breathe books

810 W 36th Street
Baltimore, Maryland, 21211 
410-235-READ (7323)  
store hours: 
Monday - Friday: 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Saturday: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sunday: 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Coming soon... 
breathe bookstore caf�Opening in early 2013
Specializing in Inspired Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free, Raw and Ayurvedic foods!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Hi All!
I am so excited to present you with our Indiegogo Campaign to raise funds for the new breathe bookstore caf�! I've launched this crowd-funding initiative because I want to involve you - breathe books supporters - to take part in the exciting expansion of the bookstore. When you go to the page you will see a video telling you more about the caf� and our transformation, as well as the different perks you get when you make a donation! 

We have a philosophy of health and wellness -- and also deliciousness! -- for our caf� food. In addition to enjoying our great foods, we hope to ever-so-gently offer up information on how to eat to obtain optimum health and wellness. In Ayurveda we say "food is medicine" and have no doubt that it is. So in our caf� you will find food made with the highest intentions for your highest good. These are lofty goals, but it's the way my chefs and I live and we can't wait to share that with you. 

Joining me in this venture is Joanne Goshen, formerly of Louie's Bookstore Cafe and the Omega Institute, and Renee and Don Gorman, whom many of you may remember from their amazing restaurant in Pikesville, Puffins, back in the 80's. They now serve hundreds of people every Saturday at the Waverly Farmers Market, satisfying their vegan needs!

Other local bakers and chefs will also join us periodically, offering their inspirational vegetarian, vegan, raw, gluten free specialties. And I will be creating Ayurvedic dishes of beans, grains and greens. We will also have fresh juices, organic, direct-trade coffee, and organic teas.  

The transformation of breathe books to breathe bookstore caf� will take place in mid-January and we plan to re-open in early February to serve you! And not to worry, we will ALWAYS be a bookstore! The caf� will be located in the center of the shop, with additional upstairs and outdoor seating (including a porch bar where you can sip your latte while looking out over 36th Street!). You will be surrounded by books and most of the other goodies you have come to love here at breathe books.  Oh and yes, we will have WiFi!

So please take a look at our fund-raiser and choose a donation level that works for you. If making a donation is not a viable choice at this time, I encourage to pass this along to others who might be interested in supporting us. This caf� is going to be so special. It feels wonderful to be starting a new business again - this time in the belly of my baby, breathe books. Please join me in this venture!

And remember, we are here on Christmas Day with our  9th Annual Jewish Christmas Party! Chinese Food (veggie please!!) and a movie. Musical entertainment from Michael Raitzyk and his daughter Rebecca Rose, begins at 1:30 pm. The movie, Jesus in India, will begin around 2:30 pm. 

Thank you so much for all of your support over these past eight years! And it will be so much fun to welcome you to breathe bookstore caf� in February. Be a part of the community crowd-funding that is literally sweeping the nation, helping to keep small business thriving! 

Happy Solstice, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa and may we all pass through December 21, 2012 peacefully and look forward to all the exciting possibilities in our futures. 

peace, love and happiness,

Susan, Larry, Ella and Shadow
Ella: Play with me!



Shadow: Seriously??
Saturdays, 11 am - 5 p.m. Psychic Readings: Connect to Spirit with Jael

For several years Jael was one of our beloved Psychics here at breathe. Circumstances took her away but now they have brought her back! We are Jael Freedman so excited to have this extraordinary Intuitive Reader back with us. Jael connects to Spirit and offers you advice and guidance to help you on your path. As with all of our readers, Jael is is infused with positivity with and your best interest at heart. Cost: $60 1/2 hour; $110 hour


Thursday, December 20th,  6:30 p.m. 

2012 Solstice Gathering: A Council of the Heart 

The Solstice marks a powerful time of transformation that is celebrated in 

traditions around the world. In our northern hemisphere, the Solstice marks the
shortest day and longest night; it is the moment when the energy shifts from
inner to outer, from yin to yang. Our coming Winter Solstice occurs at 6:12 AM
EST on December 21st.

