Saint Peter's Church
June 19-29, 2014
News & Notes

Dear Faithful People of Saint Peter's:



In honor to our visiting preacher, Pastor Miriam Schmidt from Bratislava, the title of this e-letter is in Slovak.   Translation:  GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST!  Or, for our Norwegian choral visitors:  �re v�re Gud i det h�yeste.


VOICES AT SAINT PETER'S is tomorrow evening, June 20, from 7:00 to 9:00.  Come to hear the marvelous poets, singers and dramatic readers who call Saint Peter's "home."  Refreshments are always served!   
Congratulations to two regular VOICES contributors:  Terry Rochford and Nancy MacLeod!   Nancy's poem Resurrection Today and Terry's poem The Gift are posted on-line in The Spirit of St. Bart's volume 7 at 
Beginning today, we will be including a monthly Stewardship Report in each issue of News and Notes.  The report will show four numbers. 
2014 Stewardship Year  
Stewardship expectation compared to actual giving
Stewardship needed per month compared to actual giving
For the five months (January 1 through May 31) 2014:
Stewardship Expectation          $175,700 
Actual Stewardship                     $142,526
For the month of May 2014
Stewardship Expectation          $36,750
Actual Stewardship Giving       $25,970
This  Sunday,  June 22, is the Second Sunday after Pentecost.  Returning to the story of Jesus according to Matthew's Gospel, we hear Jesus speak today about the cost of discipleship.  At 11:00 a.m., the Bragernes Kirkes Ungdomskor  (Parish choir from Drammen, Norway) will be our guests.  Today is celebrated as Sankthansaften (midsummer, literally Saint John the Baptist's day) in Norway. 


  • 8:45 a.m.      Mass:  I will preside and preach.
  • 10:00 a.m.   Forum:  Pastor Miriam Schmidt "Life and Ministry in Bratislava"
  • 11:00 a.m.   Mass:  Pastor Stahler will preside, I will baptize Lucas Gavin Clark and Pastor Miriam Schmidt will preach and we will host a guest choir from Norway. 
  • 12:30 p.m.   NO Brunch until September 7
  • 1:30 p.m.    Misa:  Pastor Arias will preside and preach.
  • 5:00 p.m.    Jazz Vespers:  Vicar Carol Schneider will preside and preach.

Next Sunday, June 29 is the Third Sunday after Pentecost and the Day of Peter and Paul, Apostles.  This is a day for Saint Peter's to celebrate our "patron saint" Peter and, arguably the "patron saint of Lutheran theology," Paul who, according to ancient tradition, were martyred in Rome on this date.  "Catholic substance and Protestant principle" (Jaroslav Pelikan) shapes this day.

  • 8:45 a.m.      Mass:  Pastor Stahler will preside and preach.
  • 10:00 a.m.   Forum:  Nancy Rackoczy "Hunger"
  • 11:00 a.m.   Mass:  I will preside and Pastor Stahler will preach.
  • 12:30 p.m.   NO Brunch until September 7
  •  1:30 p.m.    Misa:  Pastor Arias will preside and preach.
  •  5:00 p.m.    Jazz Vespers:  Vicar Carol Schneider will preside and preach.


Please note:

  • Brunch is not served from June 22 through August 31.
  • There are no Sunday School classes until after Labor Day.
  • There is no Wednesday 6:00 p.m. mass until September 3, 2014.
  • We try to close the church building near to 6:00p.m. each evening from July 1 through August 31.
  • Several repair and cleanup projects always occur in these summer months.

If you have questions about the summer schedule, please check the calendar on our website or call the church office and ask the receptionist.



Peace and Joy,


Amandus J. Derr

Senior Pastor


Dear Faithful People
Report of Congregational Meeting
Meet the Members
Education and Enrichment
Community and Fellowship
Art and Music
Member Birthdays
Breakfast Program


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on Sunday, June 15, 2014


At our Annual Budget meeting last Sunday, chaired in the absence of the President and Vice President by Christopher Vergara, Secretary of the Parish Council, 79 persons were present with 71 members of Saint Peter's voting.  The following items were adopted:


  1. The 2014-2015 Program budget of $1,849,529 income and $1,843,220 expenses.
  2. The 2014-2015 Property Budget of $101,900.
  3. A resolution to continue funding the Property Fund with additional stewardship totally $110,000 per year.
  4. A new Vision Statement, replacing the 1998 statement "Leading in partnering to creatively shape life in the city" with the following new vision statement for our next five years:
Together, cultivating the church of today 
to embrace the opportunities, challenges, and life of tomorrow.   






At its January 2014 meeting, the Parish Council asked that the younger members of Saint Peter's Church articulate what Saint Peter's might look like five years from now. This June 26 gathering is the first in a process that will lead to a report to the Parish Council, and then a broad conversation among all the members of Saint Peter's. This is one way we are beginning to live into the Vision Statement that will be acted on at this coming Sunday's annual meeting of the congregation.



If you are interested in exploring more, re-visit these sermons:


Reconciliation/Reformation Sunday
Pastor Amandus J. Derr
11:00 A.M. Mass
October 27, 2013

Day of Pentecost
Pastor Jared R. Stahler
11:00 A.M. Mass
June 8, 2014




Would you like to be featured in a new "Meet the Members" section of This Week at Saint Peter's and News and Notes?  Please send your name, picture, Saint Peter's involvement, and some fun facts about you to Jennifer at and we'll include it in an upcoming edition!


Are you, or someone you know at Saint Peter's, interested in serving on the Parish Council?

Each summer, the Nominating Committee works to secure the names of congregational members interested in serving as a member of the Parish Council, usually for a full three year term.  The Committee then emails a questionnaire to each person, and sets a time, usually in early September, for interviews.  Please contact any member of the Committee with suggested names, including your own!  They are Jack Anderson; Gloria Biegler; Watson Bosler, chair



 Upcoming Sunday Fora


June 22: Pastor Miriam Schmidt


 *No further Sunday fora until September.*



 All are welcome! 


To participate in Gay Pride events (June 23-29),

visit the Saint John's Evangelical Lutheran Church website.


 For more community events, click on "Community Life" on our website at



Join our online community! 

Connect with fellow church-goers at


To keep contact information up-to-date,

members should log on to ACS via the church website or The Intersection.







June 22

5:00 p.m. -- Jazz Vespers with Healing

Adam Larson Quintet



June 25

1:00 p.m. -- Midday Jazz Midtown

Jay Leonhart: Family and Friends

June 26

12:30 p.m. -- Jazz on the Plaza

Charenee Wade Group

June 29

5:00 p.m. -- Jazz Vespers

Alex Brown Quartet

In the Narthex


In the Living Room Gallery




June    22        Eugen Danielson

              24        Maria Zambrano, Stephen Brighton,

                          Rebecca Petropoulos

              26        David Fries

              27        John Gensel

              28        Janis Pauliks



This past Tuesday, 147  guests were served at our Breakfast Program.  
Thus far in 2014,  3,517 guests have been served.  

In 2013, 7,955 guests were served.

In 2012, 7,643 people were served.