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Bishop Watterson Wednesday News
January 13, 2016
Dear Parents,

The Catholic Church's devotion for the month of January is the Holy Name of Jesus. It reminds us of the blessings we receive through Him and the power of His name when we pray.  
Blessed is the Holy Name of Jesus.

Marian Hutson
Non-core Finals

Due to school being cancelled on Wednesday, we will move finals scheduled for Thursday to Friday, January 15 and Friday's finals to Tuesday, January 19.

Friday, January 15 Finals:  Music, Health, PE, Industrial Arts, Social Studies electives
Tuesday, January 19 Finals:  Business, Art, Family/Consumer Science, Computer Science and English electives

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Watterson 101

Student-teacher ratio is a statistic that has been getting attention for many years. The assumption around this ratio: the smaller the ratio, the better the school.
When we determine our ratio, we include every staff member who teaches classes or works directly with students to help them achieve their academic goals, such as guidance or intervention staff. Using this criteria, Bishop Watterson's student-teacher ratio is 12:1.

Eagles Win OHSAA Sportsmanship Awards for 12th Straight Year

Bishop Watterson was one of seven schools in Ohio to be selected to receive the Ohio High School Athletic Association Harold A. Meyer Award and Respect the Game Award for the 2014-15 school year.

Meeting the Respect the Game Challenge is the precursor to being considered for the Harold A. Meyer Award which is presented to schools that demonstrate they have completed an eight-part program that promotes sportsmanship, ethics and integrity in their schools and communities.

Celebrating the OHSAA Awards are, left to right: math teacher and girls head lacrosse coach Karen Bailey; social studies teacher and head football coach Dan Bjelac; student sportsmanship committee members Parker Cantwell, Caroline Sugar, Claire Jenkins, Christian Kroger, and Andy Cotter; Principal Marian Hutson; business teacher and Athletic Director Doug Etgen; and English teacher and Assistant Athletic Director Mike Roark.
Coach Lombardo's 400th

Boys basketball head coach Vince Lombardo earned his 400th career victory with a 44-42 win over Bexley in late December. Congratulations Coach Lombardo!

Click here for This Week's coverage. 
Inclement Weather - School Cancelled for Wednesday, January 13th!

With winter having finally arrived in central Ohio, we thought this would be a good time to remind our community what happens if school is cancelled.
Bishop Watterson follows the Diocese of Columbus.
We use the school messenger system to send a phone message and email so you know when BWHS is closed. We will also send an email and get the word out through our Facebook and Twitter accounts. 
Team Photos

Teams that maintain a Shutterfly website: Please add Colleen Mar, Communications Director, (, Lynn Winters, Website Manager, (, Jennifer Rush, Yearbook teacher ( and Marian Hutson ( to your distribution, with permission to download photos.

Also, please share the contact information for the person who runs the site with Mrs. Mar. She can also provide you with the proper BWHS logos as needed.
Mrs. J-C Honored
A new scholarship was named after retired theology teacher and student mentor Jane Jacquemin-Clarke and announced at Mass last week. The scholarship, named after Mrs. J-C, was initiated by the Guertin family who expressed gratitude for the care and kindness Mrs. J-C showed toward their daughter, Kate '12 when she was a student at BWHS. More information about this scholarship will be available in February. For a list of other BWHS scholarships, click here.
Left to right: Sue Guertin, Jane Jacquemin-Clarke, Kate Guertin '12 and Dr. Michael Guertin. 
Exchange Hosts Needed!

france Our French exchange students are arriving on February 6 and we are in need of families to host them. We still need hosts for 16 students so please consider participating in this program. Our staff coordinator is Jim Dury,  Please let him know as soon as possible if you are interested in hosting a student! 
Annual Fund Update

At the end of our Second month in our Annual Eagle Fund drive for 2015-16, our current total is $182,459.05. Our goal for this year is $300,000.
We are asking that all Bishop Watterson families, alumni and friends prayerfully consider a gift to the Annual Eagle Fund so that we can "Soar to New Heights!"
You can give by mailing a check in the envelope provided in the mailing or by clicking here.

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'"  
--Martin Luther King Jr. 
Time to Sign Up for Kairos Retreats
Seniors are invited to sign up to attend a Kairos Retreat on February 23-26 or April 17-20. Kairos is a 3 1/2 day retreat which provides students with the time and opportunity to gain some perspective on life, on faith and on what is most important as they prepare for graduation. Participants say the retreat experience helps them grow closer to God and to one another as well as gain deeper insight into themselves.  

Our students who have experienced Kairos as a pilot program in the past two years are so excited that Bishop Watterson is offering Kairos and encourage their classmates to participate.

Following are comments from BWHS students who attended Kairos in 2015:

"Kairos was a four day remarkable experience. I got a deeper look into more of who I am as a person and the direction I want my life to go."

