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Go to Church

Someone came to our church, but the kids didn't want to come that particular Sunday. Our children's worker asked why the kids didn't come and the mom said, they didn't want to. Ummm. The dad didn't come, never does, so that makes it hard. But there are some things you just insist are important to do, and gathering together with other believers is one of them. It's good to get in the habit of attending church. I often didn't want to go to school, or to the dentist, or get shots, and maybe a few other things, but my folks made me do it. Sometimes I wanted to sleep in on a Sunday morning and not go to church....but I still had to go. Go to church. The writer of Hebrews says, "And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near." Hebrews 10:25 NLT. I hear of people walking to church in Africa with the possibility of land mines along the path, but they still go. In Asian, rains flooded the church in the picture above, but they went to church. What a privilege it is to go freely to church and worship the Living God, creator of the universe at least once a week. It's interesting to see that California does not have the lowest percentage of church attenders...that would be Vermont, according to Gallup. No matter, wherever you are....get in the habit of going to church. It's good for you and others who you see.  
jim Sincerely, 

Jim Smith
Executive Director
Pacific Church Network 
Upcoming Events

A Christian's Response to Homosexuality
Tuesday, January 12
Bethany Church, Long Beach
10- 2pm
Free for all PCN members

PCN Annual Meeting
Sunday, January 31
Redemption Hill Church
Whittier, CA
3:45 - 8:30 pm
Mission 316 Finds New Location

Our 2011 church plant in San Marcos, Mission 316, has moved to a new location at the San Marcos Community Center--and on Sunday, September 27, they set an all-time record attendance for their church at 267! They even had 15 in their preschool class. They had outgrown their rental facility at the Senior Center and had been looking for a new place that would allow them to expanded their growing children's ministry, Kids Unlimited, and congregation for over a year. Pastor Sam Brumit said that, "The new facility is exceeding expectations in terms of how the congregation and community is receiving it. Setup and tear down is much more efficient and saving the team's energy...leaving more time for ministry. One new guest introduced herself and her family yesterday and remarked, 'I found your church and I truly believe it was divine intervention. It's exactly what I needed. The church is so transparent and real.'" On Sunday, the church also introduced their new "Kids Unlimited" director, Jennifer Recknagel.

Mission 316's leadership team is also participating in Tom Mercer's "8 to 15" video study on the Oikos principle. They are planning to take the entire congregation through it in 2015-16. Pastor Sam said again, "Thanks for introducing me to Tom Mercer and Oikos at your PCN workshop last year."

Wonderful English Women's Retreat

192 women came to Pine Summit on September 25-27 to enjoy the spiritual atmosphere, godly fellowship and personal renewal. "The weekend was amazing. It made me close to God," one attender commented. At least three women accepted Jesus as their Savior and a number of recommitments were made. Noe'l Robbins and Vicki Smith were the featured speakers along with several seminars. Many women enjoyed the annual getaway to the beautiful San Bernardino Mountains.

Pastoral Carpentry

Western Seminary Free Luncheons

Maximizing Ministry in the Marketplace with Dr. Ron Jenson

Dr. Ron Jenson has been speaking on leadership, character, and organizational excellence 30 years and has keynoted more than 1,000 events, across five continents and on numerous television and radio shows. Ron has been involved in the leadership of many organizations, including Campus Crusade for Christ. He has authored 24 books and is a graduate of Western Seminary.

Wednesday, October 14th, 2015
11:30 pm-1:30 pm
Rancho Bernardo Hilton Garden Inn
17240 Bernardo Center Dr.
San Diego, CA 92128
Please feel free to invite another person, such as your spouse, pastor, or a business leader in your church.
RSVPs will be accepted through October 12th, 2015.

Motivation and Conduct for Christians in the Marketplace
Dr. Larry Osborne, Senior Pastor

Dr. Larry Osborne has served as a Senior Pastor and Teaching Pastor at North Coast Church since 1980. He has helped oversee the growth of the church from a fledgling group of 128 meeting in a rented school, to a multi-site ministry that reaches over 10,000 in weekend attendance. Larry is also an author and a nationally recognized trainer of pastors. He travels extensively speaking at conferences and mentoring pastors, leaders and church planters across the country. Larry holds both a Master of Divinity degree and a Doctorate from Talbot Theological Seminary and has also taught Doctor of Ministry courses at Western Seminary.

Thursday, October 15th, 2015
11:30 pm-1:30 pm
University Club atop Symphony Towers
34th Floor, 750 B Street, Suite 3400
San Diego, CA 92101
Please feel free to invite another person, such as your spouse, pastor, or a business leader in your church.
RSVPs will be accepted through October 12th, 2015.

Questions? Contact Kate Schleusner. kschleusner@westernseminary.edu

Western Seminary has established the Center for Leadership Development (CLD) to provide credible and accessible educational materials for church and marketplace leaders. Funding for the CLD is made possible thanks to the Kern Family Foundation, as a part of their program, the Oikonomia Network.   

