810 W 36th Street
Baltimore, Maryland, 21211 
410-235-READ (7323)  
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Saturday: 8a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sunday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.



Serving Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free, & Ayurvedic sweets, savories and soups, organic coffee and tea, fresh juice and daily inspirations!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Susan Weis-Bohlen   proprietress, breathe books


We are open! breathe bookstore caf� is at your service. This is truly an exciting day but I have to be honest with you and say I have a twinge of sadness, too. I opened breathe books almost 9 years ago. It was just an idea, conceived while standing in the now-closed Bodhi Tree Bookstore in West Hollywood, California. The entire idea for breathe books was downloaded into my head, including the name, and I knew my life was changed forever. That was in June 2002. In May 2004, after much research, writing a business and financial plan, and visiting New Age stores around the country, I incorporated breathe books. Five months later I opened the door, on October 22, 2004. 


And now, on June 14, 2013 we move into the next phase of this magical little shop in Hampden. 


Why the twinge of sadness, you may ask? The changes are so great, and I am so grateful, but at the same time I'm saying goodbye to my initial dream that I've been living for the past 11 years. I'm letting go of my little bookshop, with just one or two employees. I'm letting go of handling almost every aspect of that vision and now sharing it with others who have arrived and bring with them incredible talents, ideas, and plans. Maybe I'm just a bit nostalgic, and I know that the changes are all for the best -- even better than best! The changes are exciting and even necessary to keep the vision going. 


So a few tears have been shed as I say goodbye to version one of breathe books, and I shed a few tears of happiness as I welcome another, breathe bookstore caf�.


Joining Stephanie, Tracy and Becka in the caf� and bookstore are several wonderful people. Please come in to meet our Veganistas -- Joey, Genei, Laeticia, Chloe, Katherine, Amelia and Nathalie! They cannot wait to serve you. And me too. I look forward to the vibrant new atmosphere the caf� will bring. We have plenty of seating in the bookstore where you can enjoy your veggie delights surrounded by books, and plenty of outdoor seating along the porch, and upstairs where you can browse our vast used book section, surf the web, and enjoy the view on The Avenue.


Our bakers Don and Renee Gorman and Joanne Goshen are creating new delights every day! Our eclectic menu will change to reflect the freshest food available. As we move forward we will post daily specials on Facebook and on our website. We are still tinkering with the computer and other logistical things, but we can pull a shot, make you a latte, serve you food and make you smile as of NOW! 


Thank you all, including investors and Indiegogo contributors, for your support and good wishes, as we get this off the ground. So here we go! 


Looking forward to seeing you soon. Please see our JUNE events below! July will be posted soon. I've been a little busy!





p.s. Store hours have changed!! You can visit us now at 8 a.m.!! See details above

p.p.s. If you made an Indiegogo donation for a dish named after you we will email you when it's your turn!! If you "purchased" a drink or meal, just let us know and we will be happy to provide!


Ella and Shadow picture of the week:


Friday, June 14, 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. Deep Resonance: Healing Through Sound and Song with Andrea Wenger

Andrea Wenger works with you to release stuckness and re-align with your most authentic and divine Self through the healing power of sound. Andrea holds a safe and nurturing space to release what no longer Andrea Wenger serves, and connect with the true gift of your Highest Self. The session includes a toning exercise to balance your chakras, meditation, sacred songs/mantras, and the beloved deep relaxation experience through the sounds of drumming, rattle and crystal singing bowls with vocal toning.Bring items to assist you in being comfortable lying down, as space allows: yoga mat, pillow, blanket, etc. Chairs are also available. Andrea Wenger, MAHA, is a Sound Healer, Reiki Master and Holisitic Nutrition Coach with more than 10 years of experience as a health and holistic wellness practitioner. 
Cost: $20


Saturday, June 15, 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m., Declutter Your Life, Space and Prosper! Book Talk with Sherry Burton

This talk is designed to nourish your inner happiness and well-being. We all want that "aha" feeling when we walk into a room but how do we get it? What exactly is it? Why do we feel a certain way in different environments verses others? Are you looking to transform the special room in your home into a space that provides you personal joy and fulfillment? What if you could visualize an interior that you could feel good in everyday? This workshop and lecture is about decorating your home as a springboard for all that you do and feel, so it supports what YOU need and what YOU want in order to live your best life. 


