In This Soul Mate Issue
Soul Journeying
Charlotte Brontë on Love
Power Intake Training
Upcoming Courses
Parting Thought
Books On My Table
Inches Aren't Everything
by Sarah B. Daniels
is a fun summer
Kindle read
The Boomers Guide to Dating Again
by Laurie A Helgoe
- for those re-entering the dating scene - a how-to for when you've forgotten how to!

1920 Yonge St.,
Suite #200

Toronto, ON M5S 3E2 

416 - 487 - 3966
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Links You'll Enjoy
The latest info on a soul journey! 
Most of us have too much stuff. For your next birthday,
Interesting point of view... what is happening to our food?
Let's connect!
Not in the Toronto area but you'd like to make an appointment?  
Let's Skype!  

Email to book a time.
Ask Georgina
This month, Georgina answers the question, "How Do I Know If I've Found My Soul Mate?"
  Send us your questions!
These videos are fun, lighthearted and informative.
"When the personality serves the soul there is authentic power." 

-- Gary Zukaw
Attracting Abundance Hypnosis MP3
Souls Mate/Merge
Return Again
July e-newsletter, 2015

"We have come together, you and I, many times before; each bringing to the other the exact and perfect opportunity to express and to experience Who We Really Are."

       -- Neale Donald Walsch


Aaaaahhh soul mates, one of the most misunderstood concepts in spiritual work. My belief is that a soul mate is anyone who enables your soul to evolve and grow - and that includes learning forgiveness, humility as well as love.

One of the first important soul mates I encountered was the publisher of a woman's magazine in England, and I was one of their beauty editors. She pulled me aside one day, and reminded me, "Georgina, you have one brain, and it's a good one... don't addle it!" At the time I was - shall I say - a strong affectionado of Malt Scotch - and hanging out with the other journalists at the press club. I didn't like what she said, but realized later, that she recognized something in me and wanted to be helpful. And she was. My soul mate who reminded me to honour and respect my mind and body.


Think about who has made you think harder, grow stronger, love and laugh louder, listen quieter, and be kinder, first to yourself, and then to others. These people, your soul mates, share in this life and other lifetimes to help you become your magnificent self.  And that's also your soul role for others.  Yes, we are so much more than 

we seem. Soul mates all.







P.S. Bravo!  The U.S. has finally caught up to us and made same sex-marriage legal....and just marriage.  

Soul Journeying: Free, At-Home Hypnosis Solution
Connection with your higher self to meet your guides and other souls you connect with.

By clicking on the image, you will move gently through your subconscious mind into the superconscious and then connect with your higher self. This free 23-minute at-home hypnosis program allows you to meet your guide, the other souls you travel with from lifetime to lifetime, ask questions, and possibly find your own soul name and colour. Often a life changing and enhancing experience, you will receive information you can't ever un-know.  Music composed by Donald Currie.  

Bront� on Love
I have for the first time found what 
I can truly love - I have found you.  You are my sympathy - my better self - my good angel; I am bound 
to you with a strong attachment.  
I think you good, gifted, lovely:  
a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart;  
it leans to you, draws you to my center and spring of life, wraps my existence about you - and, kindling in pure, powerful flame, fuses you and me in one. 
-- Charlotte Bront�, Jane Eyre
Clinical Questioning: a Powerful Intake Protocol to Understand your Client's View of Their World.
Feel more confident helping your clients when you can truly hear what they are saying and see their view of their world!  Imagine feeling that you know your "way in" every time with a client.
  • discover and uncover the real issue
  • assist the client in reaching their own aha moment!
  • tailor your session according to the client's true needs
  • demonstrate the ability to go beyond cookie cutter solutions
  • understand the client's view of their world
  • build ongoing long term clinic relationships with the client

Date:  Saturday, August 15

Location:  Midtown Toronto

Fee:  $150 + HST     


There's Somefish for Everyfish...
Upcoming Courses
We hope you'll consider joining us for one of these life-  and career-affirming courses in the coming year.
Contact us
for more info.

U P C O M I N G    C O U R S E S 
Aug 15 

Aug 28-29 

Nov 7-8 

Aug 30-31 

Oct 22-23 
Downtown Toronto

Sep 17-19 
Downtown Toronto

Oct 16-17 
Oct 24-25
Nov 20-22
Downtown Toronto

Nov 27-28 
Dec 5-6
Dec 9-12 
Downtown Toronto
 Jan 15-16, 2016
Jan 22-24, 2016 
Feb 26-27, 2016  
Downtown Toronto  
Apr 1-2, 2016  
Parting Thoughts...
"Before you find your soul mate, you must
first discover your soul." 
-- Charles F. Glassman
G e o r g i n a    C a n n o n .    C h a n g i n g   m i n d s.
READ: Return Again - Past Life Regression and You
Available on Kindle or paperback at
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