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March 2016
Where the County Reads, Where the County Meets, Where the County Learns 
In This Issue
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From Our Collection

Victoria Aveyard _left_ and Sophie Jordan _right_ signing books

Authors Victoria Aveyard and Sophie Jordan visited the Bethesda branch on February 11. The authors of the newly released Glass Sword and Reign of Shadows answered questions from the audience about their writing process, their books, and which reality TV shows their characters would compete on. They also sat down for a private conversation with members of MCPL's Teen Advisory Group.

Save the Date

Library Closed



Sunday, March 27


National Read Across America Day

March 2


Wheaton Closing Ceremony

March 13, 5-6 PM
Wheaton Branch

At this ceremony, County Executive Leggett will officially turn out the lights and close the doors to the Wheaton branch to begin preparation for the construction of the new Wheaton Library/Recreation Center. The branch will close at 5 PM, in advance of the ceremony. Customers are reminded that during this closure, they may use other nearby branches, such as the Olney and Silver Spring branches, or any branch that may be convenient.


Celebrate Irish American Heritage Month


Irish Heritage Festival

March 26, 2-4:30 PM
Aspen Hill Branch

Music, dance, and open jam session.


Celebrate National Deaf History Month

March 13-April 15


Meet the Author: Willy Conley of The Deaf Heart

March 20, 2 PM
Germantown Branch

Author and playwright, Willy Conley, a professor of Theatre Arts at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC, will discuss his new publication, "The Deaf Heart." The presentation will be in American Sign Language. A voice interpreter will be available for people who are not fluent in ASL.


Kensington Park Reopening Ceremony

April 2, 10 AM
Kensington Park Branch

The Kensington Park branch will reopen to the public on Monday, March 28. The official reopening ceremony will be held Saturday, April 2 at 10 AM.


Find more events happening around the County on our Calendar of Events.

Your Monthly Inspiration

toddler reaches for book from full bookshelf
What will you discover at your library, if you keep your eyes open?
County Events

2016 Civil Rights Educational Freedom Tour

April 3 - 10

Join us for this inspired and educational tour as we travel south to visit the birth place of the Civil Rights Movement. The tour will retrace the Freedom Trail to learn about Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Voters Rights and other significant events of the Civil Rights Movement. SEATS ARE LIMITED. Explore the tour itinerary and register online


50 Plus Employment Expo

April 4, 10 AM - 3 PM
Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center
5701 Marinelli Road, Bethesda

Keynote Speaker: Pat Lawson Muse. Find more details online.

From the Director


Early Literacy is what children know about language and the world around them before they learn to read and write. Research shows that it is an important part of a child's success in school, and MCPL has a long history of assisting parents and caregivers with readying children to learn.


Parents and caregivers can find a wealth of early literacy information on our website. Look for information on school readiness, how to choose books, read-aloud tips and activities that parents and caregivers can use to help young children get top_ child playing with early literacy display_ bottom_ mother reading to two childrenready to read. Take time to explore the many resources and databases available from the Kids page on the MCPL website.


Children's librarians at MCPL keep abreast of the latest research on children's early literacy and incorporate the most recent findings into our programming. Our programs incorporate the principles of read, talk, sing, play, write to help left_ parent and child using education computer program_ right_ kid at robotics eventchildren learn to read. We keep up with the latest technology and can recommend the newest books, e-books, and apps that will motivate and captivate young readers.


All MCPL early literacy and education programs fall under our ACE (All Children Excel) umbrella. There are many programs and materials in all our branches that work to help parents and caregivers prepare children for learning and success: all children excel logo

All Children Excel @ MCPL!


  B. Parker Hamilton signature



B. Parker Hamilton, Director  



Highlighting Women in Leadership

Rita Gale Rita W. Gale, Public Services Administrator (PSA) for Facilities and Strategic Planning, began her career with Montgomery County in 1986 as the manager of the Potomac branch. She later managed Rockville Memorial before being promoted to Public Services Administrator. In her free time, Rita enjoys traveling (particularly visiting national parks in the United States); going to local craft shows; and collecting small boxes, baskets, and Marie Osmond dolls.