"It was life changing and eye opening."

"It helped me find a community in everyone and showed me that everyone has a story."

"It was honestly one of the best retreats I have ever been on. It helped me look outside of myself to look for God. I have grown stronger in my relationship with God through my relationships with my classmates."

The retreat is facilitated by a group of BWHS seniors and faculty members.
The deadline for the February retreat is Jan 29.
The deadline for the April retreat is March 25.

The retreat cost is $275. To reserve a spot, send in a $100 deposit.
Scholarships are available. Contact Mrs. Simmonds or Deacon Iannarino for more information.

Permission forms are available in Theology class or in the Campus Ministry office.

For the Feb 23-26 retreat, retreat participants leave after school on Tuesday and are home on Friday by 5 p.m.
For the April 17-10 retreat, retreat participants leave at 3:30 pm on Sunday and return by 5 p.m on Wednesday.
Questions can be directed to Beth Simmonds,
Mothers' Club Evening of Reflection
Thursday, February 4
7:00-8:00 p.m.

During our all school Mass on January 8, 2016, Bishop Watterson was enthroned to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  All faculty, staff, students and parents who were in attendance made a public declaration that Jesus Christ is loved, adored, and honored in our school.  Please join us at our Evening of Reflection on February 4th from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm to learn more about this special event for our children, school and community and also to start your Lenten preparation.  Father Stash Dailey, Spiritual Director of the Sacred Heart Columbus, will be our speaker.  We hope to see you on Thursday, February 4th at 7:00 pm in Dominican Hall!

Fr. Dailey met with every theology class last week in preparation for the enthronement.
Technology & Social Media Corner

Less than half of parents surveyed have looked through their teen's cell phone calls and texts. If you're among the 48%, we say good job. We know it can be challenging.

Remember, it's not snooping, it's being a PARENT.
Click here for some more interesting stats.
Winter Cotillion is January 17
The Winter Cotillion dance for juniors and seniors will be held on Sunday, January 17 at the Bosco Center on 80 S. Sixth St. in downtown Columbus. 

This semi-formal dance is from 8-11 pm. Tickets are $21.00 per person and will be sold next week before and after school in the campus ministry office. Students may park in the lot by the corner of Oak and 5th Street or at the meters on the street. They must arrive by 8:30 pm and stay until the end of the dance. 

This dance is open to juniors and seniors only.  Guests under 21 years of age are permitted to attend. School IDs must be presented at the dance and a completed dance guest form, including principal signature, will be required for non-BWHS students in order to purchase a ticket. Click for the dance guest form. .

Code of behavior forms for each guest, along with any required guest dance forms must be completed and turned in at the time of ticket purchase.  The code of behavior form provides guidelines about appropriate dress and behavior for this dance. Questions can be directed to senior class advisor Beth Simmonds at

More Cotillion Links:
Map to Bosco Center
General Cotillion Information

Time to Register for Winter Sports Clinics!

Softball Clinics 
The Eagle coaching staff is hosting the following softball clinics for girls ages 9-14:

Fielding Clinic: Sunday January 24, 2016 
Hitting Clinic: Sunday February 7, 2016 
Click here to register.

Questions? Email Coach Cultice at

Cheer Clinic
BWHS will hold a Winter Cheer Clinic on Sunday, January 17 with a follow-up performance at halftime of the varsity boys basketball game on January 22. For more information/registration form, click  here.

Eagle Store

Winter has arrived so stop by for some cold-weather gear!

Store Hours
11:20 a.m.-12:15 p.m. except Mass, assembly and early release days
The BWHS Eagle Store is located across from the gymnasium
in the south addition. 

Contact Information  
Sheri Cook, 
Guidance News
Mark Your Calendar

January 26: Selective College Admissions Presentation for Junior parents and students but sophomore and freshman parents and students are also welcome.
School Calendar Updates: 
ACT Aspire Student Score Reports: Score reports will not be available until four to six weeks after ALL schools' testing window has closed. This means that even though students took the test in October, we will need to wait until the end of this month or into February before we can access our students' score reports.

PSAT Student Score Reports: Students and parents can access an online report through their online free College Board account on January 7th. Juniors created a collegeboard account last year. We suggested to students that their user name be their initials plus student ID and then password be their brainhoney password from that year. Sophomores will need to create an account. When creating an account, we suggest they have a user name and password that they will remember and use all four years of high school. Even though CollegeBoard will not send us paper copies until Januay 29th, we will attempt to print the score reports so that they can be distributed to students during Mrs. Gallo's classroom presentations to juniors on January 11th and 12th and Sophomores January 19th and 21st.
Advanced Placement Course Exams
Students received "The AP Bulletin for Students and Parents," last week. The bulletin contains important information about the ordering and the testing process. Contact Mrs. Kliner, if you need another copy. Students can order exams beginning at the end of January. The fee is $92 per exam. The deadline to order an exam is Friday, March 4, 2016. There is a $20.00 late fee, paid by cash or separate check, for orders submitted after March 4th. Please continue to follow Watterson Wednesday News for more information about AP Exams.
Read the Junior Newsletter found on Family Connections. Go to and log in.
It is time for juniors to sign up for the ACT and SAT and, if desired, a preparation course.
To register for the ACT go to
To register for the SAT go to
To get information on Karen Gallo's ACT and SAT preparation course dates click here.
For the registration form click here.