Sherry Burton Ways, principal of Kreative Ways & Solutions, LLC will discuss what a "feel good" space is how important it is and guide you through the basic steps in creating one.  As she introduces each feel good space principle, she will explore with participants what makes them feel good, create a feel good spaces inspiration board and discuss ways to create a space that helps you to experience and manifest the transformation of your home interior as a feel good space. Cost: $25 includes talk and book


Tuesday, June 18, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Baltimore Institute of Noetic Sciences Presents; Book Club Meeting: The Reality of ESP by Russell Targ

Join Baltimore IONS as we discuss our current book club book; In The Reality of ESP: A Physicist's Proof of Psychic Abilities, Russell Targ shares his comprehensive scientific research to provide convincing evidence that by quieting our minds we can access information in the field of potentiality where there is no distance in space and time. Bookclub books aew 20% off at breathe books. Cost: donation


Wednesday, June 19, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Ravensong Drum Circle with Dr. Erin Reeve 

Feel the rhythm of life! Ravensong drum circle includes drumming, dance, and at least one shamanic journey. Activities are molded to fit personal or global needs. Shamanic beginners are encouraged to join! Please bring a drum or rattle, an eye cover, and a Erin Headshot blankets/pillow to be comfortable during the journey. No experience necessary! 


Dr. Erin Reeve has been trained in shamanic healing and is a Reiki master in the Usui tradition. She is in the Johns Hopkins Bayview Internal Medicine Residency program with intentions to practice integrative medicine and palliative/hospice care. Cost: $5 suggested donation


Thursday, June 20, 7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m., Summer Solstice Circle with Lynda Henn

Lynda helps you connect with your own inner healer 

and together with your 'intent', direct the energy to make a good marriage! Mostly silent, with occasional toning lasting about one hour, recipients drop into a meditative state for the duration of thesession. The strength of the energy is not dependent upon the numbers in the group, but the strength of the recipients desire to heal or move on. YOU ARE YOUR OWN HEALER. Cost: $30


Friday, June 21, 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Deeksha Oneness Blessing circle with Tracy

The Oneness Blessing, also known as Deeksha (Sanskrit), is a transfer of Divine grace flowing through the Blessing Giver.  The Oneness Blessing is administered by Oneness Blessing Givers prepared and initiated through a process developed at the 

Oneness University in India. Tracy Hall Esho, along with others, offer this blessing every month. Tracy studied Deeksha in India. Cost: donation


Saturday, June 22, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. How to Keep your Animal Healthy Through Holistic Healing with Christina Chambreau

We all want our companion animals to live forever, but unfortunately their lifespan is shorter than ours. Through understanding how we become ill and how we heal, we can help them to keep the same level of activity, playfulness and health until shortly before they die. In her 31 years of holistic practice, Dr. Chambreau has found the keys to maintaining good health. She will share her 7 steps to better health for your animal companion, including holistic modalities you can do yourself. Email your questions ahead of time and they will be addressed in the seminar. 


Christina Chambreau, DVM, is an internationally known homeopathic veterinarian, author and speaker. Her book, Healthy Animal's Journal was published in 2003, the Healthy Dog Journal in 2010. She is associate editor for the Integrative Veterinary Care Journal. She graduated from the University of Georgia Veterinary College in 1980, began using homeopathy in her veterinary practice in 1983, and has used primarily homeopathy since 1988. A dynamic teacher, Dr. Chambreau is a founder of the Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy and lectures at conventions, schools, clubs and to anyone who is concerned about improving the health of animals.  She also teaches a two-week Summer School Classes for Animal Homeopathy (in May in Vancouver, BC). Cost: $55


Sunday, June 23, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Healing Past Lives With Lynn Lewis

Lynn has been doing past life readings since 2004. Her process involves connecting to your higher self to access the past lives that offer healing. You are invited to offer issues that need to be worked on or to just allow Spirit to direct the reading.

Cost: $60/45 minute session





 Sunday, June 30, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. What's In Your Panty Drawer: "I DO NOT TRUST"

Do you have a challenge with trusting others or even yourself?  Do you engage in co-dependent behaviors or attract to you co-dependent people?  Do you wrestle with challenges of not feeling safe and feeling abandoned?  If you answered "YES" to any of these questions then this workshop is designed to support you in clearing the root cause of these issues.  We will take a heartfelt look at what your inner child (birth to 18 months) may have experienced that have led to the experiences you are having as an adult!  This will support you in uncovering the blockages present that are holding you back from creating the life experience(s) you desire, ultimately supporting you in fully emerging your authentic self!! 

Coach Maq Ele is a certified Spiritual Life Coach,  using spiritual laws and principles as the foundation to support women in discovering, embracing and living as their authentic selves. Coach Maq is the founder of G-STRING Living which she founded after acknowledging that she had been living her life like "bloomers-" covered up, uptight, hidden and inauthentic; Coach Maq decided that she desired to live her life like a "G-String-" open, bold and authentic!  G-STRING Living, an acronym for Gracefully Standing True ReceivingInNer Guidance, became Coach Maq's vision.  For more information about G-STRING Living and Coach Maq please visit www.gstringliving.com.  Cost: $20.13 


Newsletter Contents
June Events
Regular Classes/Groups
Ayurvedic Consults with Susan
green chair november 2012
Click on the photo to read Ella's blog!
Ella is a rescue dog that we adopted two and a half years ago through Homeward Trails. If you are looking to bring a dog or cat home, please consider a rescue!!
Larry and I ask each other every day...who rescued whom? She's the love of our lives.
Quick Links
Regular/Weekly Sessions 
Meditation; Psychic Readings; Reiki and more
All practitioners take their own payments. Please be prepared with cash or check. 
Sundays, 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Lotus Heart Meditation Group

Guided sitting and walking meditation followed by short readings and discussion. Everyone is welcome! Meets in breathing space, the small house behind the store. Cost: $5 donation. 


