In This Issue


join call
Visit The Fried Side for all your inbound, social media and must-know online info.


Find out more about The Friedman Group, LLC and how we can be of service to you. 

Here is your 9 a.m. Conference Call.

In response to Google's recent Mobilegeddon, we've redesigned this newsletter to be mobile friendly. I'd love to hear about your experience reading this on your smartphone or tablet. 

Like with anything else, there could be a few glitches. But, I can't fix them if I don't hear from you about them. Send me an email and tell me about your experience and the device you used.


Here's your opportunity to take a few minutes to get some information about what The Friedman Group is up to and grab some timely information on the ever-changing digital world.


If that's not enough for you, visit our website and blogfor the most current news about everything social.


Refill your cup of coffee, sit back, and enjoy.


Join Me At The Un-Job Fair On May 30th
Sponsored by Colorado Free University, The Un-Job Fair is the place for small business owners and entrepreneurs to get tips and strategies for business successCheck it out!

I'll be speaking about LinkedIn for Business Owners at 11:35 AM and there are a bunch of great sessions scheduled throughout the day. Hope to see you there!

Un-Job Fair 2015
Jeffco Biz Series
Using Newsletters And Social Media To Boost Your Business

Join me on Thursday, May 28th from 3:00 to 5:00 PM as I conduct a workshop as part of the Jefferson County Business Education Series Training (BEST), sponsored by the Jefferson County Business Resource Center.

I'll be sharing great strategies to help your email and social media efforts be more effective tools to grow your business.  

Lately On: The Fried Side

Small Business Owner's Personal Touch Helps To Compete With The Big Guys 

Fight back with what makes you unique to your customers by reminding them about it - your understanding of their unique needs, and the fact they are people, not accounts. Stress the importance of supporting local business, and practice what you're preaching.  Continue Reading


If You're Buying Fewer Ads You Need To Focus On Your Content

Every few years consumer's tell us they're fed up with digital advertising. It's intrusive, it's offensive, it's spammy. Continue Reading


Be sure to read the other blog posts we've written since our last newsletter!

Schedule Me To Speak
grow your business with email marketing
Does your business or nonprofit want some ideas for growth using email marketing and social media? Do you want to offer a workshop as a perk to your customers, clients or major donors?

Click on the image to the left and schedule a call to chat about a customized presentation to your business or nonprofit. 
Special Offer For You!
When you call to schedule me to present to your business or nonprofit, if you mention you read about it in The Fried Side I will come to the meeting space of your choosing (Denver Metro Area) and give this presentation to your group of 10 or more people for FREE.

Colorado Free University

Brad Friedman Teaching At CFU

Brad Friedman, president of The Friedman Group, LLC is teaching a variety classes at Colorado Free University. Each class is taught several different times throughout the year. Here's the schedule of upcoming classes:

LinkedIn for Business will be taught 5/29/15.

Twitter, Google+ & Instagram will be taught 6/25/15.


If you're in the area and want to register, or just want more information about CFU's other great offerings click HERE.

Don't forget to call me to keynote 
your next corporate lunch or meeting, lead your next workshop, speak to or train your company, office, sales team, group or association. 
Programs and training sessions can be customized to match your theme and outcome of your event. 


When you're ready to take advantage of the power of inbound, social media and email marketing, The Friedman Group, LLC is here to help you start generating leads, referrals and revenue. We'll help you create an inbound, social media and email marketing strategy and then implement your plan, or train you to do it yourself.

Every day you wait to contact The Friedman Group, LLC, your competitors are leaving you further and further behind.  Don't wait any longer:



Bradley A. Friedman, JD

The Friedman Group, LLC Logo