Play by Play Hunt Report

Wildlife Systems, Inc.  

"Serving Hunters' & Landowners' Needs Since 1987"

25th Anniversary

March 26, 2013

We hope that this WSI Play By Play finds each of you enjoying some spring pleasures, perhaps sneaking in some time to do a little fishing, chasing some love-sick gobblers, cooking out on the porch, or maybe getting your garden prepped for planting. Indeed, there are parts of the country where cold weather is still reminding us that winter's departure is lingering, but generally speaking, the warm changes are emerging, which renews hope for the new year.

Our WSI calendar continues to be a busy one, and as the photos indicate in this PBP, we have been busy with nilgai, aoudad, and various exotics, and with our south zone turkey season going right now, we have also added a healthy dose of spring gobbler hunters to our itinerary. We'll look forward to posting some additional hunting success photos in the near future, including some early results from our turkey hunts.


Your friends at WSI









Wildlife Systems, Inc.
PO Box 5121
San Angelo, Texas 76902