Happy deSTEMber! Our friends at Girlstart have a full month of deSTEMber activities celebrating science, technology, engineering and math.
And Happy CSEd Week! Admiral Grace Murray Hopper was a visionary in the field of computer science. Her engineering in programming languages and computer system standards set the foundation for advancements in computer science from the 1940s - 1970s. CSEdWeek is designated as the second week of December to honor her birthday, December 9, 1906, as well as her extraordinary contributions to the field. Check out how Texas is doing on Computer Science Education at
Wish you would have gotten some of this info earlier?? Well you would have if you were on a K-12 STEM Outreach Google Group!! Our Google Groups are the best way to be connected in your region with all things K12 STEM - are you connected to the conversation? Join the group in your region of Texas - details below.
K-12 STEM Outreach Forums, Role Models Matter and SciGirls Workshops

Full day SciGirls workshops will be coming to Dallas, Tyler, Waco and San Antonio in early 2013. Join a Google Group to
get the earliest invite or watch for your January TxGCP eNewsletter for dates and details.
Additional 2-3 hour forums with Role Models Matter and SciGirls curriculum will also be scheduled throughout Texas for 2013.
To schedule a workshop or forum in your area, please contact TxGCP at
Check out the TxGCP website for details about forums, Role Models Matter and SciGirls.
Conferences, Events, Contests & More |
San Antonio Area "What's COOL in School" ESC-20 in collaboration with WOAI is providing a unique opportunity to highlight positive and innovative programs within your district. This segment will be featured weekly throughout the school year and will be called "What's COOL in School?" ESC -20 will serve as the link between districts and WOAI. If you would like to spotlight your program or event you will first be asked to fill out the attached form and submit electronically. After review of weekly submissions, WOAI will contact your district representative to get further information for a potential interview. Take this time to shine and show the community "What's COOL in your School". We hope you take advantage of this exciting opportunity. Entries can be submitted online at:
Internet Science and Technology Fair The University of Central Florida's College of Engineering and Computer Science invites teachers and their precollege student teams to participate in the 16th annual Internet Science and Technology Fair. Students in grades 3-12 use information technology (IT) tools to communicate, research, collaborate and design innovative solutions to real world problems while adhering to content guidelines based on national science content standards. Additional information is available at
AGI Accepting Applications for 2013 Award for Excellence in Earth Science Teaching Due: January 10, 2013 The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is accepting nominations for the Edward C. Roy Award for Excellence in Earth Science Teaching. Given annually, this award is presented to one full-time K-8 teacher in the U.S. or U.K. whose excellence and innovation in the classroom elevates students' understanding of the Earth and its many processes. To be eligible, applications must be postmarked by January 10, 2013. Additional information is available at
SMART Competition - Sustainable Design Challenge Registration Deadline: January 18, 2013 The SMART Competition challenges international teams of high school age students to redesign a gymnasium on an existing high school campus. The redesign must incorporate sustainable materials and efficient energy concepts while ensuring functionality and affordability of their design. The teams will be tasked with developing a physical and computer model of their design while also authoring a written report that highlights creative design features, energy use solutions and localized power generation methods used to complete the project. Additionally, they will be required to develop a set of actionable recommendations that can be presented to school officials. Teams are comprised of 3-4 students and an educator sponsor. Registration closes January 18th, 2013. Registered teams will then be given a deliverables schedule which will help them prepare for participation in a regional competition.
Learn more and register at
DuPont Science Essay Competition Deadline: January 31 DuPont Science Essay Competition Issues a Call for Entries Triangle Coalition members, DuPont and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), launched the 2013 DuPont Challenge with a new focus on addressing global challenges. The DuPont Challenge calls for middle and high school students to address crucial issues through original science essays. For the 27th year, The DuPont Challenge encourages students to research and propose solutions to global concerns using Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and will award students and teachers in an expanded number of categories. Learn more at
EngineerGirl Essay Contest - Essential to our Health
Deadline: March 1, 2013
The contest is open to individual girls and boys in each of three categories (Choose your category by grade-level unless you are unsure of your grade):
3rd grade to 5th grade (Ages 8-11) 6th grade to 8th grade (Ages 12-14) 9th grade to 12th grade (Ages 15-18)
Describe an advance in the treatment or prevention of one of the diseases above that was developed through engineering. Explain why it is important and how engineers were involved. Various other requirements depending on the grade level. See for details or to submit your essay!