Parker Hamilton began her career with MCPL in 1981. She was employed in positions at Aspen Hill, Chevy Chase, and Long Branch libraries, and as the manager at Long Branch and Davis. Parker served as Public Services Administrator for Human Resources for MCPL and as an assistant chief administrative officer (ACAO) for the County prior to her appointment as MCPL's Director in 2005. As the Director, she has guided the system into the 21st century with new technologies; creative staffing; inventive service deliveries; focused partnerships with non-profit and community organizations; and strategic planning for the future. She has been recognized for her dynamic and innovative leadership and commitment to diversity and inclusion. Parker enjoys playing games on her iPhone; watching the Seattle Seahawks; and traveling by train.

Carol Legarreta started at MCPL in 1982 as a Children's Services Librarian I at the Long Branch library. After 11 years, she was promoted to a Children's Services Librarian II; then Senior Librarian for Children's Services; manager at the Silver Spring branch; then, in 2007, Public Services Administrator. In her current position, Carol oversees the Outreach Team, Virtual Services, Programming and Community Engagement, and Human Resources; builds partnerships; manages Noyes Library for Children; and is the Early Literacy Coordinator for MCPL. Free time finds Carol either playing with her grandchildren, reading, or gardening.
MCPL Moving Forward

Library Lovers Month Kickoff was Grand!
library lovers month kickoff event at silver spring library
Library Lovers Month kicked off with a special event featuring "the grandsons, Jr." at the Silver Spring branch. 

...that March is Women's History Month, and MCPL has free online resources to help you learn and celebrate? Get started with History in Context and History Reference Center, which have information from the U.S. and around the world gathered from reference and primary sources as well as news and multimedia. Looking for biographical information online? Try Biography in Context for information on the lives of notable women throughout history. Listen to songs about the suffrage movement and more about history through American Song. Explore Women's History today at MCPL!
FOL Happenings

Celebrate the Magic of Libraries April 9


Friends of the Library, Montgomery County (FOLMC) invites you to join us Saturday, April 9 after hours at the Rockville Memorial branch for our second annual Library After Dark fundraiser. This year we celebrate the theme "The Magic of Libraries" to show how our support of libraries has helped enchant and delight Montgomery County residents for more than 30 years.


We are pleased to announce Honorary Chairs Thomas and Barbara Harr, both dedicated library supporters and leaders. Mr. Harr, formerly the Library Regional Administrator for Special Services, recently retired as CEO of Family Services, Inc. Mrs. Harr served as the Potomac Branch Manager and MCPL Development Officer. Thank you to the Harrs for their commitment to libraries throughout the years.


This year we are excited to announce three awards to highly-deserving recipients at Library After Dark. The Library Professional of the Year Award will be presented to Regina Holyfield-Jewett, Senior Executive Administrative Assistant to Library Director Parker Hamilton. An invaluable asset to the entire MCPL system Ms. Holyfield-Jewett has demonstrated exceptional customer service and leadership qualities exemplifying the spirit of the award.


We will present the Charles W. Gilchrist Volunteer Award to the Maryland Writer's Association for their Teen Writing Clubs hosted in several MCPL branches across the county. Thank you to everyone who submitted nominations for the Gilchrist Award; FOLMC and MCPL are fortunate to have the support of dedicated volunteers to support our mission.


FOLMC will also present the inaugural Librarians' Choice Award at this year's event. This award was developed in partnership with the Montgomery County Library Board, Library Advisory Committees, and FOL Chapters. It recognizes the literary achievements of an author who has demonstrated exceptional dedication to the literary community at large through education, advocacy, or philanthropic contributions. MCPL staff will be invited to vote on this award in the month of March, and the recipient will be announced at the event.


More event details will be released soon. 

Library Board Happenings

Libraries MatterBe a Voice for Your Local Library


The mission of a Library Advisory Committee (LAC) is to advise the Montgomery County Library Board (MCLB) and the branch manager on issues of local interest and concern for the benefit of the community and Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL).


Become an LAC Member 


Learn more about LACs and download an application or visit your local branch to apply.

Montgomery County Public Libraries | 240-777-0001