Filtration System    

 Wine Maker's Toy Store
Dallas Home Brew

October 2012
Volume 10, Issue 10
866-417-1114 (Long Distance)
972-323-7921 (Local)
972-323-7955 (Fax)
"The Wine Maker's Toy Store™"
AHA Learn to Brew Day
Dallas Home Brew, aka Fine Vine Wines will be participating in this year's American Homebrewers Association 14th annual Learn to Homebrew Day on Saturday November 3.  The event will start at 9 am with the brewers setting up the equipment and the brewing should be done around 4-5 pm. We will have brewers on hand from two local clubs, The North Texas Home Brewers Association and the Denton County Homebrewers Guild providing brewing demonstrations on all grain brewing and extract brewing.
There will be many different types of home brew set ups including a Blichmann Top Tier, a "Tippy Dump Brew Sculpture", a three tier system, Brutus 10 style system and various other types of systems.  If you have ever wanted to check out some different brewing setups or just curious on how to make your first batch of extract or all grain this is a great time to come out and learn and ask questions.  If you have any questions about the event, please feel free to call the store and ask for Brian or Derrick.
New Packaging

After years of searching, we have finally found an acceptable substitute for the styrofoam peanuts in most of our shipping needs.  It is a thick air pillow and our trials have resulted in no change in damage.  Some boxes will still require a mixture of peanuts and the air pillows, but we will do our best to reduce the use of styroam peanuts!

With peanuts, we had a damage rate around 1 per 1,000 boxes.  We are hoping the air pillow don't have an impact on that number; however, if you notice any damaged products, please contact us for replacement.

A Word About Corks

In case you haven't noticed, not all corks are alike. We sell a wide range of corks that vary in size and protection for your wine. #8 and #9 are used for the standard wine bottles. Generally, we recommend the #8 corks for the 375 ml bottles (splits) and #9 corks for the 750 ml and 1,500 ml bottles.


When choosing a cork, the most important question is how long do you plan to age the bottle? If you plan to drink the wine within 2 years of bottling, any of the corks we sell will work for your needs. On the other hand, if you plan to age your wine longer than 2 years, you need to look at the Perfect Agglomerate cork, Altec cork, bi-disk cork or natural cork. You will get at least 5 years out of the Perfect Agglomerate cork and Altec corks and 5-10 years from the bi-disk and natural corks.


We have also found a synthetic cork that will give you up to 5 years of storage. The bad news is that we won't have them until late this year. They will be arriving with our next shipment from Italy. They will be #9 in both 1.5" and 1.75" and the prices will be very competitive with the agglomerate corks.


I would hate to see you lose a bottle aged wine due to the cork leaking. I will also add that we have sold well over 2 million of the perfect corks without a single reported incidence of leakage. The one drawback to these corks is their density. Even though we include them with our starter packages, they can be difficult to insert with a hand corker if you don't follow our video instructions. They can also be difficult to remove with some of the corkscrews on the market.


I would also recommend upgrading to a floor corker when you have the budget available. Not only are they easier to use, they also compress the cork during the insertion process which makes a cleaner look on the cork.

Shipping Special

Due to the popularity of the August  and September Shipping Specials, we are going to extend it for the balance of the year. This special is $9.99 per box for shipping most items. Due to the combination of size, weight and value, the following items do not qualify for this special:

  • Carboys, glass and plastic
  • Wine and beer bottles
  • Kegs
  • Large Fermenters
  • 50 and 55 pound bags of grain
  • Items that have to be freighted like stainless steel tanks and crusher/de-stemmers
The online system will automatically calculate your shipping charges based on the weight of qualifying and non-qualifying products. As always, if you have any questions, please use the contact us link to call us or send us an email.
Limited Releases for 2013

We are still waiting on information on this years limited release wine kits from Mosti Mondiale.  As soon as we receive the information from the manufacturers, we will send out emails detailing the offerings.  As always, we will have a special offer to go with these kits and I think this year's will be our best yet.

Close Out Specials

Please use the following link to look at our close out specials:


Close Out Specials  


Monthly Specials

Mosti Mondiale Renaissance - 10% off


Click on the link below to see all of the wine kits on sale, this month.


This month we have 3 Brewer's Best Stout Beer Kits on sale for $5.00 off; 

English Brown, English Bitter and English Pale Ale.  Click on the link below to see this outstanding pricing:




Fine Vine Wines, LLC

In This Issue
Learn to Brew Day
New Packaging
A Word About Corks
Shipping Special
Limited Releases for 2013
Close Out Specials
Monthly Specials
Current Specials
Brew Day
Current Specials

To see this month's specials, new products and close out specials, click on the links below: 

Brew Day

Next brew day will be in October.

Other Links

As a reminder, we continue to add products and content to the web site, therefore, if you have any special requests, please let us know. We like to hear what you have to say about our site, our products and/or our customer service, good or bad. Please send your comments and/or suggestions to the contact us link below.
Don't forget we DO like you to CALL!
If you have any questions about our products, our service and/or wine making or home brewing, please call us. We are here to serve you and enjoying assisting you in any way we can. We have an international toll-free line so you WILL call us.   Someone is usually at the store between 9 am and 6 pm, Monday through Friady and 10 am and 5 pm on Saturday. We always try to answer the phone when you call; however, sometimes, we are unable to answer the phone as we are on the other lines or we have customers in the store. If you get the voice mail, please leave your name, number, brief message and a best time to call. We will return your call just as soon as we can.   If you don't want to call, just send us an email. We usually answer our emails daily. Please remember, we are a resource and we are here to serve you. 
We don't want to be the biggest store, just the BEST!




Contact Information:  Please use the following link to contact us with any questions and/or suggestions you have.

George, Joseph and Brian

Fine Vine Wines, LLC, The Wine Maker's Toy Store and Dallas Home Brew