Change the World Challenge Deadline: March 5, 2013 The Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge, a national environmental sustainability competition for grades K-12, is now accepting applications for the 2012-2013 program. Through project-based learning, students learn about science and conservation while gaining 21st-century skills. The deadline for all entries is March 5, 2013. Additional information is available at
Space Settlement Design Contest
Deadline: March 15, 2013 The NASA Space Settlement Design Contest is intended for students in grades 6-12, although younger students may enter. Individual or teams from anywhere in the world may enter. Grade levels are judged separately, except for the grand prize. All participants will receive a certificate.
Regional K-12 STEM Outreach Listservs |
Then subscribe to your regional listserv and don't miss out on fabulous opportunities in the future!
To help create a community of K-12 STEM Outreach providers, supporters, educators and organizations, regional listservs have been created. These groups are all about sharing resources, information, events, volunteers, needs, and more with others reaching out to K12 students aiming to excite them about science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Join whichever group(s) make sense for you and start collaborating, connecting, communicating and sharing!
For those not in one of these areas who still want to receive information going out to all groups, join the Texas K-12 STEM Outreach group.
Contact Tricia Berry for any specific regional requests or questions.
Articles, Reports, Resources
PBS Thirteen's Get the Math
PBS Thirteen's Get the Math is a public media project that engages students in grades 6-12 with real-world applications of algebra.
Get the Math combines video and web interactivity to help middle and high school students develop algebraic thinking skills with a focus on reasoning and sense making. Young professionals present challenges in easily accessible video segments focused on math in music, fashion, video games, restaurants, basketball, and special effects.
The website includes educator-developed lesson plans aligned with the Common Core Content Standards and Math Practices. It also includes a professional development video designed to help you use the multimedia resource effectively to supplement or serve as core algebra curriculum.
Monitoring Progress Toward Successful K-12 STEM Education
The National Research Council (NRC) released a report, "Monitoring Progress Toward Successful K-12 STEM Education." The report builds on previous work in this area, and establishes key indicators for measuring improvements to the K-12 science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education system. The report recognizes the important foundation laid in elementary school and sets out three goals for U.S. K-12 STEM education:
- Expand the number of students who ultimately pursue advanced degrees and careers in STEM fields, and broaden the participation of women and minorities,
- Expand the STEM-capable workforce and broaden the participation of women and minorities, and
- Increase science literacy for all students
FREE STEM Activity Guide for K-1 from Curious George The team that produces the Curious George series on PBS and online has a new activity booklet (PDF) that invites parents to join their children in exploring science, engineering, and math through play. The booklet could be used as a handout for children to bring home and share with their parents and siblings or as the basis for afterschool programming.
FREE Afterschool Curriculum for Middle Schoolers The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is pleased to announce the release of a new educational resource, an afterschool science club curriculum for middle school students, titled Discovering the Connection: Your Environment, Your Health. Lessons and activities of the curriculum combine research on the Tox Town website with hands-on experiments and communication and social action activities. The objective is to introduce middle school students to environmental health issues in their everyday life, emphasizing the relevance of science to informed citizenship.
The curriculum was developed as collaboration between NLM, University of Maryland College of Education, and an interdisciplinary group of middle school teachers. It is based on National Science Education Standards and is grounded in problem-based learning approach that promotes in-depth understanding and critical thinking.
