breathe books

810 W 36th Street
Baltimore, Maryland, 21211 
410-235-READ (7323)  
store hours: 
Monday - Friday: 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Saturday: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sunday: 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Coming soon... 
breathe bookstore caf�! Opening in early 2013. Specializing in Inspired Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free, Raw and Ayurvedic foods! Learn more here!

Sunday, February 17, 2012

Susan Weis-Bohlen
proprietress breathe bookstore cafe

Our friends at Johns Hopkins have asked me to let you know about their truly innovative and fascinating Psilocybin studies. The Psilocybin Research Project at Johns Hopkins is conducting an anonymous, web-based survey to characterize difficult or challenging experiences that people sometimes have on psilocybin mushrooms (i.e., "bad trips," whether the person later regards them negatively or positively). Their team has conducted survey and laboratory studies characterizing positive experiences with psilocybin. You can see their body of work here: Please click on the link above to participate in their survey. 
No bad trips here at breathe books! We are onward and upward with our new journey -- breathe bookstore cafe! We've applied for our permits and are just laying in wait for the go! We hope to have the cafe up and running in mid-March. We are creating an amazing menu and coming up with exciting and innovative ideas almost every day! My latest idea...juice in a jar! We will be making fresh, seasonal vegetable juices every day and what better way to keep them fresh than to seal them in their very own Ball jar! So you can come in and pick up an 8 oz. juice in a jar and it will stay fresh throughout the day. Keep an eye on our facebook pages for updates. 

EVENT HIGHLIGHT! Insight Meditation teacher Tara Brach is coming to talk to us about her new book, Taking Refuge: Finding Peace and Freedom in Your Own Awakened Heart. Thursday, February 21, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. We are truly honored to be included in her book tour. This event will take place at The Elm, 3100 Elm Avenue in Hampden. It's just 1/2 half mile from breathe books. There should be plenty of room but please try to be there around 6:30. Parking is in the lot across the way at The Crittendon Place. We'll be there to direct you!

You can see our February and March events below. We'll have to close for a few days during renovations but our events will go on!

Thank you all for your incredible support in helping us create our cafe and also, for being such amazing advocates for buying local! 

Much love to all,


Ella picture of the week

ella on ottoman
sleepy girl


Sunday, February 17, 12:30 p.m. -
 5 p.m. Psychic Readings with Aurora

A reading with Aurora is often a joyous experience, as she delivers messages of opportunities and options, healing methods, sage advice and wisdom of the ages. She delivers information given to her by your spirit guides, those who have passed over, angels and other beings who have your best interest at heart. Aurora's schedule often fills up far in advance. Please be sure to give a call to schedule your session.

Cost: $65 for 1/2 hour; $125 for an hour


Sunday, February 17, 6 p.m - 8 p.m.
Who Are The Arcturians ? Channeling with Aurora

The Arcturians are a group of Light Beings from the Arcturus Constellation.  They are part of the Great Star Nation, similar to our United Nations on Earth.  They are known as excellent healers and care deeply for the Earth and her inhabitants.  Some call them our Star Brothers and Sisters.  They invite you to come and experience them. The channeling will be an interactive communication between them and us. Meets in breathing space, the small house behind the store.  Cost: $25

Tuesday, February 19, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. IONS Book Club: One by Richard Bach

 "Instead of soaring and diving though space, passengers on this flight must be prepared to cruise slowly, making several stops to look at their motivation and lifestyles as the Bach's look at their own." -- Detroit Free Press. Even if you haven't read the book, join us for an engaging discussion. One is 20% off at breathe books. Cost: donation appreciated


TaraThursday, February 21, 7 p.m - 9 p.m Meet Tara Brach: author, IMCW meditation teacher. Off-site event at The Elm in Hampden

We are so excited to have  Tara Brach join us this evening to talk about her highly anticipated new book, True Refuge: Finding Peace and Freedom in Your Own Awakened Heart. Thich Nhat Hanh  says of the book, "Drawing on the latest findings in neuroscience as well as ten more years of personal experience on the path of awakening, Tara Brach's superb second book brings readers ever more deeply in touch with our true nature. This book is a precious gift, filled with insight, shared from heart to heart."


Tara will be speaking and signing copies of the new book (only those purchased from breathe books will be signed), True Refuge. Her previous book Radical Acceptance and several of Tara's CDs will be available. 


