Play by Play Hunt Report

Wildlife Systems, Inc.  

"Serving Hunters' & Landowners' Needs Since 1987"

Wildlife Systems, Inc.
January 3, 2014

Happy 2014! We hope you are off to a great start.


Though we still have a few whitetail and mule deer hunters coming through our camps in coming days, we can actually see light at the end of the proverbial tunnel with our "fall schedule." Now, don't misunderstand, we still have a non-stop schedule of hunting between now and mid-April, but our fall hunts will give way to our winter schedule of hunting nilgai, aoudad sheep, various other exotics, and then eventually segueing into our spring gobbler season in March. As they say, "no rest for the weary," but rest is over-rated, anyhow!


As you can see from our photos below, we are wrapping up our fall hunts in good order. We'll be providing to you a WSI ENews next week, and we look forward to beginning our focus on an outstanding 2014. We hope that you'll choose to be part of our program this year, and we wish you and yours a healthy and prosperous one.




Your Friends at WSI

Jobe Ranch - Mule Deer Hunts



A. S. Gage Ranch - Mule Deer Hunts  


La Rucia Ranch


Wildlife Systems, Inc.
PO Box 5121
San Angelo, Texas 76902
Wildlife Systems, Inc.
Wildlife Systems, Inc.
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