This service is a time of fellowship, prayer, and reflection for anyone experiencing loss, sorrow, pain, depression, addiction, or anything else making the holidays difficult. Everyone is welcome.
YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Food Shelf's greatest needs: - Corn & Peanut Butter - Volunteer to assist with food distribution at downtown on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. and 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. - Plastic grocery bags. CHUM Center needs: towels and bath items.
Thank you to everyone who donated on November 15th during Give to the Max Day! Including a matching gift of $10,000 from Dr. Shelley Breyen and Dr. Stacy Coffin, we received $22,821!
CHUM has been fortunate to work with Take Action Minnesota over the last three years on various advocacy issues. Just this past week Elizabeth Olson, Director of Congregational Outreach, spoke at Take Action's Annual Dinner celebration to over 1,000 attendees. Elizabeth shared how the relationship between Take Action and CHUM has made it possible for us to accomplish major victories, including defeating the voter restriction amendment. CHUM is thankful to have community partners like Take Action Minnesota.
Let Us Make Room This Christmas
... room in our hearts, and in our community, for those who have nowhere to call home for the Holidays.
December 24 at 12 p.m., Duluth Civic Center,
Steps of City Hall
You are invited to join us as we remember those in our community without homes and to hear the message of hope for a new year. Come to remember. Come to be called forward. A free will collection will be taken to support the needs of our neighbors who are homeless. For more information, call 720-6521 or email Elizabeth Olson.
Volunteers return $790,000 to the Duluth Area
Volunteers, Dick Larson, Tom Uecker, and Paul Glaesemann have been doing taxes for those in need of assistance for several years a five Duluth sights. During the 2012 tax season they filed 632 returns for a total of $790,000 in refunds.
Two of the sites are CHUM's downtown and West Duluth Food Shelves. A total of 340 returns were filed through the CHUM sites with $460,000 in refunds.
We really appreciate the hard work and dedication these tax volunteers have shown in working with these member so four community.
Tax preparation will begin the week of February 4, 2013, on Mondays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the downtown Food Shelf, and on Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the West Duluth Food Shelf. Appointments will be taken starting Tuesday, January 22, 2013 by contacting Ellen at 720-6521.
More Volunteers are needed! Training is available. If you are interested or would like more information, contact Elizabeth at 720-6521.
 | I'm thankful for MinnesotaCare because it brings stability to my life. Once homeless, MinnesotaCare keeps my son and me healthy making my personal and professional growth possible. Thanks MinnesotaCare! |
At CHUM we understand how important MinnesotaCare (medical insurance for those who do not qualify for other benefit programs) is for the health and well being of many in Duluth.
For Stacey, MinnesotaCare brings economic stability after experiencing homelessness - allowing her to stay healthy so she can support her son.
MinnesotaCare makes a difference in hundreds of thousands of lives across the state every day.
In 2013, state lawmakers will face a huge decision about what happens next to MinnesotaCare. Minnesota can either strengthen this program-or choose to dismantle it. We're working to make MinnesotaCare better. We hope you will join us.
JRLC Day On the Hill
The annual Joint Religious Legislative Coalition Day on the Hill is set for February 21, 2013. You can register on line.
CHUM will be chartering a bus from Duluth to St. Paul for the day. To reserve a seat, please contact Elizabeth at 720-6521.
Mozart's Requiem and Holiday Concerts
In early November four CHUM Congregations worked cooperatively to bring two wonderful performances of Mozart's Requiem to our community. The Congregations involved were Peace, Pilgrim, First Lutheran and Glen Avon. Congratulations on your hard work and for putting on such beautiful performances. Thank you to all involved, including those who attended. This event raised over $7,000 for CHUM.
On December 1, Rev. Cathy Schuyler put together performances by a Clergy Quartet, Choir of Choirs, the Peterson Family String Quartet, Windchill Brass and Bill Bastian to help raise nearly $4,500 for CHUM. This includes a 3 to 1 matching grant from Thrivent For Lutherans. Thank you Cathy, performers, volunteers, and attendees!