The River. Mosaic by John August Swanson. From St. Matthew's Church, Glendale CA
January 7-17, 2015
Voices at Saint Peter's is a coffee-house style evening of prose, poetry, and the spoken (and sometimes sung) word presented by members and friends of Saint Peter's Church in the Living Room of Saint Peter's Church.

These events are informal, and a small donation may be given at the door to cover the cost of refreshments. Come to the living room this Friday, January 8 at 7:00pm. All are welcome.

Lend your voice: Interested in reading or singing solo or with a friend?
Email Wayne Britton, Director, MC, and Head Honcho to participate.

"All things festive" has been the normal for Saint Peter's at least since December 13, the Third Sunday in Advent and Hanging of the Greens.  But as of last evening, "the greens" have been struck and we are poised to enter a quieter normal.  Last Sunday's primarily in Spanish-language mass of Christ's Epiphany and its boisterous "three kings" party after the mass grandly capped these holy days.  Thanks to all who lead and participated in the fullness of our life together in these days.  Dance@Saint Peter's will provide the festive elements  - at the prelude and postlude - for our next two Sunday liturgies, the first of which celebrates the Baptism of our Lord and the second,   Christ's changing of water into wine at Cana in Galilee.  "Three great wonders mark these holy days," an old liturgical formula reminds us.  But one great wonder marks every day, the presence among us of the crucified and risen Christ.  Rejoice in Christ's presence!  Bask in Christ's light!
This Tuesday with the temperature at 10 degrees, we gave our homeless friends the Christmas gifts - socks, gloves, hats - that you all wrapped at the Hanging of the Greens.  We did not give them out before Christmas when the temperature was 60 degrees!  Happy Epiphany!
Mass for Peace is celebrated at 6:00 p.m. each Wednesday evening.   
January 10, 2016, the Baptism of our Lord, First Sunday after the Epiphany.
 Readings:  Isaiah 43: 1-7; Psalm 29; Acts 8: 14-17; Saint Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22
 Music at 11:00 a.m.
      Prelude  by Dance at Saint Peter's
            Unveil / Yearning 
يرنينج / كشف النقاب
"Let rain come down today " Thurlow Weed (1966--)
"God gave a star to guide the wise" Thurlow Weed (1966--)
                Entrance                                                308         O morning star, how fair and bright
                Of the Day                                             447         O Blessed Spring
                Communion                                          304         Christ, when for us you were baptized
                Sending                                                  305         When Jesus came to Jordan             
  • 8:45 a.m.           Mass                               I will preside and preach
  • 10:00 a.m.         Forum                            Roberto LaraDance@SaintPeter's
  • 11:00 a.m.         Mass                               Pastor Stahler will preside and I will preach
  • 12:30 a.m.         Brunch                           Members of Sion
  • 1:30 a.m.           Misa en espa�ol          
  • 2:30 a.m.           Cena
  • 5:00 a.m.           Jazz Vespers                  John Keogh will preside and Pastor Stahler will preach
                                                                Vitor Goncalves, Dan Weiss, Chris Tordini and Todd Neufeld
Saturday, January 16, 2016, 3:00 p.m.  Mass with the Ordination and installation of Carol Schneider, chaplain
  Readings:  Ecclesiastes 3:1-15; Psalm 91; Philippians 4:10-13; Saint Luke 4: 14-21
                Entrance                                                304         Christ, when for us you were baptized
                Of the Day                                                             Lord, you gave the great commission (Tune: Drake)
                Invocation of the Holy Spirit              577         Creator Spirit, heav'nly dove
                Communion                                          817         You have come down to the lakeshore
                Sending                                                  547         Sent forth by God's blessing
Bishop Robert A. Rimbo will preside and I will preach.  A reception will follow the liturgy.
January 17, 2016,  Second Sunday after the Epiphany
    Readings:  Isaiah 62:1-5; Psalm 36:5-10; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; Saint John 2: 1-11
  • 8:00 a.m.           Mass                               Pastor Stahler will preside and preach
  • 10:00 a.m.         Forum                            Roberto LaraDance@SaintPeter's
  • 11:00 a.m.         Mass                               I will preside and Pastor Stahler preach
  • 12:30 a.m.         Brunch                          
  • 1:30 a.m.           Misa en espa�ol          
  • 2:30 a.m.           Cena
  • 5:00 a.m.           Jazz Vespers                  John Keogh will preside and I will preach
                                                                Roosevelt Andre Credit and Friends

Our Wednesday Study begins at 7:00 p.m.  on Wednesday, January 13 and will continue on January 27 and February 3 - three weeks only.  The subject will be Words of Faith between the Testaments:  a survey of the Apocrypha.  Led by me.

