Bishop Watterson Wednesday News
February 17, 2016
Dear Parents,
Let our journey through the forty days of this Lenten season remind us that our God loves us enough to die for us. Let us bless the Lord for the great gifts of passion, death and resurrection that have brought about our salvation. Let us pray:
Lord, we thank you for calling us forth to do your work. Guide our steps when we falter and keep our path clear before us.
Help us to see you in the faces of others.
Help us to be instruments of your appeal to others.
Help us to forgive as we have been forgiven.
And help us to celebrate your good news in everything we do.
We ask this in your name, Amen
Sincerely, Marian Hutson Principal
Watterson 101
Bishop Watterson's curriculum encompasses both depth and breadth to enable our students to discover the strengths and talents God gave them. Over the next few weeks we will share information about the variety of our electives.
Art Electives
Our Art Department offers 19 courses, ranging from Art Fundamentals to Jewelry or Video Production to three AP courses (2D, Drawing, Art History). The curriculum includes graphic design as well as the more traditional drawing and painting, and ceramics, among others.
Seniors Commit to Play College Sports
Five Bishop Watterson students announced their intent to play college sports on February 3. Congratulations to these seniors and their parents!
Left to right- Matt Pardi, soccer, Ohio Dominican University, St. Michael School and Parish; Abby Demboski, soccer, University of Toledo, St. Brigid School and Parish; Christian Kroger, baseball, Ohio Wesleyan University, St. Andrew School and Parish; Second row: Dylan Murphy, football, Lafayette College, St. Brendan School and Parish; Michael Schweitzer, football, Ashland University, St. Brigid School and Parish.
Cane's for Choir
Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences will be held on Thursday, February 18 from 3:00 - 8:00 p.m. Please call the school office at 268-8671 to schedule a conference with your child's teacher(s). Students are to attend the conferences too!
Suicide Prevention Training
Bishop Watterson will host the OSU REACH Program for suicide prevention training on Wednesday, February 17. A morning and afternoon session will be available to any interested Watterson student. Participants who finish the training receive certificates verifying their completion of the program. Students should see Mrs. Barrett in room 319 in order to register for the training seminar.
REACH is a training program designed to help learn the risks, warning signs and interventions to prevent suicide. REACH prevents suicide by teaching how to:
Recognize warning signs Engage with empathy Ask directly about suicide Communicate hope
Help suicidal individuals access care and treatment.
Ana Berrios (mother of current BWHS Junior, Francisco Cortes-Foncuberta) will be providing the suicide prevention training seminar. She is a licensed professional counselor in the State of Ohio who serves as Associate Director at the OSU Career Counseling and Support Services. She works as an adjunct faculty in the Counselor Education departments at The Ohio State University and the University of Dayton. She holds a Ph,D. in Counseling Education and is a REACH board member and chaired the training committee that designed REACH.
Mandatory OHSAA Meetings
The required OHSAA meeting for spring sport athletes and their parents is Sunday, February 21 at 4:00 p.m. The make up meeting is Sunday, March 6 at 4:00 p.m.
Technology & Social Media Corner
The following words of wisdom were written for Immaculate Conception parents by IC Principal Colleen Kent, who is also a BWHS parent. It is great advice and we appreciate her allowing us to share it with our Bishop Watterson family.
As parents, we spend countless hours training and guiding our children to know the difference between right and wrong, and what is morally good and just. We constantly protect the environments that surround our children, picking the right schools, encouraging positive playmates, and hoping that good people will have a positive impact in their lives. We vigilantly monitor all of these interactions because we love our children and want the best for them. One of the biggest challenges we face however, comes when our children gain free access to the internet and social media.
I know that you and your children have heard warnings many times over about the dangers of social media and how important it is for us to be aware of what our children are posting on various social media sites. Please take the time to see what your children are doing socially while online. I encourage you to have an understanding with your child that you have an obligation as their parent to take their phone (ipad, laptop, computer, etc.) at
any time and check all of their social media sites (Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, VSCO, etc.) See who is following them. Require that they allow YOU to follow/friend them so you can see what others are seeing.
Unfortunately, most of our children do not have the tools to effectively address the temptations they face online. The level of inappropriate posts and foul language used by youth would appall most parents. It isn't that the parents don't love and care for their children, they are clearly unaware of what their kids are posting. If parents checked the various sites regularly, we could guide our children (as we do in other areas of their lives) as to what is appropriate to share with the world and what is not. By being proactive and monitoring your children online, you are guiding your children toward a positive life ahead.
Senior Trip Meetings Schedule Change
The mandatory senior trip parent and student meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Feburary 23 at 7:00 p.m. The makeup meeting is Wednesday, February 24 at 3:30 p.m.