Sundays, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.  

A Course in Miracles Discussion & Study Group

ACIM teaches that the way to Pam Silberman universal love and peace is by practicing forgiveness, focusing on the healing of relationships, and translating our interactions from hurt to healing. Meets in second wind, down the porch from the main store entrance, first door on the left. Cost: donation appreciated 


Mondays, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.  

True Names Zen Buddhist Meditation

In the Vietnamese Zen tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, the practice includes sitting mediation, both silent and guided, andwalking meditation. A dharma discussion follows. For more information, contact Lee Stierhoff at 410-319-0650.  Meets in breathing space. Cost: donation 


Thursdays, 6 p.m. -  7 p.m. 

Meditation with Susan Weis-Bohlen

Join us for a short Dharma talk, meditation instruction, breath-work, and 30-minutes sitting meditation. All levels of meditators are welcome! Cost: $5 donation    



Fridays, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Psychic Guidance with Tracy Hall 

Esho. Individual readings offering Clarity with Compassion

Tracy bathed in Light

Tracy's sessions are a combination of psychic, spiritual, and practical
guidance.  Encouraging and down-to-earth, Tracy often focuses on the spiritual development of the client, providing them with practices for handling life's challenges and suggestions for building a relationship with the Divine.  Tracy uses a combination of psychometry (energy reading of an object), tarot card and oracle card reading, and palm reading.  Under the guidance she receives from the Divine, she focuses on your needs, your life path, and your spiritual development. Cost: $50 half hour; $100 hour
Saturdays, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Psychic Readings: Connect to Spirit with Jael

Jael FreedmanExtraordinary Intuitive Reader Jael connects to Spirit and offers you advice and guidance to help you on your path. As with all of our readers, Jael is is infused with positivity with your best interest at heart. 

Cost: $60 1/2 hour; $110 hour


Available Monday through Friday, with
Susan Weis-Bohlen 

Ayurveda is the 5000-year-old Indian Science of Health and Healing.   


Learn  how to heal yourself through food, daily routine, breath work, meditation and yoga.    





Ayurveda says Food is Medicine  

You can change your life by incorporating Ayurvedic life-style tools and techniques into your daily routine. Even small adjustments can have a huge impact! Let me help you find the way. 
During a private consultation, we determine your dosha (mind/body constitution) through pulse diagnosis and questions and answers. We'll take a deep look at your current balance and imbalances, see how your lifestyle works for or against you, and talk about what you can do about it! I work with you to create a plan to restore you to full harmony and balance. You'll learn how to come back to your natural way of being through food choices and nutrition, daily routine, behavior, exercise, meditation, breath work, career choices, family lifestyle and more.  
Cost:  $300 for three sessions. Initial session is 1.5 hours. Follow-up meetings are one hour. Additional sessions: $75 for one hour. 

Please call 410-235-7323, or email [email protected] to schedule your appointment or to learn more! Clients are seen on throughout the week. Phone, Skype and FaceTime appointments are also available. 

In addition, we carry a wide range of Ayurvedic products including herbs, oils, body products, toothpaste,  skin care, balms, churnas, spice tins, organic spices for cooking, organic ghee, raw honey and teas, and, of course, many books to support your Ayurvedic lifestyle.


Susan Weis-Bohlen is a Certified Instructor of Ayurveda through the  Chopra Center for Wellbeing in California. She recently completed an Ayurvedic Pulse Reading Intensive with Dr. Vasant Lad at the Ayurvedic Institute in New Mexico. Susan also studied and works with Ayurvedic cooking and lifestyle teacher  Amadea Morningstar. Susan began practicing Ayurveda in 2007, lost 50 pounds, lowered her cholesterol by 80 points, cleaned the clutter out of her house, got married and rescued a puppy! You can read more of her story here.


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Join Our Mailing List!
About Us
was established by Susan Weis-Bohlen in October 2004.

Question? Email [email protected], or call us at 410-235-READ (7323)

breathe bookstore cafe

810 W 36th Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21211

store hours:
Monday - Friday 8 am - 7 pm
Saturday 8 am - 6 pm
Sunday 8 am - 5 pm