The talk is free but a donation for use of our rented space is appreciated. This event will be held at   The Elm, 3100 Elm Street in Hampden. Cost: donation appreciated


Friday, February 22, 7 p.m - 8:30 p.m. Deeksha Oneness Blessing with Tracy Hall Esho

The Oneness Blessing, also known aDeeksha (Sanskrit), is a transfer

of Divine grace flowing through the Blessing Giver. The Oneness Blessing is administered by Oneness Blessing Givers prepared and initiated through processes developed at the Oneness University in India. Cost: donation

Sunday, February 24, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.

What's In Your Panty Drawer? With Coach Mac Ele':  The Woman of Your Dreams

Who is the woman you see yourself as when you imagine your life 1-5-10 years from now? What is she doing? Who is she being? What does her life look like? During this session we will take a heartfelt look
at WHO this woman is and what steps are required for her full emergence!


Coach Maq Ele' is a certified Spiritual Life Coach, where she uses spiritual laws and principles as the foundation to support women in discovering, embracing and living as their authentic selves. Coach Maq is the founder of G-STRING Living which she founded after acknowledging that she had been living her life like "bloomers-" covered up, uptight, hidden and inauthentic; Coach Maq decided that she desired to live her life like a "G-String-" open, bold and authentic! G-STRING Living, an acronym for Gracefully Standing True Receiving InNer Guidance, became Coach Maq's vision. For more information about G-STRING Living and Coach Maq please visit Cost: $20.13


                 marchMARCH 2013


NEW! Sunday, March 3 & 10, 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. Reiki - Universal Life Force, with Jael: Healing-Restoring Harmony To The Mind, Body and Spirit

By using gentle touch the energy in your Jael Freedman body will be balanced thereby creating healing. As Reiki energy encourages one to let go of all tension, anxiety, fear or other negative feelings a state of peace and well being are experienced. Cost: $80 one hour


Sunday, March 10, 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. 

Heal Your Past Lives with Lynn Lewis: Individual Session

Working with your past lives can be an effective way to erase karma and create more love and light in this lifetime. Your higher self carries the memory of those past lives and brings them up for healing when you're ready to do your work. Most of us on planet Earth have already lived hundreds, if not thousands, of lifetimes. And don't be surprised if they haven't all been human lives, on this planet, in this dimension, with physical bodies -- one can learn lessons in non-human form too. 


Lynn has been doing past life readings since 2004. Her process involves connecting to your higher self to access the past lives that offer healing. Lynn works with a team of angels who protect the connection and assist in understanding what work needs to be done and how to get it done. The client is invited either to offer issues that need to be worked on or to just allow Spirit to direct the reading. Interactive discussion about how to work with the reading is an integral part of the reading session. 

Cost: $60 for a 45 minute session



Tuesday March 12, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. IONS Discussion Group: The Akashic Records with Presenter Carol Pressnall

Dr. Irvin Lazlo, in his book Science and the Akashic Field states that the Akashic Field contains all knowledge, all that has ever happened and that ever will happen from the birth of our cosmos until its end.  Learn how to tap into the Akashic record to reveal past lives, clear old karma, and discover possible future lives.  We have a long presentation in store so come on time. Cost: Donation


Friday, March 15, 6 p.m.  - 7:30 p.m. Deep Resonance: Healing Through Sound and Song with Andrea Wenger

Release stuckness and re-align with your Andrea Wenger most authentic and divine Self through the healing power of sound. Andrea holds a safe and nurturing space to release what no longer serves, and connect with the true gift of your Highest Self. The session includes a toning exercise to balance your chakras, meditation, sacred songs/mantras, and the beloved deep relaxation experience through the sounds of drumming, rattle and crystal singing bowls with vocal toning.Bring items to assist you in being comfortable lying dow n, as space allows: yoga mat, pillow, blanket, etc. Chairs are also available.

Andrea Wenger, MAHA, is a Sound Healer, Reiki Master and Holisitic Nutrition Coach with more than 10 years of experience as a health and holistic wellness practitioner. 

