About HealthInfoNet
HealthInfoNet is an independent, nonprofit organization using health information technology to improve patient care quality and safety.
The organization's core service is the management of a secure computer system, called a health information exchange (HIE), for doctors, hospitals and other care providers to share important health information and improve patient care. The HIE system links medical information from separate health care sites to create a single electronic patient health record, then allows authorized providers to see that record to support patient care. This lets providers quickly access the information they need to make more informed decisions about their patients' care, especially in an emergency.
The organization also serves as the Maine Regional Extension Center (REC), helping Maine's primary care providers and critical access and rural hospitals adopt and effectively use electronic health records (EHR) and achieve meaningful use.
Board of Directors
President: Nona Boyink, President, HealthReach Network & MaineGeneral Rehab & Nursing Care
Vice President: Richard White, General Manager, Employer and Provider Partnerships, Martin's Point Health Care
Treasurer: Karl Turner, Self-Employed Businessman
Secretary: Arthur Blank, President, Mt. Desert Island Hospital
Executive Member at Large: Richard Marston, Retired Paper Executive
Josh Broder, President, Tilson Technology Management
William L. Caron Jr., CEO, MaineHealth
Richard Freeman, MD, Chief Transformation Officer, Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems
Dawn Gallagher, Esq. - Director, Office of the State Coordinator for HIT
Douglas Jorgensen, DO, Manchester Osteopathic Healthcare
Mary Mayhew, Commissioner, Maine Dept. of Health & Human Services
Peter Mills, Director, Maine Turnpike Authority
Rod Prior, MD, Health IT Consultant
Ann Sullivan, Consumer
HealthInfoNet Management
Shaun Alfreds, Chief Operating Officer
Kim Bustamante, Director of Administration & Finance
Devore Culver, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer
Amy Landry, Communications Manager
Phil Profenno, Director of Implementation and Client Support
Todd Rogow, Chief Technology Officer
Katie Sendze, Program Director