Exponential Conference

Brian Howard and Jim Smith will be speaking at the Exponential conference next week in Irvine on, Taking Your Church to the Next Level. Brian will be leading several sessions on Monday and Tuesday. Brian still has discounted tickets for the conference for $99 so contact him at brian@pacificchurchnetwork.com

Men's Retreat

English Men's Retreat - This weekend, October 2-4, Pine Summit.
You're super late, but if you want to go, we might be able to fit you in. Call right now if you want to go: 909.944.5900

Spanish Men's Retreat - October 23-25, Pine Summit 
Space is filling up, sign up now. more information 
New Spanish Church in Canoga Park

Pacific Church Network has been asked by First Baptist Church in Canoga Park to oversee the Spanish-speaking church meeting at their facility. PCN agreed to help plan and lead this re-launched ministry in the San Fernando Valley. PCN asked Marcelo Bustos to be the pastor of the church, which is now called Bethlehem Baptist Church (Iglesia Bautista Belen). The new group had their soft launch in September, and on October 4, they will officially launch their new church. 
Church Planting in Hawaii

In September, Brian Howard, who leads church multiplication for PCN, and Pastor Thien Doan, flew to Hawaii to meet with our two church planters on the island of Oahu, Dane Tokushige and Sean Palmer. Both church plants have doubled in size in the past year! Brian also led a one-day church planting training, spent time with several potential church planters and preached for Sean Palmer. Please pray for Sean Palmer and Dane Tokushige, who are planting PCN churches on Oahu! 

Adding Humor to Your Sermons
I grew up in an independent, fundamental, premillennial, KJV-only, Baptist church. Guest preachers and evangelists were a regular part of our preaching calendar. Every year we had revivals, a missions conference, and evangelists on special Sundays. A joke to start the sermon was customary. Jokes were often repeated. I remember looking at my parents and thinking, "He told that one last year."  read more by Ted Cunningham

Pastor and Wife Getaway

All Pacific Church Network Lead Pastoral Couples are invited to our FREE Getaway in Laguna Beach on November 8-9. This is a great time to connect with other pastors and wives, enjoy the ocean and beach, and be encouraged. We value our pastors and want to give you a well deserved getaway. Free dessert reception, overnight, breakfast and one session. Contact our office for further details. Sign up by October 7. Only lead pastors.

War Room Movie Well Received

The Christian drama, War Room, by filmmakers Alex and Stephen Kendrick, earned $11 million in its box-office debut despite playing in only 1,135 theaters. It was placed No. 2 behind Straight Outta Compton, which earned $13.2 million, but after playing in 3,142 locations. The faith-based film on the power of prayer marks the highest debut for the Kendrick brothers. War Room averaged $9,360 in 1,135 theaters, as compared to $4,125 in 3,142 theaters for Straight Outta Compton. According to Box Office Mojo, as of October 1, War Room, has made $57,349,631 on a estimated budget of $3.5 million.  
read more

Online Conferences 

Cornerstone Pastors Network is offering two upcoming sessions called DIG (Dive in Groups)

Multi Sites Churches
Coming October 14th and 28th - A Dive in Group for Multi-Site Churches or Churches who are about to turn the corner on becoming a multi-site Campus. Dan Reiland, Executive Pastor at 12Stone church will be your instructor for these two dates. 12Stone Church recently planted FIVE new churches on the same Sunday! 

This special session with Dan Reiland is $299 if registered by October 5th. It is $350 after the early bird date. These sessions are limited in size. 

Generous Giving
..with Generis, President Brad Leeper. Without a doubt this has been one of our most popular DIGS. The sessions are about helping your people become a Generous People. Pastors are telling us that this DIG was a game changer for them. "This has totally changed the way we have thought about giving and how to teach people about giving."  - Pastor Dane Aaker, Centerpoint Church, Colton, CA. The dates for this DIG are October 5th,October 19th, and November the 9th. All sessions are at 2pm EST. Registration for this event is $395 and includes all handouts, books, etc. Again these sessions are held to a limited enrollment. Register early to take advantage of these great learning opportunities. 

For both DIGS go to www.cornerstonepastorsnetwork.org to register

Church Planting
Since 2012, here is a list of all the Pacific Church Network church plants. Together we have made a difference in many lives for Christ. Thanks for your contributions. Together we are stronger. Four more church plants for next year are being considered now. 76 by 2026! Prayerfully consider joining us or increasing your support next year. Thank you.

Mission 316
San Marcos,
Lead Pastor: Sam Brumit

Ventura, California
Lead Pastor: Shaun Garman

Redemption Hill Uptown Church
Whittier, California
Campus Pastor: Joaquin Garcia


Soma Church 
Santa Clarita, California
Lead Pastor: Sam Ticas

Fountain Valley, California
Lead Pastor: Thien Doan

Tradewinds Communities
Kailua, Oahu, Hawaii
Lead Pastor: Sean Palmer

Redemption Hill La Habra
La Habra, California
Campus Pastor: Dennis Bredow

Victory Aiea 
Aiea, Oahu, Hawaii
Pastor: Dane Tokushige

Faith of Christ Church  

Simi Valley, California
Pastor: EdPaul Cuenco

The Response Church
San Diego, California
Pastor: Joel Webbon

Cross of Christ Church
Burbank, California
Pastor: Mike Brown

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