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October 2013 Newsletter

Dear Readers:

SPOOKY EMPIRE's ultimate horror weekend is October 25-27 in Orlando, FL. I will be attending Friday and Saturday as a panel speaker, as well as signing books. For more details go to www.SpookyEmpire.com (I'll be the guy not dressed in blood, tattoos, and a brassiere).  


If you haven't purchased The OMEGA PROJECT - please do so this week!  The winners from last month's LOCH-2 VOSTOK contest will be announced in next month's newsletter so I can write them into the plot. BARNES & NOBLE named THE OMEGA PROJECT as one of their TOP 4 summer fiction releases. PUBLISHERS WEEKLY called it "an exuberant thriller!" Still, it's hard to compete against other novels that have big budget publicity campaigns.  




Help spread the word about the novel (which I guarantee you'll be blown away by) and when it hits bestseller status I'll push the timeline on MEG 5: NIGHT STALKERS so I begin writing the book in mid-November AND releasing free chapters in December!  




1. Purchase a copy of the novel between October 1 thru October 8th and I'll send you an autographed bookplate when you email me proof of purchase at Meg82159@aol.com Heck, purchase a dozen and send me the names who you are giving them to and you can COMPLETE YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING!  


2. Spread the book trailer link around to your email address book.

3. Call Howard Stern and tell him one of his biggest fans wrote a book he needs to read!  


Thank you for your support. . .hope to see you at Spooky Fest. (I'll wear the blood and brassiere if OMEGA hits the NY Times list by Oct. 23!)

--Steve Alten

THE OMEGA PROJECT BOOK TRAILER                             

The amazing James Gelet has created a must-see book trailer. Please post the link to your Facebook, twitter, and any other word of mouth methods... with my eternal gratitude!

The OMEGA PROJECT - by Author Steve Alten
The OMEGA PROJECT - by Author Steve Alten


The OMEGA PROJECT - Suspense Magazine weighs in                           
Anytime a story starts out with a super computer running the show or a trip to outer space, I get nervous, so imagine my total paranoia when I began reading Steve Alten's newest sci-fi thriller, "The Omega Project." It has BOTH a super computer and a planned trip to a far, distant world. But then the story starts moving along and the 'scary' really begins. 'Ike' Eisenbraun is asked to join a team of would-be space travelers, before the start of their trip, to ferret out a psychopath in the group. Little does he know that the psychopath he is seeking is the super computer that he, himself invented. Slapped into a cryo tube against his will, Ike is taken back in time...or is it forward in time, to a place so unrecognizable, he is shocked to find he is actually still on earth, but millions of years into the future. Ike must figure out how to save himself as well as what's left of the human race. For this reader, Alten's newest novel is reminiscent of H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Rice Burroughs, with strange creatures, inhospitable terrain, and danger at every turn. The evolutionary representations of future creatures are both far out, and at the same time, logical. The writing is fabulously descriptive and imaginative...two qualities that shine through all of Alten's works. "The Omega Project" is a pure adrenaline rush that made me hold my breath and hold on tighter as Alten lays it all out for the reader. No sci-fi lover will want to miss this one. I may have to dust off my copy of "Meg" and re-read it, just to keep the magic going. Right on the mark and well worth the time, "The Omega Project" is right on the money. Alten has another winner.

Reviewed by DJ Weaver (WebbWeaver Reviews) co-author of "Collecting Innocents" for Suspense Magazine
Hey, Steve -- Where the heck is THE TRENCH eBook?

The eBook IS NOW AVAILABLE for the first time since it was released in 1999. Here's the Amazon link, but you can find it on every ebook format.

MEG: Hell's Aquarium available as ebook & audio!
I just learned about the audio - it sounds pretty cool. 
A request from my eleven year old son & his Boy Scout troop                             

I am a Webelo Scout in Pack 125 and this year we are selling popcorn to help support our troop. All microwave products are made with canola oil and all chocolate products contain no hydrogenated oils, so there are plenty of healthy, flavorful snacks to choose from. If you'd like to order or send some to our military troops as a gift, please click http://trails-end.com?scout=7057b4cf3ba95f6 and place an order. 70% of your purchase will be returned to my unit, my council and my Scout rewards. Online purchases help us fund fun, educational activities and help more kids experience all the things that make Scouting great.


Thank you for your support, --Branden Alten

Living Tips: Melanoma prevention

According to doctors, aspirin may help ward off melanoma in women.


 Watch video now

If Laughter is good for our Health, this eBook will replace Obamacare                             
DOG TRAINING THE AMERICAN MALE is a romantic-comedy eBook about the host of a women's radio show who uses dog training techniques to domesticate her wacko live-in boyfriend, empower her listeners, and raise ratings. It's laugh-out-loud funny, but so different from my other novels that I penned it under the pseudonym L.A. Knight. Part of the proceeds of Dog Training will support a new cancer protocol at ZapCancer.org   to cure solid tumor cancers, so please purchase the novel, enjoy my excerpt, and spread the word!  Here's the dog training BOOK TRAILER (pg-17):
Dog Training the American Male
Dog Training the American Male
YouTube video of the month - Men Being Dumb                             
Yes, men are dogs when it comes to women, and here's more proof. 
Masculine Moments
Masculine Moments
Joke of the Month
A woman married to her third husband took him on a honeymoon cruise to the Bahamas. One night the husband got drunk, stood on the rail like the king of the world and fell overboard. The authorities searched but could find no body. The wife was assured she'd be notified when they had news. A week later the Coast Guard called. "Ma'am, we found your husband's body - it was lodged in a giant clam, and inside was a pearl worth $30,000. What do you want us to do?" "Send me the pearl and rebate the trap!"

IF YOU HAVE A JOKE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE, please e-mail to me at MEG82159@aol.com  Put JOKE in the subject line.
Recipe of the Month: Chef Rick's Seafood Cakes



2 cans of Geisha (OR?) crab meat 4.25 OZ drained

1/3 cup each - chopped celery, chopped red onion  & chopped scallions ...sautéed
2 X-L eggs whipped
2 Tblsp sweet red peppers fire roasted (Pampa brand $1 per 8.3 OZ jar at Dollar General, and other stores)
1 Tblsp Boar's Head mustard or equivalence
½ Tsp cumin
½ Tsp Adobe seasoning

1 Tblsp thyme leaves
1 Tsp ground thyme (Bahamian saying: "Only ting time good for, mon, is boiled fish.")
1 Tsp sea salt
1 Tsp cayenne pepper


Mix the above together in a bowl-then add 1 box Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix & 1 cup pancake mix. Stir well then slowly dribble in ¼ cup (give or take) milk until a stiff batch results. Cover and put in fridge for 1 hour for the spices and dead fish to become acquainted. Olive-oil a hot skillet or griddle and ladle on the cakes, then turn down the heat and cook for about 5 minutes...peek to see if they're golden brown...if no, then cook longer...when they are, turn the heat back up and flip 'em...turn the heat back down and plate 'em when they are golden brown...great with sour cream-or mustard sauce-your favorite topping-or just your teeth.

*IF YOU HAVE A RECIPE YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE, please e-mail to me at MEG82159@aol.com  Put RECIPE in the subject line.

Stay well, stay safe... and know this author really appreciates you. 


 -Steve Alten, Ed.D.