| On-set during Telenoticias Xtra's newest segment |
"Orlando Avanza" Launches on WTMO Orlando
In an effort to promote and support the economic development of the Hispanic business community in the region, WTMO Orlando added a new segment to Telenoticias Xtra. "Orlando Avanza" is a collaboration between the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Orlando and the Hispanic Business Initiative Fund. "Orlando Avanza" will focus on business development, business resources, community events and success stories of local Hispanic entrepreneurs. Telenoticias Xtra airs Sundays at 5:30pm.
| Fiorella Papapietro of WWDT's TeleDiario takes center ring |
Championship Bout Comes to Southwest Florida
For the first time in its 26-year history, Boxeo Telemundo broadcast live from Arcadia, Florida on March 27. WWDT Fort Myers-Naples welcomed the boxing event to a sold-out crowd at the Turner Agri-Civic Center. Local boxing heroes, Daniel Lozano, Toribio Ramirez and Ruben Ozuna flexed their skills to a very energetic crowd. With the success of Boxeo Telemundo in the Fort Myers DMA, championship boxing will return to Southwest Florida in its summer and fall series lineups.
Local firefighters line up
to climb 531 steps
WRDM/WDMR Telemundo Hartford-Springfield Promotes Healthy Lungs
On February 28, WRDM/WDMR Hartford/Springfield took part in the 2015 Fight for Air Climb in New Haven, CT. WRDM/
WDMR joined firefighters and local residents and climbed 531 steps of the tallest building in the area to promote the importance of healthy lungs. The station assisted in the fundraising efforts and helped achieve the $60,000 goal for the event.
| KTDO El Paso presents Komen El Paso a check for $7,000 |
KTDO El Paso is Recognized by the Komen El Paso Race for the Cure
KTDO El Paso was the city's fundraising leader for the March 1 El Paso Race for the Cure held at Southwest University Park. Local media were challenged to get more involved and KTDO stepped up to the task. With generous support from the community and fundraising efforts, the team raised $7,000. In addition to bragging rights among local media, KTDO will also receive a trophy and prizes courtesy of Susan G. Komen El Paso.
| Cristina Puig of Telenoticias Tampa |
WRMD Tampa Helps Crown Best Cuban Sandwich in the Bay Area
On March 21 & 22, Ybor City celebrated the 4th Annual Cuban Sandwich Festival. Hundreds of visitors enjoyed Cuban sandwiches and other cuisine, art, live music and more. Cristina Puig of Telenoticias Tampa was of the judges tasked with selecting the "Best Cuban Sandwich of the World." Tia's Authentic Latin Food of Tampa was deemed this year's best.
| The numerous love photo submissions |
Love Overtakes WTMO Orlando and holaciudad!
One of Orlando's most coveted promotions returned in February - Telemundo Orlando Te Enamora. In honor of the month of love, viewers were asked to submit a picture and short blurb about why their love story is special. Photos and stories were posted on holaciudad.com. Over 189 couples participated and the contest received over 7,500 votes. Via a combination of on-air and social media elements, Te Enamora garnered over 1,000 Facebook likes, 855 new users and over 21,000 page views. Prizes included roses, dinner, spa services and hotel accommodations.
| 2014 Ziggy winner, Lorena Castaņeda with Ronald J. Gordon and Eduardo A. Zavala |
El Paso Rules 2015 ZGS Management Meeting
From February 23 through February 26, managers from across all ZGS properties gathered in El Paso for the 2015 ZGS Managers' Meeting. The group shared success stories, ideas and also learned about upcoming priorities of the company. Special awards were also given out and both were swept by KTDO El Paso. Station Manager, Lorena Castaņeda received the Ziggy Leadership Award and the station was recognized for outstanding television production with the Eddie Award. You can watch the award winning spot here.
| The Telenoticias Washington team smiles for the camera |
WZDC Washington, DC Feeds Local Families in the DMV
El Tiempo Latino, EMD Sales, Inc. and WZDC Washington, DC teamed up for the event Bolsas de Amor on February 28. Telenoticias Washington's Valeria Aponte, Valeria Barriga and Daniel Rivera packed and delivered bags of food to low-income Hispanic families in DC, Maryland and Virginia. Over 500 boxes of food were delivered to approximately 800 families in the DC area.
| Farah Paret in the outdoor studio |
The Orlando Magic & WTMO Orlando Team Up for Noche Latina
On March 6, WTMO Orlando celebrated Hispanic culture at the the Orlando Magic's annual Noche Latina. The Magic took on the Sacramento Kings and spectators were treated to a concert by duo Angel y Khriz. Telenoticias Orlando's Farah Paret also hosted the pre-game Fan Fest, getting one-on-one time with fans in the Telenoticias outdoor studio. Viewers got the chance to be a sports anchor for the day and those videos were uploaded on holaciudad.com.
February Sweeps Highlights
Nielsen's February 2015 Sweeps was a successful survey for ZGS Station Group:
- KTDO El Paso delivered double-digit growth in both primetime and news among total viewers and key adult demos.
- WRDM Hartford was the Spanish-language leader in the market in sign-on to sign-off and primetime among several demos, including the coveted adults 18-49 demo.
- WWDT Fort Myers-Naples was the Spanish-language leader in the market sign-on to sign-off among adults 25-54 and the primetime leader among adults 18-49 and 25-54.
- WTMO Orlando was the Spanish-language leader in the market sign-on to sign-off among adults 25-54. Telenoticias Orlando was the #1 Spanish-language newscast at 11pm among all major adult demos.
- WRMD Tampa delivered double-digit growth in primetime among adults 18-49 and 25-54. Telenoticias Tampa was the #1 Spanish-language newscast at 11pm among total viewers.
- WZDC Washington, DC delivered a +40% YOY growth in primetime among key women audiences including women 18-49 and 25-54.
KTDO El Paso · WWDT Ft. Myers-Naples · WRDM Hartford · WTMO Orlando ·
WRIW Providence · WZTD Richmond · WDMR Springfield · WRMD Tampa ·
WZDC Washington DC
WGES 680am · WILC 900am · WAMA 1550am
2000 N. 14th Street, Suite 400, Arlington, VA 22201, T 703.528.5656 F 703.526.0879 www.zgsgroup.com
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