Connections Spring/Summer 2014
HIE Usage at All Time Highs!


HealthInfoNet has seen tremendous growth in use of the health information exchange. Here are a few of our recent statistics.


Over the course of the past year:

  • 575,000 Maine residents received care transition support as a result of their medical providers participation in the HIE. This represents 44% of Maine's population.
  • 252,500 patients had information included in the HIE from two or more health care organizations.
  • 27,000 individual ordering providers made information available in the HIE to support transitions of care.

In the past month:

  • Over 13 million events of care were added to the HIE
  • 61,000 data transmissions were sent to Maine CDC in support of Electronic Lab Reporting and Syndromic Surveillance
  • 21,000 patient records were queried by clinical users
  • 10,000 continuity of care documents (CCDs) were sent
  • Over 8,000 real-time ADT (admission, discharge, transfer) care notifications were sent to support care management
HealthInfoNet Will Receive eHealth Exchange Certification 

As reported in our winter newsletter, HealthInfoNet needed to become an eHealth Exchange participant to connect the HIE to the Veterans Health Administration's electronic health record system. After a rigorous testing period, we're pleased that HealthInfoNet received approval to proceed with implementation as an eHealth Exchange participant. This positions HealthInfoNet to connect with other federal agencies and the national health information network. 

HIE User Highlight: Erica Martin 


"HealthInfoNet has been a valuable resource for me in completing my day to day tasks. Living in such a rural area, patients often choose to have elective procedures done at the health care facility closest to them, which is not always part of The Aroostook Medical Center. It is important for me to collect information from these outside facilities in order to maintain our patient EMR, and HealthInfoNet allows me to quickly retrieve that information. Also we are part of Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems. HealthInfoNet plays a vital role in easy access of patient information housed in our two separate EMR systems. Without HealthInfoNet, my job would be very cumbersome as I manage thousands of patient charts. Thank you HealthInfoNet!"


Erica S. Martin, M.A., The Aroostook Medical Center 

Reporting and Analytics Services Now Available to HIE Clients

After two years of building, testing and piloting, HealthInfoNet has launched a new reporting and analytics service using real-time clinical data managed by a statewide HIE organization. Click here for an overview of this new service. The service is offered in partnership with HBI Solutions of Palo Alto, CA, and available by subscription to current HIE participants who share patient data into the system. St. Joseph Healthcare was one of the piloting organizations and was the first subscriber for this new service. One St. Joseph user wrote in a recent email, "The new platform is an amazing tool! It is going to help so many patients that are struggling/at risk to be identified much sooner and to get the outreach that they will need."  First customers also include Franklin Community Health Network and Beacon Health, LLC. In addition to introducing the tool to Maine provider organizations, HealthInfoNet and HBI Solutions have presented at a number of regional and national conferences. Based on feedback in Maine and nationally, it appears that, like with the introduction of the HIE, HealthInfoNet is once again ahead of the pack. 

Single Sign On to Prescription Monitoring Program

HealthInfoNet HIE users, can now access the Maine Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) through the HealthInfoNet clinical portal. HealthInfoNet worked with the State throughout 2013 to link the two systems, giving clinicians a single sign on to the State PMP while logged into the clinical portal. HIE users have asked for this service for several years and the hope is that this will increase usage of both the PMP and the HIE. 

Connecting Long-Term Care


With all hospitals and a large number of physician practices connected or under contract, HealthInfoNet is focusing on connecting new care settings to the health information exchange. One of those is long-term care. The expansion of Accountable Care Organizations across Maine and demand from an aging population, has increased the focus on sharing information across acute, post-acute and long-term care settings. HealthInfoNet is connected to a handful of long-term care facilities today, and later this year will connect to 11 facilities owned by Genesis HealthCare and 12 owned by First Atlantic HealthCare. These facilities are scattered across the State and represent the majority of skilled nursing and long-term care facilities in Maine. 

Progress on SIM Grant Deliverables

As of one of three sub-contractors for the State Innovation Model (SIM) Testing Grant Project, HealthInfoNet has four deliverables.

  • First, HealthInfoNet is responsible for sending automated email notifications to MaineCare care managers when their members are admitted to emergency and inpatient care settings. This is now in place and operating for the 1,800 members MaineCare has chosen to follow.      

  • Second, 20 behavioral health organizations will receive funding to support adoption of health information technology, including connecting to the HIE. After a detailed selection process, the organizations were chosen and the project officially kicked off in May.   

  • Third, HealthInfoNet will pilot giving patients access to a care summary, called a Continuity of Care Document of the information contained in the HIE record. Eastern Maine Healthcare System's was selected to pilot providing this care summary through their patient portal. Work officially began in June.      

  • Lastly, HealthInfoNet is building a MaineCare specific clinical dashboard using tools and functionality included in our new analytics service (described above). These tools will help MaineCare analyze their member's health care utilization to support MaineCare population health initiatives. HealthInfoNet is working with MaineCare to develop use cases to inform the structure of the dashboard to be built over the summer. 

For more information visit the SIM page on the State of Maine website. 

207-541-9250 or 866-592-4352
Quick Links & Partners
Who's Connected


We recently added an interactive map of participating organizations on our website. This map can be filtered by name, type of connection, address, city, zip and facility type. It can also be exported to Excel. Use this tool as a quick, easy way to see what other providers are using and contributing data to HealthInfoNet. 

The REC Grant Comes to a Clocse


The Regional Extension Center grant came to a successful close on April 6th. Throughout the four-year grant, HealthInfoNet helped organizations and sole practitioners representing 1,000 individual providers install a certified EHR, 80% of whom also attested to Meaningful Use Stage One and connected to the HIE. We also supported Maine's Critical Access Hospitals go live on a certified EHR. 73% of them also attested to Meaningful Use Stage One and connected to the HIE. While the grant program is over, HealthInfoNet will continue to serve as a resource for Maine providers seeking health information technology support and guidance.  
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