Ideas to Impact: Your Gifts at Work
Dyslexia Initiative
Thanks to a donation to PCEF from the Ty and Karen Hall Foundation, financial commitment from the School District, and advocacy from PC READS, an initiative to identify and support potentially dyslexic students was started this year. 
There are 3 elements to the Dyslexia Initiative:
  1. Pilot Wilson Fundations, a multi-sensory, structured reading curriculum, at McPolin Elementary School, overseen by Instructional Coach Julie Hastings
  2. Provide 5 PCSD elementary educators comprehensive Orton-Gillingham training through the Institute for Multi-Sensory Education. 
  3. Host dyslexia awareness presentations at all the elementary schools, given by PC READS
The idea is these interventions will be helpful for ALL readers, and give teachers another tool in the tool belt to help struggling ones.

Please read the story below to learn more.
Jordan Blake is a confident, funny, and successful senior at Park City High.  She consistently earns top placement on the High School Debate Team, has a 3.3 GPA, and earned a perfect 36 on the reading section of the ACT. Jordan is your typical PCHS student.  However, it wasn't always that way. Jordan was identified as dyslexic in 5th grade
"It was really hard to understand as a little kid. I was told I was very articulate and I could remember everything I heard. But I was reading so far below grade level. And, it just felt horrible to be pulled out of class all the time and other kids knowing I was in the lowest reading group."
"In 5th grade a teacher told my mom I might have a learning disability. I went through all kinds of testing at the U and was diagnosed as gifted AND dyslexic. It was such a relief to know that there was a reason why I couldn't read"  
Jordan's family was able to give her dyslexic-specific tutoring and get a 504 plan.  Gradually things got better, but, "of course I wish I had been diagnosed earlier and get the help I needed immediately.  The younger you are diagnosed, the easier it is to get help and the easier it is to handle it. Reading will always be a struggle, but I know how to handle it.
"I can say this about the new reading pilot at McPolin: If I got help earlier, I would've avoided years and years thinking that books were the worst things on the planet.  I used to say I will never read a book in my life! Now, I can listen to a book a day! I know the joy of books!"

Read about the Dyslexia Initiative in the Park Record
Watch the Dyslexia Initiative story on Park City Television
McPolin Elementary Wins the Beat the Call Challenge!
Thank you to every family who donated to PCEF at School Registration and during Beat the Call!

Thank you to Todd and Becky Giauque for their support of PCEF as our Beat the Call and Give 180 Sponsor
McPolin had a whopping 69% participation of families donating to PCEF! They win the UPS Stores $2,500 Challenge Grant.

Trailside and Jeremy Ranch each had over 50% participation, and will receive a bonus $500 from PCEF. 

Check out the winning classrooms at each school. Each class will receive a party, sponsored by Papa Johns!

Every donation helps PCEF go beyond what public education provides! Thank you!
Donor Spotlight: Why We Give
Originally from Florida, the Hall's brought their family to Park City to ski for many years. "We loved Park City. We heard the schools were great, so we took the plunge and moved out here."
There was a lot more than just a big move at stake. The Hall's son, Alex, was going to be a junior. And, he had dyslexia.

"I was one of those parents that just knew something was wrong," says Karen. "I knew my son was intelligent and a deep thinker, but as he went through kindergarten, he wasn't getting certain associations. One night his teacher called me and said you're right - something's not right.
"We were very lucky. We got Alex private testing and into a multi-sensory program for a year. The intervention was huge. I feel it was literally lifesaving. 
"At Park City High, he had amazing help and care and support, better than our expensive private school in Florida. And, he met his best friend, who also had dyslexia. Unfortunately, his friend hadn't been diagnosed until middle school, and still had a lot of struggles. We were inspired by him to make a difference. We decided we wanted to help with early detection.
"At about the same time, we met up with the folks from PC READS. They helped us work with the District and figure out the best way to utilize the gift we wanted to make. Multi sensory curriculum and training for teachers is very expensive, so we are using our gift to test this out, and, if the implementation goes well, hopefully it will spread to Park City's other elementary schools. The purpose of our Foundation is for early detection and treatment of children with the gift of dyslexia, and to help the Park City School District become nationally recognized as a leader in this cause.
"Alex's doctor calls dyslexia a gift. He told us, 'Alex will develop a great work ethic, he will have compassion for others, and he will learn not everything can be bought or given to you. He will learn to think outside of the box.' Our hope is to give Park City children who struggle with reading and dyslexia that gift.
"By giving to PCEF, we can help make this happen, and, they will assess and evaluate the pilot's implementation. Through PCEF, we can help PCSD go beyond what public education provides.
Donor-Directed Gifts:
You can meet the needs of our students, teachers, and community.

Ty and Karen Hall's gift is an example of a donor-directed gift; one that is given for a specific purpose. Critical donor-directed gifts to PCEF include:
  • Coding K-3
  • EVA (Elementary Visual Arts, K-5)
  • Bright Futures (10 - 12)
  • Preschool
  • Afterschool Program (K-5)
  • Author-in-Residence (8 -12)
  • PACE (Program for Academic Challenge and Enrichment, K - 5)
  • STEM Support (K - 12)
If you are interested in learning more about donor-directed gifts, please contact Abby McNulty at

Teacher Spotlight: Celebrating 30 Years!
Throughout the year, as part of our 30th Anniversary Celebration, we will spotlight teachers and administrators who have been in the District for 30 years or graduated from PCHS 30 years ago!
Linda's beloved dog Scottie!
Linda Hilton                                  
  • Salt Lake City native and 35 year veteran of PCSD
  • 4th and 5th grade teacher at Parley's Park, Treasure Mountain, and  Jeremy Ranch.  
  • BA in Education and AA in Art from Carroll College of Montana
  • Technology, ESL and Gifted & Talented Endorsements, E
  • Enjoys gardening, quilting, and her dog Scottie!
When I started teaching in Park City, there were just three schools. Once you left Salt Lake City, there was Hi Ute Ranch and the next building you ran into on your way to Park City was Parleys Park.  We could take whole grade levels on multiple day camping trips! 

As Park City hit boom town status, many things have changed. The kids need more from school than ever before, and we don't go camping with a 100 kids in Zion National Park anymore!

I can't leave Park City School District because I have grown too accustomed to the advantages we have here.  I need a classroom where all the kids have computers and I have a Smart Board to teach with!  

The Park City Education Foundation has been a valuable part of the advantages we have.  The Ed Foundation has provided the schools with everything from science specialists, to books and technology, to musical instruments, educational guests that enrich the experience we can provide for our students, to, most importantly, the opportunity to grow in new and exciting ways by financially supporting teachers who have new and innovative ideas.
Thank You To Vinto for Supporting Our Schools' Live PC Give PC Projects!
Click here to check out all the projects. More will be online soon!
A Week of Events to Educate, Motivate, and Empower Girls Through Sports

RWE sponsor Athletic Republic Park City is locally owned by Park City residents and mpowher apparel founders are two PCHS Class of 2011 grads. Check out the events held the week of November 1st. We love how they are both giving back! 

Golden Apple Sponsors:

  Park City Education Foundation | 435-615-0235 |