Dear Parents,
It is hard to believe that June is coming to an end and we will soon be enjoying all of the festivities and fireworks on July 4th.
Have a great week.
Calendar of Events
Go to our website for a more detailed calendar or click here .
Sunday, August 11
Volleyball Alumni Tournament - 1:00 pm
OHSAA Meeting - 6:00 pm
Monday, August 12
Mothers' Club Board Meeting - 7:00 pm
Sunday, August 18
Freshman Parent Meeting - 7:00 pm
Monday, August 19
Freshman Orientation - 8:30 am - 1:30 pm
Tuesday, August 20
New Student Orientation - 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Wednesday, August 21
School begins!
1:45 pm dismissal
Thursday, August 22
School pictures (uniforms worn)
Monday, August 26
Senior Parent Meeting -7:00 pm
Wednesday, August 28
Mothers' Club Fall Social - 7:00 pm
Bishop Watterson 101
Learn a fact a week to help you stay "in the know" about your favorite Catholic high school!
The Class of 2013 graduated with nearly 30,000 service hours. Eighty-one percent of the class recorded 29,400 hours of service to their communities. Of those, 11 reached the outstanding distinction of giving over 500 hours of service. Bishop Watterson presented the Mother Teresa Service Award to Caroline Lieser for her outstanding commitment to helping others and showing true friendship for her fellow man.
"New" News
Any new article or information on an upcoming event will be found at the beginning of the newsletter. Current news will be included in the newsletter. All "Watterson Wednesday News" have been archived on the webpage. Go to "see all news" then click "News". |
National Honor Society vs. National Society for High School Scholars
Some of you may have received a mailing from an organization calling itself the National Society for High School Scholars (NSHSS) and inviting your son/daughter to join for $60.00. Please note that this organization is NOT affiliated with the National Honor Society (NHS) chapter at Bishop Watterson. The Watterson NHS chapter is administered by Watterson, not an outside agency, and there is NO fee to become a member. Junior and senior students who qualify for membership are invited to join after the second semester each year. Check the student handbook or contact jldury@cdeducation.org for more information on our NHS chapter. |
Back to School - College Style
Sign up today! Class is tomorrow night!
Graduates - Join Professional Organizer, Ellen Limes, as she shares thoughts and tips on getting ready for that journey to your college campus.
Discussion points include:
- Do you really need everything on the list?
- What don't they tell you?
- Time management tips.....and more!
Both parents and students are encouraged to attend.
Date: Thursday, June 27th
Time: 6:30 pm
Where: Bishop Watterson High School - Dominican Hall
Cost: $10 per person or 2 for $15
Door prizes
Bring your own questions!
To reserve your space, visit www.organizedbyl.com and click on the BACK TO SCHOOL button. |
Concert Choir Car Washes
Get your car washed and help the concert choir! The car wash will be held in the Crimson Cup parking lot (4541 N. High Street) from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm on Sunday, June 30, Sunday, July 14 and Sunday, August 11. |
Required Summer Reading
Summer reading is required of all Bishop Watterson students and is determined by grade. Click here for the rubrics.
9th grade - World History
My Brother Sam Is Dead by James Collier or The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emusska Orczy
10th grade - Biology
The Hot Zone by Richard Preston
11th grade - American Literature/Accelerated American
O Pioneers! by Willa Cather
12th grade - Theology 12
Disorientation:The 13 "Isms" that will send you to intellectual "la la " land. How to go to college without losing your mind by John Zmirak
These books are readily available at the local bookstores and online. |
Summer Office Hours Our summer office hours are:
June 10th - August 2nd - 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Note: The office will be CLOSED: July 4th - July 19th and every Friday beginning June 14th - July 26th
Beginning August 5th - 8:00 am - 3:00 pm |
Blood Drive
The band will be sponsoring a blood drive on Thursday, July 18. More details to follow! Mark your calendar! |
Advertise in our Sports Programs!
We would like to invite you to advertise in the Bishop Watterson 2013/2014 Fall/Winter Sports Programs. Please click here for more information on advertising! |
Study Skills
We will be offering a study skills class on Tuesday, August 13 and Thursday, August 15, 2013 for any student enrolled in grades 9 - 12. Click here for topics to be discussed and your registration form. |
Charity Newsies
For the past fourteen years, the Franklin County Catholic Schools have collaborated with Charity Newsies to provide students with uniform and shoe vouchers. Please click here for more information. |
Uniforms - 2013-14
As we finish the 2012-13 school year and turn our attention to 2013-14, I want to let you know about two uniform changes that you will notice at the uniform stores.
The shield embroidered on the girls jumpers will be the updated BWHS version we have been using for several years on our website and other materials. Our alum, Jason Janoski '82, designed this shield!
Freshmen will be required to have this shield on their jumpers. If you plan to use hand-me-down jumpers, the uniform supply stores will sell patches that can be sewn onto the jumpers.
Sophomores, juniors and seniors are not required to wear jumpers with the new shield, but we encourage you to do so. For those who purchase new jumpers, the new shield will be the only version available. Patches will also be available for those who choose to replace the old shield with the new.
The flying eagle used on the boys polo shirts will now be the official BWHS flying eagle. Any new polo shirts purchased will have this new eagle. All freshmen will be required to wear shirts with the new eagle logo, however, next year's sophomores, juniors and seniors are permitted to wear their current shirts. |
Uniform Suppliers
For uniform information from our suppliers, please click here and go to "Uniform Information" under Quick Links.