This Solstice of 2012 has been spoken of as a time of great change; in some
cultures it is seen as the opening of a gateway for Divine Love to emerge as a
guiding force on our planet. As one cycle comes to completion, the possibility for
a new way, one of expanded awareness and possibility emerges. Additionally,
at this time, our sun will cross the galactic center, offering an opportunity for
alignment with our deepest soul's purpose. Many spiritual teachers view this
time as an open moment when the possibility for transformation is magnified.

Join us as we gather together to step consciously into this open moment and
into the gateway of the heart as it emerges. By coming together in Council and
centering our energies in the heart, we can begin to bring our intentions into
alignment in preparation for the coming Solstice. We will take some time to
let go of what no longer serves and invite in the energies and qualities that will
support shifting into a new way of being for ourselves, others and our world.
Our time together will include meditation, sharing, ceremony & ritual and sound

Shaman & Holistic Practitioner Beth Terrence and Sound Healer & Reiki Master
Andrea Wenger will facilitate this Council Of The Heart. We hope you will join us
as we prepare to step forward with intention, awareness and the vision of a new
paradigm. Cost: Love Offerings Welcome

dec25Tuesday, December 25, 

1 p.m. - 4 p.m. 9th Annual breathe books Jewish Christmas Party!

Nondenominational Party 2009

Can you believe this is our 9th Holiday Party! This is the perfect place to be on
Christmas Day for those of you who really don't have much to do! As a Jewish girl growing up in Pikesville, I learned that Christmas Day, while inclusive and fun for many families, left some of us feeling excluded from the festivities. So when I opened breathe books I made a commitment to create a warm place for all to gather on this day when it seems like the whole world is closed! So we celebrate in the "Jewish" tradition, with Chinese Food and a movie! And, as always, music with the fabulous Michael Raitzyk and his incredibly talented daughter Rebecca Rose (1:30 pm - 2 pm).  We'll watch the fascinating movie Jesus in India at 2 :30 pm. Please bring a vegetarian dish to share. This is always a lovely day and I hope you can join us!  


In the meantime, enjoy these videos!:  Jewish ChristmasAll I Want for Christmas is to be Jewish; and Baltimore's own,  Chinese Food for Christmas!  Cost: free/donation from purchases will be made to charity.



Monday - Thursday, 

December 17 - 20, 11 am - 7 pm; 

Friday, December 21, 11 am - 9 pm; Saturday, Sunday, & Monday, December 22, 23, & 24, 10 am - at least 9 pm!


Monday, December 31, 11 am - 5 pm

Tuesday, January 1, CLOSED!




Susan Weis-Bohlen, proprietress, breathe books
Susan Weis-Bohlen, proprietress,
breathe books

Newsletter Contents
Weekly Classes & Sessions
Ayurvedic Consults with Susan
green chair november 2012
Click on the photo to read Ella's blog!
Ella is a rescue dog that we adopted two years ago through Homeward Trails. If you are looking to bring a dog or cat home, please consider a rescue!!
Larry and I ask each other every day...who rescued whom? She's the love of our lives.
Regular/Weekly Sessions 
 Meditation; Psychic Readings; Animal Communication; Tarot; Discussion Groups and more

Sundays, 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Lotus Heart Meditation Group

Guided sitting and walking meditation followed by short readings and discussion. Everyone is welcome! Meets in breathing space, the small house behind the store.   Cost: $5 donation. 


Sundays, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.  

A Course in Miracles Discussion & Study Group

ACIM teaches that the way to universal Pam Silberman love and peace is by practicing forgiveness, focusing on the healing of relationships, and translating our interactions from hurt to healing. Meets in second wind, down the porch from the main store entrance, first door on the left. Cost: donation appreciated 


Mondays & Wednesdays, 3:15 p.m. - 6 p.m.  NEW! Reiki and Reflexology with Kim Jenner.

SPECIAL: Saturday, December 22, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. $1 per minute! Great way to relax during the holiday season. 


Kim Jenner We are very excited to have Kim join us for regular healing sessions. Using a combination of modalities, Kim goes deep into your Auric field to heal you in a gentle yet profound way. Reiki covers you in a blanket of loving energy, while Reflexology of the hands, feet and ears clears up stagnant energy and blockages in the physical body as well as the emotional and subtle bodies, leaving you rested and refreshed.  Cost: $80 or sliding scale


Mondays, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.  