Reminder - Now that most students have applied for admission to universities and colleges, it is time to focus on scholarship applications. Please check for special scholarships through:
  • The universities where they have applied. Check for scholarships in the student's major.
  • Senior Newsletters located on Family Connection.
  • Parent's or student's employer
  • Community organizations
  • Websites like

If you want your transcript submitted by the following deadlines, use Family Connection to request your transcript to be sent to each college and turn in all supporting materials to your counselor by the following dates:

Deadline                  Request Submitted To Your Counselor By:
November 1...                       OCTOBER 19
Thanksgiving                        NOVEMBER 9

December 1                           NOVEMBER 9
(out of school 11/25 - 11/29)
December 15                         DECEMBER 1

Christmas                              DECEMBER 7
(out of school 12/21-1/3)
January 1                               DECEMBER 7
(out of school 12/21-1/3)
January 15.............................JANUARY 4 (first day back from Christmas break)
February 1.............................January 15              

Seniors: There are two places to look for scholarship information in Family Connection. The first is under links, read the latest posted newsletters for scholarships listed under "College Notes." There is currently scholarship information for The Ohio State University, University of Dayton, University of Notre Dame, Bowling Green State University, just to name a few. The second place to look for local scholarship information in Family Connection is to first click on "Colleges" then click "Scholarship List." As more scholarship information becomes available, it will be added to Family Connections, so please keep checking.  
Counselor Alphabet
Counselors are assigned according to the first letter of the student's last name.
A-F Mrs. Kliner, Ext. 277
G-L Mr. Teeters, Ext. 232       
M-Q Ms. Creighton, Ext. 238 
R-Z Mrs. Kirby, Ext. 231
Time for New Student Registration!

Registration is open now for the Class of 2020. Click here to register your 8th grader/future Eagle online!
Diocesan Calendar Changes for 2016-17
As the Diocese of Columbus Office of Catholic Schools sets the framework for school calendars each year. We wanted to let you know about key dates and a significant change for the 2016-17 school year.  

Key Dates 
First Day: Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Labor Day/No School: September 5, 2016
MLK Day/No School: January 16, 2017
Presidents' Day/No School: February 20, 2016
Memorial Day/No School: May 29, 2017 
Last Day: Thursday, June 1, 2017 
For the 2016-2017 school year, the customary week off during the spring will NOT coincide with the week following Easter. Instead of having an Easter break, we will now have the following days off:

Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Monday (April 13-17, 2017)

Spring Break during the week of March 27-31, 2017

By providing this information now, we hope to assist parents to plan vacations accordingly with these dates in mind. Keep in mind that it is more difficult for your children and our staff if you stretch your breaks by taking your children out of school before the break actually begins. 

Scrip Store

Go to and click on "create Account".
  1. Follow the four simple steps and click "I accept".
  2. Enter the enrollment code for Watterson and click "join".
  3. ** enrollment code is: F19B385A25746
  4. Presto Pay is the ONLY way for you to pay for your Scrip order. So you must sign up at least two days in-advance of placing your first order to get registered with this method.
  5. Place your order.
Order Dates
Order on or before midnight:  
2016 (credit applied to 2016-2017 year)1/17/16, 1/31/16, 2/14/16, 2/28/16, 3/13/16, 3/20/16, 4/3/16, 4/17/16, 5/1/16, 5/15/16, 5/29/16, 6/5/16
2016 (credit applied to 2017-2018 year) 7/10/16, 8/7/16, 8/21/16

If you need more information, feel free to contact one of the Scrip Coordinators:  Nanette Giacomin email: phone: 614-439-7870 or Andrea Bigley email: phone:  602-689-6127.
Time to Re-Enroll

kroger Re-enrollment for the Kroger Community Rewards program is currently open. As a reminder, Kroger donates money to Bishop Watterson quarterly based on the amount that BWHS-registered users earn in comparison to other participating groups in the community. Click here to get started. After clicking on Ohio, choose "re-enroll" followed by your email and password. Our organization number is 83714. It is as easy as that!

Restore all things in Christ

by educating in the Catholic tradition through

prayer, service, and study.
Bishop Watterson High School
99 East Cooke Road Columbus, OH 43214
(614) 268-8671

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