Grant Seekers Gazette banner 
Special Interest Grant Applications Due Soon   
October 1 is the deadline for most special interest grants, which are provided by field-of-interest funds left by donors with specific interests. If your organization offers services for any of the following areas, consider applying:
  • Children and spouses who have been abused
  • Faith community nursing programs
  • People with developmental disabilities
  • Horticultural education
  • Mental health research
  • Peninsula arts and humanities
  • Peninsula high schools
  • Pianos
How Do You Measure Fundraising Success?
Amy Eisenstein
When it comes to measuring a nonprofit's fundraising success actual dollars raised is not the only metric to consider. Amy Eisenstein, author of Major Gift Fundraising for Small Shops and Raising More With Less, recently shared her insight with Hampton Roads development officers during a half-day workshop. She was featured at the fourth annual Fundraising Leadership Symposium sponsored by the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Hampton Roads Chapter and the Hampton Roads Community Foundation.
In addition to actual dollars, Eisenstein suggests tracking asks made and gifts received, retention of donors over the years, how many new donors you attract, numbers of visits with potential donors, size of gifts and stewardship efforts. Click here for a study she helped write that focuses on improving fundraising efforts:
Could Your Nonprofit Use Help with Future Planning?  
Naomi Takeuchi
Strategic planning is the focus of two upcoming classes hosted by the Academy for Nonprofit Excellence: Sustainable Strategic Planning, on October 5, and Strategic Fiscal Planning, on October 6. Veteran instructor Naomi Takeuchi of 1000 Cranes in Charlotte will teach both classes. You will learn about various tools to help you create or revise your strategic plan, and also gain confidence in your budgeting skills.  Learn more about this and other great classes.
Welcome New Area Nonprofit Leaders!

The 757 Nonprofit Collaborative, a program of Tidewater Community College and Volunteer Hampton Roads, hosted a welcome reception last month.

Twenty-seven new nonprofit leaders were honored, including Edythe White and Angela Kellam (left) who were being congratulated by Kitty Schaum. Click here for a photo of many of the honorees, their names and organizations.
Sign Up Now for 2017 Give Local 757 and Save Money!  
The 2017 Give Local 757 day will be on Tuesday, May 9 from midnight to midnight. Early registration is only $100 until December 31. After then the cost rises. More details will follow in upcoming newsletters. Click here to register.
Hampton Roads Community Foundation
(757) 622-7951