Like us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterView our profile on LinkedIn   December, 2014 e-newsletter    
In This Holiday Issue
Class Photo
Workshop Workbook
Past Life Regression Training in 2015
Gifts of Spirit Marketplace
Your Q, My A
Parting Thought
Books on my table
 Wherever You Go, There You Are by Jon Kabat Zinn 

I wish I'd have said what is in this book - it all makes so much sense! 

1920 Yonge St.,
Suite #200

Toronto, ON M5S 3E2 

416 - 487 - 3966
or click on the icon above.
Links That Make a Difference
What on earth will it take? Thrive.

Gifts of Light at CAMH

How to end child hunger in Canada

Wild animal sanctuary - an overview
Upward Dog
Upward Dog is centred.
Let's connect!
Not in the Toronto area but you'd like to make an appointment? 
Let's Skype! 

Email to book a time.
Shirley MacLaine Chat Room
Please join me on December 14th at 9 p.m. EST (6 p.m.PST)
as I host the Shirley MacLaine Chat Room and we discuss Spirit and Gift of Giving - first to yourself.
On The Red Carpet
At the premiere for
Frank D'Angelo's new movie, "No Deposit"
I made a cameo appearance on a
'news show' interview.

Power Intake Course
Clinical Questioning: a Powerful Intake Protocol to Understand your Client's View of Their World.
Feel more confident helping your clients when you can truly hear what they are saying and see their view of their world!  Imagine feeling that you know your "way in" every time with a client.

Sunday, January 25
Mid-town Toronto

Click here for more info and to register.
We are all connected
"We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically."
A message I received from a client who recently completed a Past Life Regression session:

"Georgina ... I feel re-born. Refreshed and unburdened.

Welcome to the Yurok Tribe, California Redwood Coast.  I found her/me..."
From Gia S. in Toronto

We always love to hear from our friends, colleagues and students!
Shop Online?
If you shop on line, you might want to check this out. Loads of stores including The Apple Store, Walmart, Dyson, Dell, department stores, Indigo, plus hundreds of other vendors.  Have a look and try doesn't cost you anything at all!!
Imagine there's no heaven/It's easy if you try
No hell below us/Above us only sky
Imagine all the people/Living for today...
Imagine there's no countries/It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for/And no religion too
Imagine all the people/Living life in peace...
You may say I'm a dreamer/But I'm not the only one
I know today you'll join us/And the world is all as one
Imagine no possessions/I surely know you can
No need for greed or hunger/A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people/Sharing all the world...
You may say I'm a dreamer/But I'm not the only one
I know today you'll join us/And the world is all as one
Written by John Lennon
Published by The Intenders of the Highest Good;
Vision Alignment Project



Class Photo
GREAT group of folks taking the
Hypnosis Certification class at U of T
Not seen in the picture is Christina... 'cos she took it! 
How to Design and Run Your Own Successful Workshops
 Available now!
Be seen as the expert in your field, make money and have fun doing it! 


I am sure that you have been trained very successfully in your profession or your hobby, but my bet is that you haven't learned the art and science of sharing that information through workshops.


So that's why this book was written.

In the past, while working in the corporate world, I ran hundreds of workshops world-wide and picked up all sorts of tips and hints that aren't normally discussed in teachings about workshops - so I figured it was time!

There's an added benefit to designing and conducting your own workshops:  when they're successful, you'll feel really good!  And whether you're a hobbyist or a business person doing workshops on the side, you'll be making money teaching others what you love.  What could be wrong with that?
Past Life Regression Training in the New Year
This two day course could change your life - also the life of the clients you work with!  Because clients often 'slip into' former lifetimes when regressing to the initial sensitizing event, the professional hypnotist needs to understand how to work in this field in an effective, healing and ethical way.

This is a soul journey process which includes permission to take the journey, forgiveness, healing and wisdom.  You will be learning and practicing almost from the start of the course!

This is a profound learning experience as you are taught how to work with clients to travel through time, safely and ethically to receive the wisdom and learning of other lifetimes.

Dates: January 30 and 31, 2015
Fee: $600 + HST
Location: Central Toronto Area - TBD

Although this workshop is for hypnotists, interested spiritual practitioners (Reiki etc.) are welcome to attend.

Please contact Elle at for more information and to register.
Gifts of Spirit Marketplace

Holiday giving ideas for a healthy & renewed 2015

Past Life Regression by Georgina Cannon
This certificate offers you a 15% discount on an initial counselling session booked before March 31, 2015 - for you - or as a gift to someone else.

Click here to purchase.

Haley Honeybee Finds The Magic Rose
Children's book
by Kathryn Burton
Click here to purchase.
Registered Massage Therapy and Ayurvedic Massage by AntinamA Massage Therapy
Gift certificates in various denominations available

$50-$135 prices include HST. Call
647 501 2495 to purchase.

Soul Journeying by
Georgina Cannon
An at-home hypnosis solution on MP3 allows you to connect to your higher self.

Click here to purchase on iTunes.
Reiki Certificate
by Donald Currie

Reiki massage for stress reduction and relaxation

(a $140 value)
Click here to purchase
Dump The Junk by
Georgina Cannon
Feeling stuck? Can't seem to break through the dust and noise of your life? Time to clear the clutter in 2015!

Click here to purchase the PDF.
Your Question...My Answer
Q: What is the biggest transformation you've seen in a person's current life thanks to their Past Life Regression counseling?  

I witnessed a woman find her true identity. It was powerful and life-altering. 
Parting Thought...
... and for this holiday season, may you feel love, joy and celebrate the magnificent being that you are.  Namaste.