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March 2016 Newsletter
To My Readers:

As you know, we've been selling signed MEG limited edition 20th anniversary hardbacks and giant MEG posters to raise money to support the Adopt-an-Author program. I'm sending this newsletter out a few days early for two reasons:

1. I posted a new MEG-6 CHARACTER CONTEST on my facebook page and wanted ALL MEGHEADS to have an equal shot at it because the prize is huge - everyone who purchased 2 packages will be honored in MEG: NIGHTSTALKERS... if we hit our goal! 

2. The new contest affects the big March 1st drawing which I've extended to March 6th to concur with the new contest below.

NEW MEG-6 CHARACTER CONTEST (February 23 - March 6).

GOAL: We need 100 more orders of either ANGEL or SISTERS Packages by March 6, 2016. (74 to go as of today).

Tell your friends, wake the neighbors... because WHEN we achieve this goal, ALL MEGheads who purchased BOTH Sisters & Angel Packages NOW & since January 2016 will have their names added on a special Adopt-An-Author thank you page in (drum roll please)


That's right, the hardback that comes out in June will have YOUR name on a special Adopt-an-Author supporters page on the last page of the hardback. Also...EVERYONE who purchased a package (since Jan.) will receive a signed and personalized MEG: NIGHTSTALKERS bookplate WHEN WE HIT THIS GOAL But wait, there's more! Anyone who purchases a package before March 6 will also get 10 extra lotto tickets of your NEW ORDER NUMBER added into the pretzel barrel occupying my desk for the MEG-6 fifty minor characters & six MAJORS. Look for the March 7 special newsletter!

BUY the ANGEL or SISTERS packages while they last!

Buy Now
Buy Now

To order: Click on this link or go to and scroll down on the home page or click on STORE.

With love and appreciation,
--Steve Alten
Steve Alten's signs 2,600 MEG 20th Anniversary hardbacks
It was quite an adventure, but everything is signed and the first 200 orders have shipped. Check out the video (yes, I was really sick) and be sure to order before we sell out!

MEG MOVIE news: Who's playing Jonas?
Big announcement any day... hopefully in time for the March 7th special newsletter announcing the MEG-6 contest winners!
Congrats to Writing Coach client Patrice Ragone!                 
Patrice's debut novel, DARK ASSOCIATIONS has been optioned by A & M Publishers and will be in stores in mid-September.
A & M Publishers is now accepting new author submissions:
If you have a completed manuscript you may be interested: Click here for more information.
Sperm whales beach... is there a MEG on the loose?
Reads like a scene from NIGHTSTALKERS:

MEG expanded edition paperback now in Bookstores!
Books-a-Million and Barnes & Noble have them in their stores and warehouses and they've asked us to tell the MEGheads that if you want copies just call and they'll have 'em waiting. The new mass market features MEG: ORIGINS and a completely rewritten version of the original MEG, plus new chapters, expanded scenes, and 17 original images - all for $9.99
Living Tips & Joke of the Month - Dealing with the opposite sex
I learned a lot from this... sort of.

IF YOU HAVE A JOKE OR VIDEO YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE, please e-mail to me at Put JOKE in the subject line.
Recipe of the Month: Healthy Banana Bread
Mix Dry Ingredients Together
2 ½ cups Spelt Flour
1 Teaspoon Xanthan Gum
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
1 Teaspoon Baking Soda
1 Teaspoon Cinnamon
1 Teaspoon All Spice
½ Teaspoon Nutmeg
Optional: Handful of Chopped Walnuts.

Stir Liquids into Dry Ingredients
1 ¼ Cup Rice Milk
2 Tablespoon Safflower Oil
2 Tablespoons Agave
1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
3 Bananas Mashed

Prepare for Oven - Spray 9" Bread Pan with Canola Oil. Pour mixed ingredients into pan. Bake 45 minutes at 350 degrees.

Thanks, Pam!

*IF YOU HAVE A RECIPE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE, please e-mail to me at  Put RECIPE in the subject line.


Jon Stewart closes The Daily Show with his moment of Zen, I offer you my moment of Curly... (I defy you to watch this and not smile).

Stay well, stay safe... and know this author really appreciates you. 


 -Steve Alten, Ed.D.

Steve Alten | 52 Tuscan Way | Suite 202-127 | Saint Augustine | FL | 32092