Cost: $20


Friday, March 15, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Rapidly Approaching Ecstasy: Music, Movement, Meditation with Dawn Avery

 In this experiential performance, Dawn will lead the audience in an ancient Mohawk tobacco ceremony, guided  visualizations,ancient and ecstatic dance, chakra balancing, and chant. All of this will be done to the music from her newest CD release,  Rapidly Approaching Ecstasy: Music for Meditation and Movement, a mesmerizing blend of World Music and Native American Music for meditation and dance. Participants will receive a chakra balancing and cleansing from this performance; incorporating guided visualization, movement and meditative listening, thus feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and relaxed. Cost: $20


Saturday, March 16, 1 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Rapidly Approaching Ecstasy: Music, Movement, Meditation Workshop with Dawn Avery

In this workshop led by  Dawn Avery, students will explore principles of manifestation, through guided visualization, deep energy work, group discussion, music and movement.  Participants with explore indigenous and world music, movement and meditation techniques in an experiential process that they can then employ in their daily lives.  As students organically contact that "little" voice within to determine what it is they most desire, we will focus on health, career, personal issues, and specific projects, accessing inner support and gaining spiritual synchronicity in our daily lives.  Techniques employed in our work together include those from the Plains Indian Medicine Wheel and Hindu Chakra System. As the producer of the Montgomery College World Arts Festival and a professor of World Music, Dawn draws upon the sacred music and principles of many Indigenous cultures. Dawn Avery has been leading meditation groups for over 20 years and has been privileged to study with great masters including the Dalai Lama for 30 years. Cost: $45


Tuesday, March 19, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Feel the Rhythm of Life! Ravensong Drum Circle with Dr. Erin Reeve

Drumming, dance, and at least one Erin Reeve, MD shamanic journey. Activities are molded to fit personal or global needs. Shamanic beginners are encouraged to join! Please bring a drum or rattle, an eye cover, and a blankets/pillow to be comfortable during the journey. No experience necessary! Dr. Erin Reeve has been trained in shamanic healing and is a Reiki master in the Usui tradition. She is in the Johns Hopkins Bayview Internal Medicine Residency program with intentions to practice integrative medicine and palliative/hospice care. Dr. Erin Reeve has been trained in shamanic healing and is a Reiki master in the Usui tradition.  She is in the Johns Hopkins Bayview Internal Medicine Residency program with intentions to practice integrative medicine and palliative/hospice care.  Cost: Donation


Saturday March 23, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. An Introduction to Prayer in Algonquin Culture

Evan Pritchard, a renown author of Mi'kmaq and Celtic descent, will guide us on a journey into the heart of prayer as it is understood in Algonquin culture.  Prayers to "Manitou" the Great Spirit, can still be heard. In this "Manitouvian" way of life, a prayer can be a way of understanding ourselves and the world, and a way of  transforming ourselves and the world. Giving thanks releases the ego and moves it out of the way so we can relax in relationship with the divine and each other.

Evan Pritchard is the author of Native New Yorkers, No Word for Time, Henry Hudson and the Algonquins of New York and Native American Stories of the Sacred.  He is the director of the Center for Algonquin Culture. Cost: $15


March 24, 2013, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Session 3: What's In Your Panty Drawer?! The Woman Behind the Wall!.

The authentic self being the woman you long to be, the one you stifle and do not allow to show herself to the world, the one who wants TO BE, but cannot due to perceived external circumstances.  "The Wall" represents anything that blocks you from living as your authentic self. Is it weight? Is it shyness? Is it anger? Is it pain? Is it your perception of your role as a mother, partner, employee, etc.? During this session you will be facilitated in looking at the thoughts, beliefs, habits, behaviors and judgments that have created "the wall" that is blocking you from living the life experience you desire to live. Coach Maq Ele' is a certified Spiritual Life Coach. She uses spiritual laws and principles as the foundation to support women in discovering, embracing and living as their authentic selves. She is the founder of G-STRING Living which she founded after acknowledging that she had been living her life like "bloomers-" covered up, uptight, hidden and inauthentic. Coach Maq decided that she desired to live her life like a "G-String-" open, bold and authentic! For more visit: .Cost: $20.13



Newsletter Contents
February Events
Ayurvedic Consults with Susan
Regular Classes/Groups
green chair november 2012
Click on the photo to read Ella's blog!
Ella is a rescue dog that we adopted two years ago through Homeward Trails. If you are looking to bring a dog or cat home, please consider a rescue!!
Larry and I ask each other every day...who rescued whom? She's the love of our lives.
Susan Weis-Bohlen 

Ayurveda is the 5000-year-old Indian Science of Health and Healing.   


Learn  how to heal yourself through food, daily routine, breath work, meditation and yoga.    