Guidance News
February 1: ODU's online registration opened for College Credit Plus Courses students wish to take for the Fall 2016 term course. Go to www.ohiodominican.edu/ParticipatingSchools to register and then request to have your Bishop Watterson Transcript sent to ODU. Note: If you are applying for Honors Principal of Financial Planning/ ODU Personal Finance FIN 110 sign up to take it for Fall term even though your son or daughter may eventually be scheduled into the Spring Term.
April 11: 6:00 p.m. Columbus Metropolitan Library, Whetstone Branch. Access 88 - Getting Ready for College. Join college students from Access 88 as they provide interactive activities and presentations that share the importance of college, what it's like to be a college student, and tools to prepare for the future.
Advanced Placement Tests
AP test order forms are on the Bishop Watterson website on Quick Links under FORMS. Exams are $92 each. Friday, March 4 will be the final day to order AP exams without incurring a late fee. Please read the order form completely as it contains many important details such as the dates for the mandatory pre-administration sessions. For questions, please contact Mrs. Kliner.
Read the Junior Newsletter found on Family Connections. Go to connection.naviance.com/bwhigh and log in.
It is time for juniors to sign up for the ACT and SAT and, if desired, a preparation course. Several of our publications have listed April 16 as an ACT test date but the ACTUAL test date is April 9.
To get information on Karen Gallo's ACT and SAT preparation course dates click here.
For the registration form click here .
Reminder - Now that most students have applied for admission to universities and colleges, it is time to focus on scholarship applications. Please check for special scholarships through:
- The universities where they have applied. Check for scholarships in the student's major.
- Senior Newsletters located on Family Connection.
- Parent's or student's employer
- Community organizations
- Websites like
There are two places to look for scholarship information in Family Connection. The first is under links, read the latest posted newsletters for scholarships listed under "College Notes." There is currently scholarship information for The Ohio State University, University of Dayton, University of Notre Dame, Bowling Green State University, just to name a few. The second place to look for local scholarship information in Family Connection is to first click on "Colleges" then click "Scholarship List." As more scholarship information becomes available, it will be added to Family Connections, so please keep checking.
Counselor Alphabet
Counselors are assigned according to the first letter of the student's last name.
Summer Gym Registration Update
Session 1 for 2016 Summer Physical Education is now full. We are still accepting registrations for session 2, June 20-29.
Baseball Hitting Clinic March 13
Our baseball staff will hold a hitting clinic on Sunday, March 13, 2016. Instructors will be BWHS coaches as well as past and current players. Grades 3-4: 1:00-2:45 p.m. Grades 5-8: 3:00-4:45 p.m. Cost is $20. For a registration form, click here.
Marching Band Sub Sale
Please help support the Marching Eagles by purchasing a delicious Italian sub made on Auddino's buns! The subs are $5.00 each and can be ordered from any marching band or guard member. Subs will be delivered on Saturday, March 19. If you do not eat subs, consider buying some to donate to Holy Family Food Pantry. We donate over 500 subs every year! Orders will be taken through Friday, March 4. If you would like to order and don't know a band or guard member, please contact band parent Susan Schnell at schnell.2@osu.edu or (614) 261-1419. |
Mothers' Club Style Show and Luncheon
Join us at our annual Mothers' Club Style Show and Luncheon on Saturday, March 12th. Table and area sponsorships are also available. Don't delay in purchasing your ticket! Click here for your online registration or a printable registration form as well as sponsorship information. Meet Other BWHS Moms by Volunteering!
Our Spring Style Show is approaching and there is help needed in many areas! Our buckeye work sessions will be on February 28 from 1:30-5:00 p.m. and on March 6 from 2:00- 5:30 p.m. We need a lot of volunteers to make 300 dozen buckeyes! Signups are available for the buckeye work sessions, decorations work sessions, and selling buckeyes and raffle tickets at the style show, to name a few opportunities!
Please consider signing up on our shutterfly site by clicking here. You will be prompted to enter the site password (wattymoms); however, to be able to sign up you will need to sign in by clicking on member sign in, which is in the upper right hand corner of the page, where you will enter your email address and your own personal password. If you have any trouble signing up, feel free to email or call Joy Bair ( jbair79@aol.com, (614) 325-5127 or Mary Harbrecht ( meharbrecht@aol.com, (614) 582-5446.
8th Grade Entrance Exam Registration
Registered members of the Class of 2020 need to register for the Entrance Exam by clicking here and choosing either Saturday, February 20 or Saturday, February 27. The student must be officially registered before taking the Entrance Exam.
