News & Views

16 April 2015 



Critical Path Institute joins the MRCT Center as Steering Committee member


The MRCT Center welcomes the Critical Path Institute as our newest member.  


The Critical Path Institute is an independent, non-profit organization that orchestrates the development of "drug development tools" through an innovative, collaborative approach to the sharing of data and expertise.



Learn More about the MRCT Center's current Executive Committee and Steering Committee Members.


Learn More about becoming an MRCT Center sponsor.

Providing practical advice for improving the ethics review process

Ethical Issues in Global Health Research course offered at Harvard

The MRCT Center is pleased to promote the "Ethical Issues in Global Health Research" course which is being offered 22-25 June 2015 at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.  


This course provides practical advice to improve an organization's ethics review process. Participants will explore their responsibilities in reviewing human research, gain tips for increasing review efficiency, and develop a better understanding of regulatory compliance issues while building a peer network to call upon after the program ends. Participants will also gain a deep understanding of the ethical issues faced by those performing human research abroad under diverse social, economic, and legal frameworks. This course is designed for researchers from diverse backgrounds performing research involving human participants.




Learn More about the MRCT Center's work in Protocol Ethics.   


Addressing the regulatory framework of comprehensive and integrative medicine

Presentation at Global Clinical Research Summit in Korea


Dr. Barbara Bierer, MD, faculty co-director of the MRCT Center at Harvard, represented the MRCT Center at the Global Clinical Research Summit 2015 held at the National Assembly Building in Seoul Korea earlier this month.   


The principles of and challenges in the regulatory framework of comprehensive and integrative medicine were discussed.  Dr. Bierer presented the MRCT Center approach to global harmonization, using, as examples, strategic initiatives to (1) achieve common standards for principal investigator competencies and (2) promote return of results to participants.  




Learn More about the MRCT Center's work in returning results to research participants.


Fostering the return of results to study participants

Nature Medicine quotes MRCT's work in addressing challenges with returning study results


Most volunteers who participate in clinical trials will never receive the results of the trial from the investigator. To improve this, the MRCT Center has developed a  Guidance Document and  Toolkit that provide practical guidance and sample templates for study sponsors and investigators to communicate aggregate results with study participants.



Read the Article.   



Newsletter Editor: 

Carmen E. Aldinger, PhD, MPH

Multi-Regional Clinical Trials (MRCT) Center at Harvard University  


Please email [email protected] with questions and suggestions for the newsletter.