Saint Peter's Church
May 8-18, 2014
News & Notes

Dear Faithful People of Saint Peter's:


Congratulations to Vicar Carol Schneider!   Carol has received an appointment to the Chaplain Residency program at Methodist Hospital, Park Slope, Brooklyn for the year beginning September 1, 2014, immediately following her internship year at Saint Peter's.  This is another major step in Carol's goal to serve as a chaplain!  (Carol is preaching at 8:45 and 11:00 this Sunday).


This Sunday, the Fourth Sunday of Easter, marks a shift in emphasis from the presence of the crucified and risen Christ - "through the water, at the table, with us now" - to benefits of the risen Christ.  This Sunday has been popularly called "Good Shepherd Sunday." 

  • 8:45 a.m.      Mass:  I will preside and Vicar Carol Schneider will preach
  • 10:00 a.m.   Forum:  Pastor Bill Eschen presents the second of a two-part series: The Relationship between the Gospel and Psychotherapy
  • 11:00 a.m.   Mass:  I will preside and Vicar Carol Schneider will preach
  • 12:30 p.m.   Brunch prepared by  John Troccoli and William Roy
  • 1:30 p.m.    Misa:  Pastor Arias will preside and preach
  • 5:00 p.m.   Jazz Vespers:  Pastor Stahler will preside and preach with musicians Nadje Noordhuis Quartet


Next Sunday, May 18, is the Fifth Sunday of Easter and the crucified risen Christ proclaims "I am the way, the truth and the life" while Peter proclaims our indelible baptismal identity as "God's own people so that we may proclaim God's mighty acts."  That's a powerful vocation to fulfill.

  • 8:45 a.m.      Mass:  I will preside and preach
  • 10:00 a.m.   Forum:  Pastor Jonathan Linman, Assistant to Bishop Rimbo for Formation, will lead us in "Seeing Jesus:  Exploring Images and Our Imaginations"
  • 11:00 a.m.   Mass: Pastor Stahler will preside and I will preach
  • 12:30 p.m.   Brunch by Tracy Christensen and Watson Bosler
  • 1:15 p.m.     Fiction Book discussion The Infatuations, by Javier Marias in 3rd floor link
  • 1:30 p.m.    Misa:  Pastor Arias will preside and preach
  • 5:00 p.m.    Jazz Vespers:  Vicar Carol Schneider will preach and preside at with musicians Kate McGarry, voice and Keith Ganz, guitar



  • Sunday, June 1 at 11:00 a.m.:  PASTOR DALE LIND'S 50th Anniversary of Ordination Celebration at Saint Peter's Church
  • Saturday, June 7 at 4:00 p.m.: 34th Annual Memorial Vespers
  • Sunday, June 8:  THE DAY OF PENTECOST



  • Friday, June 13 at Central Synagogue: Peter Rubinstein's final Sabbath as Senior Rabbi
  • Sunday, June 15: First Sunday after Pentecost:  HOLY TRINITY ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL BUDGET MEETING
  • Sunday, June 22 at 11:00 a.m. mass:  Baptism of Lucas Gavin Clark. Although our choir begins summer recess, we will have a guest choir from Norway and a guest preacher from Bratislava, Slovakia:  Pastor Miriam Schmidt, Dr. Thomas Schmidt's daughter, one of our own.
  • Sunday, June 29:  Day  of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles


Alleluia!  Christ is risen!


Peace and Joy,


Amandus J. Derr

Senior Pastor


Dear Faithful People
Education and Enrichment
Community and Fellowship
Art and Music
Breakfast Program


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Gifts To The 50 Days of Easter Flower Fund Have Been Generously Provided By:


Jack, Margaret, Molly and Julia Aaker,  
in memory of Catherine Aaker and Sarah Gottlieb

Iris Abeiro

Beatriz Elida Aguilar

Fabian Arias

Ro Baker, in memory of Phebe and John Baker, and Arne and Ilmi Polto

Victor Beauchamp

Susan Smyth Bell, in memory and thanksgiving for the Bell and Smyth families

The Blohm Family, in memory of our dear Stacey

Jens, Eti, and Ariadne Bon-Muller, in honor of Elletta Bonn Muller

Watson Bosler, to the glory of God and in thanksgiving for his six godchildren

Eugene L Brand

Wayne Britton and Jennifer Smith Britton, 
in memory of family and friends gone too soon

Peg Bunke, in memory of Marjorie and Edward Bunke

Kathy and Jim Burt, in honor of Pastor Derr's birthday and 
in memory of Al and Stella Butler and Patricia Flinkstrom

Dale Christensen and Patricia Hewitt

Asa and Margie Clark, in memory of Matthew, JR and our parents

Eileen Cotter, in memory of the parents 
of both Carolyn and Edward Wagner by their cousin

Pastor John S. Damm, for all who live life in Christ

Richard Dematteis, with thanksgiving for members' healing prayers

Clark Denis, in memory of the September 11, 2001 First Responders, 
and to Sharon Gunderson whose violin performance 
at St. Paul's Chapel at the time was angelical. God Bless Her!