Scholarships, Tuition Assistance for 2016-2017
Tuition Assistance
All applications for the Diocese of Columbus Tuition Assistance for the 2016-2017 school year are due by March 15, 2016. In order to be considered for Bishop Watterson Tuition Assistance, you must apply for the Diocese of Columbus Tuition Assistance. Click here for more information.
Bishop Watterson has a number of scholarships for which students may apply. The deadline for applications is March 15. Click here for more information.
Note about the St. Patrick Scholarship: a letter of recommendation is required. If you printed the form before Friday, February 12, please click here for the updated instructions.
40 Days for Life
40 Days for Life begins on Ash Wednesday, February 10 and runs through Palm Sunday, March 20. The two dates that we have chosen for the BWHS community are: Sunday, February 21 and Palm Sunday, March 20, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. on both days. The location is Founder's Women's Health Center at 1243 E. Broad St. Parking is available on the side-street just east of the center.Please join us for a peaceful, prayerful and meaningful experience! Even if it is for 15 minutes, come out and show your support for the most vulnerable members of the human family: the unborn.
Bring a friend and bring a Rosary. If you have any questions, then please contact me, David Klemm (Theology teacher and co-moderator of the Human Rights club) at: dklemm@cdeducation.org.
Eagle Store
Youth Tee $18
11:20 a.m.-12:15 p.m. except Mass, assembly and early release days
The BWHS Eagle Store is located across from the gymnasium in the south addition.
Contact Information
Sheri Cook, scook@cdeducation.org
Second Semester - Key Dates
February 18: Early Dismissal, 1:45 p.m.; Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences - 3:00 - 8:00 p.m.
March 9: Early Dismissal, 1:45 p.m. March 13: NHS Induction Ceremony - 3:00 p.m.
March 14-18: Third Quarter Finals March 21: Fourth Quarter Begins March 24-April 3: Easter Vacation April 12: Grandparents Day, Early Dismissal April 25: NO SCHOOL May 1: National Business Honor Society Induction Ceremony 6:00 p.m.
May 7: Prom May 15: Senior Recognition Assembly - 3:00 p.m.
May 16: Closing School Mass, 10:30 a.m. May 20: Arts Festival, 7:00-10:00 p.m. May 26: Baccalaureate Mass, St. Agatha, 7:00 p.m. May 28: Graduation, 9:30 a.m. May 30: NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day May 31-June 2: Finals
Alumni and Friends Table Tennis
Diocesan Calendar Changes for 2016-17
As the Diocese of Columbus Office of Catholic Schools sets the framework for school calendars each year. We wanted to let you know about key dates and a significant change for the 2016-17 school year.
Key Dates First Day: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 Labor Day/No School: September 5, 2016 MLK Day/No School: January 16, 2017 Presidents' Day/No School: February 20, 2017 Memorial Day/No School: May 29, 2017 Last Day: Thursday, June 1, 2017
For the 2016-2017 school year, the customary week off during the spring will NOT coincide with the week following Easter. Instead of having an Easter break, we will now have the following days off:
Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Monday (April 13-17, 2017)
Spring Break during the week of March 27-31, 2017
By providing this information now, we hope to assist parents to plan vacations accordingly with these dates in mind. Keep in mind that it is more difficult for your children and our staff if you stretch your breaks by taking your children out of school before the break actually begins.
Scrip Store
Go to www.shopwithscrip.com and click on "create Account".
- Follow the four simple steps and click "I accept".
- Enter the enrollment code for Watterson and click "join".
- ** enrollment code is: F19B385A25746
- Presto Pay is the ONLY way for you to pay for your Scrip order. So you must sign up at least two days in-advance of placing your first order to get registered with this method.
- Place your order.
Order Dates Order on or before midnight:
2016 (credit applied to 2016-2017 year) 2/28/16, 3/13/16, 3/20/16, 4/3/16, 4/17/16, 5/1/16, 5/15/16, 5/29/16, 6/5/16,
2016 (credit applied to 2017-2018 year) 7/10/16, 8/7/16, 8/21/16 If you need more information, feel free to contact one of the Scrip Coordinators: Nanette Giacomin email: ngiacomin@insight.rr.com phone: 614-439-7870 or Andrea Bigley email: andrea.bigley@yahoo.com phone: 602-689-6127.
Time to Re-Enroll
Re-enrollment for the Kroger Community Rewards program is currently open. As a reminder, Kroger donates money to Bishop Watterson quarterly based on the amount that BWHS-registered users earn in comparison to other participating groups in the community. Click here to get started. After clicking on Ohio, choose "re-enroll" followed by your email and password. Our organization number is 83714. It is as easy as that!
Restore all things in Christ
by educating in the Catholic tradition through
prayer, service, and study.
Bishop Watterson High School
99 East Cooke Road Columbus, OH 43214
(614) 268-8671
Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved.