Play by Play Hunt Report

Wildlife Systems, Inc.  

"Serving Hunters' & Landowners' Needs Since 1987"

25th Anniversary

November 2, 2012  


Our hunts continue to move along with good success. Due to us having hunts taking place around the state, in various camps, it is sometimes difficult for us to get photos in from all of our guides in a timely fashion, and right now we are lagging behind somewhat from many of our hunts and harvested animals. However, we do have some good shots to provide you with today, and we'll hopefully get another PBP sent out by the middle of next week. Hope all is doing well in your part of the world. 




Your Friends at WSI

S Ranch 

The S Ranch offers you an opportunity to experience great quality whitetail hunts on a large low fenced area.  We had a group of hunters come out this past week to the S Ranch. 

Brad Bahe had this to say about their hunt, "I just wanted to take a moment to let you know what a great time we had at the S Ranch last week. Everyone in our party was able to take an animal they were happy with, both whitetail and exotic. In fact, all of the members of the party were so thrilled with the quality and quantity of the animals they were seeing that even after they had tagged out they continued to get up at 5 a.m. to get back out to the stand to see what would show up that day.  Your entire staff at the lodge did an outstanding job.  Thanks again to you and your staff for making this such a great experience".
Harkey Ranch

H. Yturria Ranch


The H. Yturria Ranch offers you an opportunity to hunt whitetails as well as exotic animals. You will enjoy a unique hunting experience on this historic South Texas ranch.   Below are pictures from the latest hunt with James Campbell and Jack Lovett.


Aoudad Hunts




Wildlife Systems, Inc.
PO Box 5121
San Angelo, Texas 76902
 Check out our  Facebook Page