Kansas Sampler Foundation
Hey everyone,
Here's a big thanks to each of you for your contribution to the 2014 Big Rural Brainstorm!

If you would fill out this feedback form, then I'll create a summary.  In addition, in the next e-blast I'll send an electronic roster, a list of resources, a news release, and whatever else needs to be shared.

Your feedback after the 2012 BRB helped us fix some rough spots, as your feedback will do now.  But, this feedback is also designed to collect some of your aha's, questions and needs you still have, and your rural actions.

Thank you, Marci

FEEDBACK.  A dozen questions.

Just hit reply or copy and paste to marci@kansassampler.org


If your answers are used in the summary, they will be made anonymous. 


1.  What is an action, big or little, that you plan to put into motion?





2.  Length of sessions, size, sound, monitors/facilitators.  Please advise. 





3.  Which session was most beneficial for you?  Name the topic, if you can, or the table number and which session it was.





4.  What disappointed you or did not meet your expectation?





5.  Was there a person(s) who made an impact on you?  How?  


6Since we didn't have reporting to the whole group on each session, we all wonder what were the best ideas or what happened in each group.  Please share as much as you can.  Send your session notes to Marci, if willing. 






7.  Comment on the "Get in Front" presentation that you attended or presented

  8.  Comment on the "Ask the PowerUps" session that you attended.   





  9.  How was the day for you outside of the sessions?  Did you have good hallway chats?  Were there too many sessions for you?  Any advice?




10.  Do you still have a question you need answered?  Please state it here.  





11.  Were there behaviors that needed to be yellow carded, and was the yellow card used?





12.  What was the best thing that happened for you at the BRB?  

Yellow carding is another name for reframing.  In the true sense of reframing,  a person or the group helps reframe the negative step, or the cause for the reframe.  The yellow card may seem like punishment but it is meant to be used to stop and reframe what just happened.

Keep meetings positive!  It's contagious and makes all the difference.