Amandus J. and Carole E. Derr, in thanksgiving to God 
for our family and for the people and staff of
Saint Peter's Church

Maria Del Toro and Stan Rustin, in memory of family and friends

Jennifer Eberhart, in memory of grandfathers Phil Hartman and Paul Eberhart

Alicia Erhart

Anita Follins, in memory of my mother, Lena Follins

Lola Francis, in memory of sister Josephine Griffin, brother Victor Hall, 
and niece Brenda Hall

Elizabeth Garcia

Emy Gimenez

Olga Torres

The Halvorsons

Robert W. Hinson, in memory of the Weber and Stadelhofer families

Stephen Holzemer, in memory of Joe and Mitzi Keogh

Bruce C. Johnson, in memory of Loved Ones

John Keogh, in memory of Bob and Bobbi Holzemer

Ulrike Klopfer, in loving memory of Barbara

Bradley Knueppel in memory of teacher and friend Ruth Jandasa

The Knueppel family, in memory of Walter A. Peterssen, 
Rev. Daniel J. and Mrs. Helen Knueppel, Uncles Erqin Peterssen 
and Herman Sehlmeyer, and Matthew Knueppel

Elaine Kosseff, in loving memory of her husband Jerry

Kevin Kunkle

Doris Lange, in memory of Philip

Josephine Livoti, for Joy and Hope in Christ's Resurrection

Nancy MacLeod, in memory of Murdo MacLeod, 
Helen and Otto Kratzin and Lori and Ray Osusky

Jim Madden

Sergio & Claudia Ochoa

Sulman & Angel Ojeda

Brian and Christine O'Hanlon, in memory of Thomas and Kate O'Hanlon, 
Ruth Sweet and Anne and John Baldino

John and Elaine Pascu

Christopher Preiss and Jeffrey Preiss, 
in memory of Dona J Preiss and James L Preiss

Ralph U. Price, in memory of Roy E. Price

Ernesto Ramirez

Frances and Samuel Reed, in memory of Mary Beard

Dorothy E. Reid, in memory of my parents, grandparents and Godmother

Terry Rochford, in thanksgiving for those who listen closely

Tony Rohling and Cecile Hastie, 
in memory of Ernestine Rohling and Thyra Kabealo

Marisol Sandoval

The Saint Peter's Pilgrims to Spain, 2014, 
in thanksgiving for a safe and inspiring journey

Juanita Sarosi

Jill and John Scibilia, 
in memory of Marian and Sal Scibilia and Thomas McFadden

Angel & Jorge Torres

Olga Torres

John Troccoli, in loving memory of my mother, Virginia Troccoli

Edward and Carolyn Wagner, 
in loving memory of our cousins Gladys Shelton and Majbritt Solberg

Kathy Young, in honor of the people and staff of Saint Peter's Church



Flowers are provided by Roses and Bloom, 599 Lexington Avenue at 52nd Street


Gifts can still be made online or by your Easter Flower Fund envelopes.





Upcoming Sunday Fora


May 11: Pastor Bill Eschen, "The Relationship between the Gospel and Psychotherapy"


May 18: Pastor Jonathan Linman, "Seeing Jesus: Exploring Images and Our Imaginations"


June 1: Barbara Aliprantis


June 8: The Pearls of Wisdom






 All are welcome! 




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 May 10

12:00 - 7:00 p.m. -- Festival

International Women in Jazz


May 11

5:00 p.m. -- Jazz Vespers

Nadje Noordhuis Quartet




May 11

6:30 p.m. -- Jazz 4 All

Chanda Rule, Melissa Stylianou, and Nadje Noordhuis




May 13

8:00 p.m. -- Concert

Bach & Forth Chamber Ensemble


May 14

1:00 p.m. -- Midday Jazz Midtown

Joyce Breach and John DiMartino

May 15

12:30 p.m. -- Jazz on the Plaza

William Paterson University, 
featuring Tim Newman

May 15

2:00 p.m. -- Concert

Unforgettables Chorus

May 16

7:30 p.m. -- Concert

Down Town Glee Club


May 17

7:00 p.m. -- Concert

Beau Soir (An Evening of Song)
with Sofia Axelrod and Cathy Miller


May 18

5:00 p.m. -- Jazz Vespers

Kate McGarry and Keith Ganz


In the Narthex Gallery


In the Living Room Gallery


Did you take home the wrong coat last weekend?  The coat in question is tan, has elastic cuffs and waist, two slash pockets on each side (the outer one on each side has a zipper), and a breast pocket inside.  The fabric is soft like microfiber.  A similar coat is still on the rack.  If you possess the mis-appropriated coat, please return it to the rack where you found it.




We Still Need Brunch Makers for June 8





This past Tuesday, 139  guests were served at our Breakfast Program.  
Thus far in 2014,  2,810 guests have been served.  

In 2013, 7,955 guests were served.

In 2012, 7,643 people were served.