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20th Anniversary of Premiere on PBS

This week in 1995, Not In Our Town premiered on PBS 

Every year at Hanukkah, Not In Our Town remembers Billings, MT, and the events that inspired our original film - which premiered on national television 20 years ago this week. 

It started with a brick hurled through the bedroom window of a six-year-old Jewish boy, and today it continues as a national movement to curb hate and intolerance, inspired by the courage of residents in Billings. 

Learn more about how one community came together to take a stand here
Action Steps For Responding to Hate 

NIOT offers free films to encourage conversation

While many Americans fear another terror attack, our Muslim, Sikh and immigrant neighbors are vulnerable to the hate and intolerance that are emerging in the aftermath of what happened in Paris and San Bernardino. 

In the face of terrorism, hate, and violence -- we can't let fear divide us. So we've put together a list of ways we can all take inclusive action during this difficult moment, and are offering two of our films - Waking in Oak Creek and Not In Our Town - for free on YouTube, as a way of facilitating these conversations.

Learn more here.
VIDEO: Voices From the Not In Our Town Movement

People everywhere are facing fear, and finding courage.

In communities across the country, individuals are organizing powerful conversations about hate, bias, and bullying - and creating new solutions to help end hate and intolerance. Our new video features these events happening throughout the Not In Our Town network.

Help us continue to support communities who are facing fear and finding courage in the wake of tragedy. Donate today!
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Catch up on the top posts from Not In Our Town's social networks, including stories capturing some inspiring responses to recent hate crimes.