EngineerGirl The new EngineerGirl site is now live! The EngineerGirl website is designed to bring national attention to the exciting opportunities that engineering represents for girls and women. The new directory is now called "I'm an Engineer." It's a great place to find role models and to ask questions - many of the role models are open to receiving questions from kids interested in learning about engineering careers.
Did Your Org Miss Out on a Request from a potential FUNDER! Are You Listed in the Program Directory?
TxGCP was asked AGAIN for STEM program connections in one of our regions of Texas. And earlier this year, one of our partners was asked for a list of informal education organizations across the state and others engaged in K12 STEM education. We pulled the list to share for BOTH of these opportunities from the Program Directory!
Gain access to mini-grants and have the first shot at opportunities such as the Water Works camp curriculum, role model training and other curriculum and resource dissemination across Texas! Sign up your program, organization and/or event in the National Girls Collaborative Project Program Directory. Join over 200 listings from across Texas and find collaborators and other STEM educators in your area. Registration is free...can't get better than that!
The TxGCP eNewsletter is distributed approximately once a month. Visit the TxGCP web site for additional updates on upcoming events, resources and mini-grant information.
Share Your Events and News |
Submit information or events to be included in future TxGCP eNewsletters. Complete the short online form. Remember TxGCP eNewsletters are typically sent at the beginning of each month.
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WEBINAR Highlight
Engaging Youth with Disabilities in Computing
Mon, December 10, 2012 12:00 PM-1:00 PM Central
The Computer Science Collaboration Project uses the most successful elements of the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) to connect various alliances and K-12 outreach organizations with a specific focus on outreach to and collaboration with youth with disabilities and underrepresented minority youth. This live webinar includes a panel of participants sharing promising practices, program models, low-cost strategies and resources, along with their greatest challenges and successes.
Engaging Hispanic/Latino(a) Youth in Computing Wed, December 12, 2012 12:00 PM-1:00 PM Central
The vision of the Computer Science Collaboration Project (CSCP) is to efficiently increase participation of underrepresented groups in computer science opportunities and activities by effectively building collaborations between K-12, community-based organizations, higher education, and industry. This live webinar includes a panel of participants sharing exemplary Practices including cultural competency, family involvement, computer science content, and broadening the image of computer science.
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A Letter on STEM Education to America's Parents
On the morning of Thursday, December 6th, CSPC released "A Letter on STEM Education for America's Parents" at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) to an audience of STEM education professionals, community leaders, and policymakers.
In an effort to acknowledge the central role parents play in their children's education - and in some measure to recognize the lack of action in Congress on this issue - the STEM Education Issue Team has addressed this message directly to parents. The hope is that they will force policymakers to take necessary steps to improve the education system, so that it can better position students to thrive as adults and better position the United States to compete globally.
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STEM Program Highlight: STREAM STEM App
Get your event listed in the STREAM app and be part of a national effort to get STEM events in the hands of parents, educators, and students. STREAM was launched at the U.S. News STEM Solutions Summit and TxGCP has collaborated on the development. Get it on your iPhone today...and add in your events!
Email us at to get added as an event coordinator...and then start entering your events!
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About TxGCP |
The Texas Girls Collaborative Project (TxGCP) connects organizations and individuals across Texas committed to informing and motivating girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The TxGCP is excited to provide opportunities across Texas for collaboration, networking, sharing of best practices, and leveraging of resources through in-person forums, email listservs and mini-grants.
Led by the Women in Engineering Program (WEP) at The University of Texas at Austin along with a dynamic Leadership Team and Champions Board, the TxGCP brings together advocates and leaders from non-profits, K-12 schools, higher education institutions, companies and organizations across the state of Texas. |
About NGCP |
The vision of the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) is to bring together organizations throughout the United States and Puerto Rico that are committed to informing and encouraging girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
FabFems Website Launched with Amazing Role Models
| The FabFems directory is a national database of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professions who are inspiring role models for young women. The FabFems directory is accessible to young women, girl-serving STEM programs, and other organizations that are working to increase career awareness and interest in STEM.