True Names Zen Buddhist Meditation

In the Vietnamese Zen tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, the practice includes sitting mediation, both silent and guided, and hands meditating walking meditation. A dharma discussion follows. For more information, contact Lee Stierhoff at 410-319-0650.  Meets in breathing space. Cost: donation 


Thursdays, 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. NEW! Psychic Guidance with Tracy Hall Esho. Individual readings offering Clarity with Compassion

Tracy's sessions are a combination of psychic, spiritual, and practical
guidance.  Encouraging and down-to-earth, Tracy often focuses on the spiritual development of the client, providing them with practices for handling life's challenges and suggestions for building a relationship with the Divine. Please note there will be no readings on Thursday, December 27. Cost: $50 half hour; $100 hour

Thursdays, 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. Meditation with Susan Weis-Bohlen

Join us for a short Dharma talk, meditation instruction, breath-work, and sitting meditation. All levels of meditators are welcome!  Cost: $5 donation    



Friday, December 28, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Sundays December 23 and 30. Psychic Readings with Allyson Walsh

Allyson, one of the Psy-dentical Twin Allyson Walsh Sisters, has an uncanny ability to connect with her clients and offer messages that deeply resonate and help you on your path. Her fascinating insights and messages delivered from spirit guides, the departed, angels and more will help you make decisions, move forward, find your path, and heal old wounds.  Cost: $75 half hour; $150 hour.  


NEW! Every Saturday, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Psychic Readings: Connect to Spirit with Jael

For several years Jael was one of our beloved Psychics here at breathe. Circumstances took her away but Jael Freedman now they have brought her back! We are so excited to have this extraordinary Intuitive Reader back with us. Jael connects to Spirit and offers you advice and guidance to help you on your path. As with all of our readers, Jael is is infused with positivity with your best interest at heart. Cost: $60 1/2 hour; $110 hour




Susan Weis-Bohlen 

Ayurveda is the 5000-year-old Indian Science of Health and Healing.   


Learn  how to heal yourself through food, daily routine, breath work, meditation and yoga.    


Ayurveda says Food is Medicine  

You can change your life by incorporating Ayurvedic life-style tools and techniques into your daily routine. Even small adjustments can have a huge impact! Let me help you find the way. 
During a private consultation, we determine your dosha (mind/body constitution) through pulse diagnosis and questions and answers. We'll take a deep look at your current balance and imbalances, see how your lifestyle works for or against you, and talk about what you can do about it! I work with you to create a plan to restore you to full harmony and balance. You'll learn how to come back to your natural way of being through food choices and nutrition, daily routine, behavior, exercise, meditation, breath work, career choices, family lifestyle and more.  
Cost: $150 for one 1.5 hour session, or three sessions for $300 (follow-up sessions are one hour each). Please call 410-235-7323, or email to schedule your appointment or to learn more! Clients are seen on throughout the week. Phone, Skype and FaceTime appointments are also available. 

In addition, we carry a wide range of Ayurvedic products including herbs, oils, body products, toothpaste,  skin care, balms, churnas, spice tins, organic spices for cooking, organic ghee, raw honey and teas, and, of course, many books to support your Ayurvedic lifestyle.


Susan Weis-Bohlen is a Certified Instructor of Ayurveda through the Chopra Center for Wellbeing in California. She recently completed an Ayurvedic Pulse Reading Intensive with Dr. Vasant Lad at the  Ayurvedic Institute in New Mexico. Susan also studied and works with Ayurvedic cooking and lifestyle teacher  Amadea Morningstar. Susan began practicing Ayurveda in 2007, lost 50 pounds, lowered her cholesterol by 80 points, cleaned the clutter out of her house, got married and rescued a puppy! You can read more of her story  here. 

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About Us
breathe books was established in October 2004. breathe bookstore vegetarian cafe will open in February 2013. Keep up-to-date with our cafe news on Facebook and at

Question? Email, or call us at 410-235-READ (7323)

breathe books

810 W 36th Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21211

store hours:
Monday - Friday 11 am - 7 pm
Saturday 11 am - 6 pm
Sunday 11 am - 5 pm