Services & Events
Friday, April 10
9:00 AM Yizkor Service
7:00 PM Erev Shabbat Service with Torah Service
Saturday, April 11
9:00 AM Baby Shabbat
10:30 AM Shabbat in Nature at Uvas Canyon Park

Wednesday, April 15
7:00 PM Community Yom Hashoah

Friday, April 17
6:00 PM Tot Shabbat 
6:30 PM Tot Shabbat and Dinner
7:00 PM Erev Shabbat Me'sho're'rim Service
Saturday, April 18
10:30 AM Bat Mitzvah of Ariana Zwern
1:00 PM Mincha, Tea and Torah

Friday, April 24
6:30 PM Tikkun Olam Kabbalat Shabbat
Saturday, April 25
9:00 AM Shabbat Morning Minyan led by Gimel
Holiday Office Hours
The preschool and Temple offices will be closed on Friday, April 10 in observance of Passover.

Community Yom Hashoah
Wednesday, April 15 at 7:00 PM
Temple Emanu-El hosts the South Bay Jewish Community organizations as we remember those who died in the Holocaust. The evening will include a performance of Yours, Anne, a musical version of Anne Frank's diary, followed by the Yom Hashoah Commemoration.

Baby Shabbat
Saturday, April 11 at 9:00 AM
Join us for a Shabbat experience designed for families with children ages 0-30 months. Little ones will enjoy a program full of Shabbat songs, Torah stories, and parachute play. Kiddush, motzi, and a bagel oneg sponsored by the Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood will follow this fun-filled program.

Shabbat in Nature
Saturday, April 11 at 10:30 AM 
Come and enjoy our Chag he-Aviv Shabbat at Uvas Canyon Park!
Participate in any or all of the following:
Shabbat morning service led by Cantor Meeka Simerly at 10:30 AM
Passover Potluck around noon.
Discussion, music, or schmooze during and/or after lunch. Group or individual hiking on beautiful park trails featuring six miles of hiking trails including the Waterfall Loop hike! For information call Nancy at 650-694-4604 or Ginny at 408-993-1139 No RSVP for this event - just come! This event is sponsored by the Temple Emanu-El Ritual Committee

County Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony
Monday, April 13 at 4:00 PM
at 70 W. Hedding St.
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors invites the whole community to join in commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day, in a ceremony that includes local survivor testimonies, student presentations, music and memorial candle lighting, in the Supervisors' Chambers.  The theme this year is "Some Were Neighbors:  Betrayers, Bystanders and Protectors". Free parking is available in the County C Lot, across the street from the Government Building.  
lunch and learn
Lunch & Learn 
Wednesday, April 15 at 12:00 PM
Bring a sack lunch and join Cantor Simerly for a special Yom Hashoah discussion session.

Religious School Wedding
The honor of your presence is requested on Sunday, the nineteenth of April, two thousand and fifteen at 11:30 in the morning for the reaffirmation of wedding vows of Daniel and Shirley Lee in the Sanctuary of Temple Emanu-El.

This is a very important part of our Religious School 5th and 6th grade life cycle curriculums. Our class learns about the Jewish weddings by spending time with a couple celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. This study culminates with the reaffirmation of vows of the couple. Everyone is invited to attend a light reception immediately following the ceremony in the Temple House.

Intentional Parents: Resilient Partners
Keeping your love alive after childbirth.
Invest in your marriage! Join us 6 Tuesday Evenings 6:30-8:30 PM
April 21-May 26

This series provides a safe environment to explore the realities of what it means to keep your relationship alive while embracing your experience as parents. Each class will begin with a short talk providing a framework for discussion. The bulk of the class will then focus on you and your partner interacting as a couple. No embarrassing exercises. Be prepared to spend some time observing your relationship in action.Facilitated by Jonathan Bartlett, LMFT & Emily Rosenbaum, PCCI � $225 per Couple �Childcare Available Register Now!

Adult Ed at the APJCC
April 24 at 11:00 AM
This session will feature a 1 hour solo piano recital by Temple Emanu-El member, Dr. Richard Sogg including the works of Gershwin, Chopin, and many other favorites. Shabbat luncheon to follow.

Italian Dinner & Wine Pairing
Saturday, April 25, 6:00-10:00 PM 
Chef David Wiesner and Brotherhood will host an exclusive dinner featuring cuisine from Italy with wines to match each course.Enjoy a professionally prepared meal, sample a variety of fine wines, and support Temple Emanu-El Brotherhood. Come join the fun.

Reservations are required- space is strictly limited to 50 people! Cost per person: $65 with wine; $45 without wine. Click here to reserve your seat.

Support EESY as they participate in Relay for Life
In April of 2015, EESY will be participating in Relay For Life, a fundraiser to fight cancer. Our team name is the Mitzvah Makers and we would love it if you would join our relay team (9th - 12th graders only) and/or make a donation. Click here to learn more and get involved!

Mishkan Ha'Nefesh
Temple Emanu-El will be using a new High Holy Day machzor (prayerbook) in 2015.  Mishkan HaNefesh will be published in a 2-volume set (Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur).  Pre-order your copies today!

Elections to the 37th World Zionist Congress
What Is the World Zionist Congress?
Once every four years, the World Zionist Congress meets in Jerusalem to make key funding and policy decisions that affect the future of Israel and Jews throughout the world. The 37th Zionist Congress will meet in October 2015. The Congress' 525 delegates from all over the world will include 145 delegates from the United States, elected from various competing slates.

When Is the Vote?
The vote takes place now! Voting started on January 14, 2015 and continues through April 30, 2105.

Who Can Vote?
Every Jew over age 18 is entitled to vote for the slate of his or her choice, in an election administered by the American Zionist Movement (AZM). To finance the election, the AZM charges a $5 fee for persons under age 30, and $10 for those over age 30. (In Herzl's time, the fee was one shekel.) For the price of a latte or two, you can help Jews around the world immensely.

Temple Emanu-El | (408) 292-0939 | |
1010 University Ave
San Jose, CA 95126