National Blood Clot Alliance
eNews from NBCA -  November/December 2013
NBCA on the Move
Record Attendance at Boston Stop the Clot Forum
ING/NYC: Team Stop the Clot Goes the Distance
Outrun Danger: Fitness Magazine Article Highlights Blood Clots and NBCA
Get Involved Los Angeles and Long Beach: Walk to Stop the Clot L.A.
IN THE NEWS: Detecting Blood Clots with a Urine Test
Knowing Blood Clot Signs Can Save Lives
Did You Know? Family Clot History May Signal Inherited Traits
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NBCA on the Move - New Directions, New Leadership, New Location
The NBCA Board of Directors recently met in Boston and discussed the Alliance's strategic directions ... working on behalf of those who have, or could, experience blood clots. That latter group, as we well know, could include any of us. Read more.
Record Attendance at Boston Stop the Clot Forum
Online Video Sessions Now Available-click here.

Lynn Oertel, MS, ANP,CACP and NBCA Board President Kathy Smith at the Stop the Clot Forum in Boston on October 19, 2013.
Our Patient Panel (l to r) Madolyn, Rachel, Mark, Pattie and Moderator Diane DeTour, BS, RN.
Nationally recognized experts and patient advocates join forces to educate on blood clot symptoms, impacts, diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Read more.
ING/NYC Marathon: Team Stop the Clot Goes the Distance
 Team member Crystal Gordon.
Team members Susan Graham and Roland Varga.
Congratulations to Team Stop the Clot in the ING/NYC Marathon! Our awesome team of 11 men and women pounded 26.2 miles of pavement through the five boroughs of New York City on November 3rd to raise funds and awareness for NBCA. Read more.
"Outrun Danger": Fitness Magazine Highlights Blood Clots and NBCA


Hollace Schmidt authored an excellent piece, detailing the risks, warning signs and prevention tips for women and reminding us that anyone, even the fittest athletes, can suffer life-threatening blood clots. Many thanks to her and the volunteers and NBCA Medical and Scientific Advisory Board members quoted in the article for helping to put blood clots on the nation's radar. Read the full article here.

Get Involved Los Angeles and Long Beach:Walk to Stop the Clot L.A.

Join us on Sunday, December 15 at beautiful Shoreline Aquatic Park in Long Beach to help raise awareness about the signs and symptoms of blood clots while raising funds in support of NBCA's mission. We're excited about this first west coast NBCA Walk and are greatly indebted to the NBCA volunteer team for their outstanding grassroots efforts in organizing this event on our behalf. If you would like to participate please click here to register. You don't have to be in Los Angeles to help them reach their goal! As 2013 comes to a close, you can make a donation to Walk to Stop the Clot L.A. by clicking here.

IN THE NEWS: Detecting Blood Clots with a Urine Test

Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have conceptualized an easier way to detect blood clots: a urine test.  The test relies on nanoparticles to detect the presence of thrombin, a key factor in clotting. The developers hope the urine test will eventually be used to quickly screen patients who come to the emergency room complaining of symptoms of blood clots (which are often missed) and to monitor patients who are at high risk for blood clots. They hope eventually the test can be completed with a simple dipstick. Stay tuned! Read the press release and the journal article here.

Knowing Blood Clot Signs Can Save Lives

Few people know the signs and symptoms of blood clots; they don't know what to look for. Click here to read about theses signs and symptoms. Blood clots can be deadly - you can help save lives by sharing this information with family and friends and on social media.

Did You Know? Family Clot History May Signal Inherited Traits

If you or family members have had blood clots, you should share that information with all family members and your health care providers.  Such a history may well be a clue to the fact that there may be a genetic predisposition to blood clots or one of the thrombophilias, (genetic conditions that can cause clots) in your family. Click here to learn more about family, genetic issues and blood clots. If you know someone who has not had blood clots themselves, but their family member(s) have, please encourage them to visit the NBCA website at Knowing this important information could mean the difference between life and death.


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 Your support helps us save lives by informing patients, healthcare providers and communities about the signs, symptoms, and risks factors of blood clots and clotting disorders. 

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