When natural disasters strike, indiscriminate in wrath and sometimes unprecedented in destruction, at least one fact generally applies: volunteers are needed to help recover and rebuild.
Hundreds of licensed architects and engineers headed to parts of Alabama following their devastating tornados in 2011, contributing thousands of hours in pro-bono inspections. And Assembly Majority Lou Greenwald is hoping that legislation he introduced in Sandy's aftermath will allow New Jersey to welcome the same volunteerism during future natural disasters.
What made Alabama's hospitality possible is a Good Samaritan Law which protects such volunteers from frivolous litigation. Greenwald's bill, A-3694, would provide immunity to licensed architects and engineers who volunteer at the scene of a declared emergency at the request of authorities.
Greenwald is hoping to advance the measure during the lame-duck session. It has been referred to the Assembly Regulated Professions Committee and is cosponsored by Assemblywomen Handlin and Jasey.