Guidance News
Counselors are assigned according to the first letter of the student's last name.
A-F - Lisa Kliner - lkliner@cdeducation.org
G-L - Casey Teeters - cteeters@cdeducation.org
M-Q - Patti Creighton - creightonpat@aol.com
R-Z - Charlene Ernst - cernst@cdeducation.org
Fall Sports Information
Click here for information regarding fall sports try-outs, summer conditioning and more!
Music Camp The Bishop Watterson Band is hosting a Summer Music Camp July 15-18, open to current band students in grades 5-8. BWHS band directors, current and former band members and college students will serve as band directors. Cost is $50. Registration and more information can be found on our website. |
Eagle Auction - 2013 - SAVE THE DATE!
Eagle Auction - 2013
October 12, 2013
Mark your calendars! More information to follow! |
Band Boosters - Dining Out Night
"Sizzlin' Summer? Take a break and see you at Rooster's at 3370 Olentangy River Road location on Tuesday, July 16th. Proceeds benefit the BWHS Band Boosters. Click here for your flyer - it is good all day! |
Scrip Store - We need a volunteer!
We are looking for an interested person to volunteer to coordinate the Watterson Scrip program for the 2013-2014 school year. This past year we had 25 active families participate and earn $4000 off their tuition and raise $1300 for Watterson' s tuition assitance program. Coordinator activies include: promoting the program in the fall at the Freshman, Sophmore, and Junior parent nights, the Athletic night and the Mother's club social night. The remainder of the year would include closing orders from your home computer twice a month and then sorting cards at the school office twice a month. Please let Janet Jenkins (who can train and assist someone get started) know either through email jenkins.janet08@yahoo.com or cell phone 353-6019 if you are interested.
Eagles' Nest
Click here for the May issue of the Eagles' Nest. |
Tuition for 2013-2014
The Finance Council set the following tuition rates for the 2013-2014 school year.
Participating Rate - $8375
Non-participating Rate - $9375
Click here for more information. |
Red and Gold
Click here for the latest edition of our Red and Gold. |
Kroger Community Awards
Re-enrollment for the Kroger Community Rewards program is currently open. As a reminder, Kroger donates money to Bishop Watterson quarterly based on the amount that Watterson registered users earn in comparison to other participating groups in the community. If you already enrolled this past year, please consider re-enrolling your Kroger shopping card. This needs to be completed annually beginning April 1st (NO SOONER) in order for your shopping to benefit Watterson. The re-enrollment is very easy and only takes a couple of minutes.
Visit www.krogercommunityrewards.com to get started. After clicking on Ohio, choose "re-enroll" followed by your email and password. Our organization number is 83714. It is as easy as that! |
2013-2014 Calendar Dates
Planning ahead? Here are some important dates that you might want to add to your calendar!
August 21, 2013 - First day of school
October 7 and 8, 2013 - No School - OCEA Convention
November 27 - 29, 2013 - Thanksgiving Vacation
December 23 - January 3, 2014 - Christmas Vacation
March 17 - No school
April 18 - 25, 2014 - Easter Vacation |
Eagle Store
Call the school office at 268-8671 to arrange a time and we will open it up for you! |
2012-2013 School Board Members
President - Joe Urquhart jurquhart@oh-ins.com
Secretary - Nancy McEwan and Cathy Cleary
Immaculate Conception - Rich Viola, rich.viola@inalignpartners.com
Our Lady of Peace - Trish Mikula, trishslp@aol.com
St. Agatha - Jim and Trisha Racher, 6rachers@sbcglobal.net
St. Andrew - Todd Statczar, tstatcza@columbus.rr.com and Jennie Statczar, amscleanco@columbus.rr.com
St. Brendan - Erin Dougherty, erinkdougherty@gmail.com
St. Brigid of Kildare - JoAnn Karam, joannkaram@columbus.rr.com
St. Joan of Arc - Patti Richardson, richardson@insight.rr.com
St. Mary Delaware - Anne Noonan, annenoonan1@yahoo.com
St. Michael - George Furrer, gfurrer@sipcamadvan.com
St. Peter - Michele Brown, mbrown6@columbus.rr.com and Jeff Brown, jeff.brown@exel.com
St. Timothy - Cathy Cleary, cbcleary@wowway.com and George Cleary, george@clearycompany.com
Principal - Marian Hutson, mhutson@cdeducation.org
Chaplain - Deacon Frank Iannarino, fiannari@cdeducation.org
Finance Manager - John Echenrode, jechenro@cdeducation.org
Athletic Association - Steve Brobst, sbrobst@sbcglobal.net
Band Boosters - Beth and Joel Gasior, bgasior@columbus.rr.com, jgasior@columbus.rr.com
Mothers' Club - Nancy McEwan, nancymcewan@yahoo.com
Alumni Association - Leo Grimes, Lgrimes3@columbus.rr.com
Student Council President - Heidi Hetterscheidt,
Student Council Vice-President - Jordan Lucki
Archived Watterson Wednesday News
Click here to see previous "Watterson Wednesday News". New or updated news as well as upcoming events or information for the current week will be included in this newsletter. |