Ayurveda says Food is Medicine  

You can change your life by incorporating Ayurvedic life-style tools and techniques into your daily routine. Even small adjustments can have a huge impact! Let me help you find the way. 
During a private consultation, we determine your dosha (mind/body constitution) through pulse diagnosis and questions and answers. We'll take a deep look at your current balance and imbalances, see how your lifestyle works for or against you, and talk about what you can do about it! I work with you to create a plan to restore you to full harmony and balance. You'll learn how to come back to your natural way of being through food choices and nutrition, daily routine, behavior, exercise, meditation, breath work, career choices, family lifestyle and more.  
Cost: $150 for one 1.5 hour session, or three sessions for $300 (follow-up sessions are one hour each). Please call 410-235-7323, or email to schedule your appointment or to learn more! Clients are seen on throughout the week. Phone, Skype and FaceTime appointments are also available. 

In addition, we carry a wide range of Ayurvedic products including herbs, oils, body products, toothpaste,  skin care, balms, churnas, spice tins, organic spices for cooking, organic ghee, raw honey and teas, and, of course, many books to support your Ayurvedic lifestyle.


Susan Weis-Bohlen is a Certified Instructor of Ayurveda through the  Chopra Center for Wellbeing in California. She recently completed an Ayurvedic Pulse Reading Intensive with Dr. Vasant Lad at the  
Ayurvedic Institute in New Mexico. Susan also studied and works with Ayurvedic cooking and lifestyle teacher  Amadea Morningstar. Susan began practicing Ayurveda in 2007, lost 50 pounds, lowered her cholesterol by 80 points, cleaned the clutter out of her house, got
married and rescued a puppy! You can read more of her story here.


               Chopra Logo    



Regular/Weekly Sessions 
Meditation; Psychic Readings; Animal Communication; Tarot; Discussion Groups and more
Sundays, 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Lotus Heart Meditation Group

Guided sitting and walking meditation followed by short readings and discussion. Everyone is welcome! Meets in breathing space, the small house behind the store. Cost: $5 donation. 


Sundays, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.  

A Course in Miracles Discussion & Study Group

ACIM teaches that the way to universallove and peace is by practicing forgiveness, focusing on the healing of relationships, and translating our interactions from hurt to healing. Meets in second wind, down the porch from the main store entrance, first door on the left. Cost: donation appreciated 


Mondays & Wednesdays, 3:15 p.m. - 6 p.m. Reiki and Reflexology with K Kim Jenner im Jenner
We are very excited to have Kim join us for regular healing sessions. Using a combination of modalities, Kim goes deep into your Auric field to heal you in a gentle yet profound way. Reiki covers you in a blanket of loving energy, while Reflexology of the hands, feet and ears clears up stagnant energy and blockages in the physical body as well as the emotional and subtle bodies, leaving you rested and refreshed. Cost: $80 or sliding scale


Mondays, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.  

True Names Zen Buddhist Meditation

In the Vietnamese Zen tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, the practice includes sitting mediation, both silent and guided, andwalking meditation. A dharma discussion follows. For more information, contact Lee Stierhoff at 410-319-0650.  Meets in breathing space.Cost: donation 


Thursdays, 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. Meditation with Susan Weis-Bohlen

Join us for a short Dharma talk, meditation instruction, breath-work, and sitting meditation. All levels of meditators are welcome! Cost: $5 donation    






Fridays, 11 p.m. - 6 p.m. Psychic Guidance with Tracy Hall Esho. Individual readings offering Clarity with Compassion

Tracy's sessions are a combination of psychic, spiritual, and practical
guidance.  Encouraging and down-to-earth, Tracy often focuses on the spiritual development of the client, providing them with practices for handling life's challenges and suggestions for building a relationship with the Divine. Please note there will be no readings on Thursday, December 27. Cost: $50 half hour; $100 hour

Saturdays, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Psychic Readings: Connect to Spirit with Jael

Jael FreedmanFor several years Jael was one of our beloved Psychics here at breathe. Circumstances took her away butnow they have brought her back! We are so excited to have this extraordinary Intuitive Reader back with us. Jael connects to Spirit and offers you advice and guidance to help you on your path. As with all of our readers, Jael is is infused with positivity with your best interest at heart. Cost: $60 1/2 hour; $110 hour


Join Our Mailing List!
About Us
breathe books was established in October 2004. breathe bookstore vegetarian cafe will open in February 2013. Keep up-to-date with our cafe news on Facebook and at

Question? Email, or call us at 410-235-READ (7323)

breathe books

810 W 36th Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21211

store hours:
Monday - Friday 11 am - 7 pm
Saturday 11 am - 6 pm
Sunday 11 am - 5 pm