Our annual Winter Parish Retreat will be held on Saturday, January 30 at Saint Peter's Church from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. A light bagel breakfast is available beginning 9:30 with a light lunch at 12:30 p.m.  The subject is the Major Words of the Minor Prophets.  Cost is $20.00 with scholarships available.  Led by me.  Register here.

Peace and Joy,
Amandus J. Derr
Senior Pastor
Dance at Saint Peter's - This Sunday
Arabella Espaya
Dance at Saint Peter's 
During the Epiphany season, Dance at Saint Peter's will have guest folkloric dance companies at our Sunday liturgies leading us in celebrating the gift of multi-cultural diversity that exists in our country, in our city, & in our church. 
On January 10th, come early and enjoy Middle-Eastern dance presented by Arabella Espa�a as the prelude to our mass. 

Grace El-Yateem
Dance at Saint Peter's Forum, January 10th
Grace El-Yateem, Youth Leader at Salam Arabic Lutheran Church
Ms. El-Yateem will talk about Middle-Eastern liturgical arts and worship.

Shaping life in the City: volunteer for a cause.
Saint Peter's is forming a group to volunteer for the Homeless Outreach Population Estimate (HOPE) conducted by the New York City Department of Homeless Services (DHS). The survey estimates the total number of chronically unsheltered individuals living in New York City. The survey helps the City craft better response to people in need.

Monday, January 25, 2016
10:00 pm to 4:00 am the following day. 
This is a late night event.

While teams survey city-wide, Saint Peter's team will be stationed near the church.

If you are interested in volunteering, please click here to email Jennifer Eberhart .

Thanks to a newcomer to Saint Peter's, Dr. Justin List, for arranging this volunteer opportunity.
Support your fellow members - Free concert at NYPL this Saturday!
Saturday, January 9
Bruno Walter Auditorium at the NYPL Performing Arts Library
Amsterdam and W. 65th St
entrance on SE corner
Program will feature:
J.S. Bach: Solo Violin Sonata No. 2 in A minor
Ralph Vaughan Williams: Songs of Travel
poetry of Robert Louis Stevenson
and more!
Mary Bopp, piano
Sharon Gunderson, violin
Sam Hutcheson, baritone
Wayne Britton, words
please Like our Chamber16 page on FB :)
another helpful link:

Congregational Life
January 30
at 10am
Parish Winter Retreat: Pastor Amandus J. Derr leads the annual retreat in the living room on the topic of The Major Words of the Minor Prophets. Breakfast and lunch will be served.
Sunday, January 31
at 1:15pm
Fiction Book Group: Join us to discuss Richard Flanagan's The Narrow Road to the Deep North.
February 6
at 8pm
Theater Outing: Martin Luther on Trial, a new play presented by Fellowship for Performing Arts at the Pearl Theater.  Group rate tickets are $29.  Please contact
Tracy asap if you would like to reserve a ticket:

Member Birthdays This Week
10         Wuigi Howard, Lee Malecki, Gabriela Gavidia
11         Rudelmar de Faria
12         John Scibilia, Nicholas Sollom
14         Marisa Lohse, Jonathan Derr, Kendall Sturm
15         James Wirth, Asa Clark
16         Tracy Busch

Breakfast Program
This past Tuesday we served 129 guests.
7,250 guests were served in 2015.
8,198 guests were served in 2014.
7,955 guests were served in 2013.
7,643 guests were served in 2012.
To serve on Tuesday mornings just show up between 6:45 and 7:15. For more details speak with Pastor Derr and he'll connect you with one of our members who regularly serves. 
619 Lexington Avenue at 54th Street in New York City