capture and describe changes in cancer care and oncology practice over time. Be counted by going to .
- COA has launched a peer-to-peer support network for practices participating in the CMS Oncology Care Model (OCM). The COA OCM support network was created at the request of OCM practices, and nearly 200 individuals from more than 112 cancer care teams have already joined. It is free of charge for all OCM practices to join, completely noncommercial, and practices to no have to be members of COA to participate. The COA OCM support network is focused on helping practices succeed. It is enabling ongoing, private, peer-to-peer knowledge sharing to ease the challenges practices face; hosting monthly calls for participants; developing free tools and resources to help practices deal with IT and other implementation issues; and, working as a unified voice for practices engaged in this effort. If you are interested in joining the support network, e-mail [email protected]

- NCCN has published updates to the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines�) and the NCCN Drugs & Biologics Compendium (NCCN Compendium�) for: breast cancer screening and diagnosis (V1.2016), gastric cancer (V3.2016), lung cancer screening (V1.2017), non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (chemotherapy order templates), small cell lung cancer (V1.2017), testicular cancer (V2.2016), vulvar cancer (chemotherapy order templates). Please visit

Industry News

- Merck informs ANCO and MOASC that the FDA has approved Keytruda for the treatment of patients with recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) with disease progression on or after platinum-containing chemotherapy. They invite ANCO and MOASC members to a national webcast entitled Keytruda: A New Treatment Option for Patients with Previously Treated Recurrent or Metastatic Headand Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Ezra Cohen, MD, University of California, San Diego, Moores Cancer Center. The webcast is scheduled for August 24, 25, and 30; register at or send an e-mail to [email protected] to attend in person.
- Abbvie and Genentech BioOncology invite ANCO and MOASC members to attend a clinical discussion entitled Venclexta (venetoclax) for Treatment of Previously Treated CLL with 17p Deletion with Januario Castro, MD, University of California, San Diego, Moores Cancer Center on Saturday, August 27, in Berkeley. RSVP to Joshua Keough at [email protected] or (650) 867-9361 by August 20.

- Heron Therapeutics informs ANCO and MOASC that the FDA has approved Sustol, a serotonin-3 (5-HT3) receptor antagonist indicated in combination with other antiemetics in adults for the prevention of acute and delayed nausea and vomiting associated with initial and repeat courses of moderately emetogenic chemotherapy (MEC) or anthracycline and cyclophosphamide (AC) combination chemotherapy regimens.

- Merck informs ANCO and MOASC that Emend for oral suspension is now available.
- CORRECTION: Novartisinforms ANCO and MOASC that the FDA has not yet approved Ribociclib. Rather, Novartis CDK4/6 inhibitor LEE011 (ribociclib) received FDA Breakthrough Therapy designation as first-line treatment for HR+/HER2- advanced breast cancer.

In This Issue
LunchTime Series Teleconference/Webinar  
August 31st
October 26th

Oncology Roundtable Teleconference 
September 28th  
November 30th 


ASCO State Affiliate
Meeting in Virginia, VA

October 26th - 28th


Hematological Malignancies Updates
(September 17; Sacramento)
 MGMA 2016 National Conference
 (October 30-November 2; San Francisco)
Hematological Malignancies Updates (November 12; Palo Alto)

The Medical Oncology Association of Southern California(MOASC) is a leading oncology society that advances and protects the ability of cancer patients to obtain, and the ability of the oncology physicians to provide, optimal cancer care. The Association of Northern California Oncologists (ANCO) is an association of hematologists/oncologists dedicated to promoting high professional standards of cancer care by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas, data, and knowledge. The material contained in the California Oncology Weekly is intended as general information for ANCO and MOASC members. Because diagnostic, treatment, contracting, coding, and billing decisions should be made on a case-by-case basis, any such information contained in the California Oncology Weekly may not apply in any given situation. Members are encouraged to contact their own consultants or advisors to obtain specific advice on matters relating to contracting, coding, and billing. The information contained in California Oncology Weekly should not be used as a substitute for such advice. This publication provides a summary of regulations affecting oncology and its business practices. Reading this newsletter does not substitute for understanding regulations and verifying the validity of every claim. This information is time-sensitive and is subject to change. MOASC or ANCO accepts no liability for any statements or articles herein.CPT codes are owned and trademarked by the American Medical Association.  All Rights Reserved.



MOASC: P.O. Box 161, Upland, CA 91785 | P (909) 985-9061 | F (909) 804-5006|

ANCO: P.O. Box 151109, San Rafael, CA 94915 |  P (415) 472-3960 | F (415) 472-3961 |