TAO November Programs 

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What's New with the
We have a guitar!  The Festival's 2014 Merrill guitar is a pre-WWII replica of a Martin-D28 -- one of the most sought-after guitars on the market.  Our guitar will be making the rounds at house concerts, open mic nights and shows at the Attucks Theater.  Who knows?  We might have a regular event just to show it off.  Special thanks to Jim and the folks at Merrill Guitars for making this dream a reality for TAO!  
TAO Mission: Sharing the Joy of the Arts
Our mission thrives on financial support from individuals and businesses like you

The needs for music and arts in shelters, nursing homes, hospitals snd other dependent-care programs has never been greater. Tidewater Arts Outreach has a waiting list of artists wanting to serve, and locations wanting to receive our services. There is also a need to educate caregivers on the benefits of arts in health settings, and to train artists in effective, interactive approaches to creative arts programs for persons with special needs. Help us be a part of the solution - every donation makes a difference.  THANK YOU. 




Giving Thanks
"Remember the Present"
by Donna Iona Drozda 


This month we're  looking back with tremendous gratitude for all those who contribute so much to our vital work.  The arts community and ARTISTS have contributed so much to TAO. Our program artists have grown with us to expand their repertoire to meet clients' needs.  On any given day they are painting, singing, drumming, leading, teaching and sharing their love of the arts, on behalf of Tidewater Arts Outreach.  Read all of our thanks-giving here. 


TAO Programs Updates

Have you noticed anything new or different about the types of programs TAO schedules?  Since 2004, activity and therapeutic rec departments we work with have been overwhelming in their support of our programs.  They also have encouraged us to build into our programs more opportunities for participant engagement - whether by painting, singing, playing an instrument, creating a story, song, poem, or other form of expression.  It turns out that people in dependent care settings often have a lot to say, but not enough ways to emote and not enough folks listening. 
Read the full article here.

TAO friends Evans, Jim, Karen and Charles enjoy some therapeutic group music-making, also known as a 
'jam session.'
In the News...

Group Therapeutic Music Program is Popular at Best Drug Rehabilitation.  As noted by the American Music Therapy Association, music therapy is widely regarded as a powerful clinical approach that can be used to promote wellness, reduce stress and pain, enhance communication, and help people share their feelings. Their group music program has been a big success with clients.  See their video here. 


Pursuing Medicine Through Art. While a mural-painting class might seem an odd fit for a school focused on preparing students interested in pursing jobs in the health care field, courses in the humanities have long been considered an important part of a medical education.  


At the University of Texas Health Science Center students have the option of taking a course called Medicine Through Literature, or "med lit."      read more... 


Nurses Beat Burnout with Exercise and the ArtsNurses often confront the limits of care, especially with terminally ill patients.  Many hospitals and medical institutions offer programs to help staff members cope with emotional fatigue and manage stress. At Georgetown University Hospital's Lombardi Cancer Center, along with exercise, the nurses are also encouraged to get involved in the arts.  read more...

Save the Date - January 25 '14

TAO House Concert with 
The Delvers 
Drew and Kate Landman are opening their Norfolk home on Saturday evening, January 25, for a night of outstanding music by The Delvers, to benefit Tidewater Arts Outreach! Please save the 
date and stay tuned for ticket information.