NY 3Rs LogoReference 
 September 2013 - Vol 2, Issue 9

In This Issue
I2NY Priorities & Working Groups
Ask Us 24/7 Turns 10
EBook Pilot Update
Continuing Education Update
New York Heritage Feature
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Six I2NY Priorities and Working Groups
Six priorities were named in the Final Report, "I2NY: Envisioning an Information Structure for New York State" (May 2013), (get the Complete or Condensed Final Report). 

Coordination/facilitation of each priority will be handled by the NY 3R Councils, but important to the success of each initiative will be the continuing participation of many members of the library community. Working groups have been formed which will address each of these issues.
Enhancing Access to Research Databases

Contact: John Hammond, NNYLN or Sheryl Knab, WNYLRC

Libraries of all sizes are struggling with the cost of maintaining electronic database subscriptions. Costs have risen dramatically, and many libraries are in the position of dealing with a sole-source situation. Library staff charged with negotiating database licenses often have no frame of reference with regard to fair pricing, and often are not aware of all of their rights with regard to contract negotiations.

New York Statewide Service Hub for DPLA

Contact: Jason Kucsma, METRO

Coordinated services around access to digital collections created and hosted by libraries, archives, and cultural heritage institutions throughout the state were identified as a high priority, including, helping institutions contribute digital content to the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). Collectively, the New York 3Rs regional councils have played a key role in providing access to digital collections throughout the state and could serve as the NY Service Hub for DPLA. A NY service hub will provide the necessary personnel and technological infrastructure needed to contribute digital resources from New York libraries, archives, museums, and cultural heritage institutions to DPLA.

Library as Publisher

Contact: Kathy Miller, RRLC

Whether it is memoirs, family histories, children's stories, scrapbooks, or faculty research - the web has made it easier for people to create and share content. To improve the quality of the content produced and thus improve its value to both the intended audience and our communities, creators need guidance. They turn to libraries for help with research, editing, proof reading, design and much more.


Communications Clearinghouse

Contact: John Shaloiko, SENYLRC

A statewide communications policy and process is critical to identify ongoing and new, emerging and innovative projects, initiatives and services in libraries and archives. The working group will develop this "clearinghouse" which will include: project descriptions, goals, costs, budgets, intended audience, project manager contact information, funding source, periodic project updates, and how and if other interested organizations can "plug into" the project.


Library Assessment and Return on Investment

Contact: Mary-Carol Lindbloom, SCRLC

How are library services connected to patron needs and student outcomes? This is important at every level of school and academic library, as well public libraries, whose mission is to create lifelong learners and researchers. Assessment and outcomes also tie into demonstrating the value of the library and return on investment (ROI).


Staffing Innovations

Contact: Debby Emerson, CLRC

Turnover rate means that libraries are constantly training, retraining, and exchanging staff. These staff members need to develop and deploy new technologies to meet the changing expectations of users. A working group will investigate programs on training and that encourage shared staffing and services.


Ask Us 24/7 Turns 10


On September 1st, Ask Us 24/7 will celebrate its 10th anniversary. Thank you to all our participants for making this milestone possible!   Come visit our NYLA booth at 3pm on Thursday for a cake-cutting to celebrate!



Sessions with Ask Us 24/7 Librarians and/or Patrons
Sessions with Patrons of Ask Us 24/7 Libraries
Sessions our Librarians Participated in
August 2013
Total for 2013

E-Book Pilot Still Growing 

Welcome to Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES School Library System and St. John Fisher College for having joined the NY3Rs' Demand Driven E-book Pilot!   The pilot is still recruiting new members for phase 2.  If you are interested in participating or learning more, please contact Sheryl Knab, Executive Director of WNYLRC, at [email protected]
NY 3Rs Continuing Education Update


The NY 3Rs Association has arranged four identical in-person training sessions for WorldShare ILL in different places around the state: Batavia, Syracuse, Albany, and NYC.   


If you have a recommendation for a class, please let us know!  
Feel free to contact any member of our task force:

Kathleen Gundrum, CDLCDeirdre Joyce, CLRCMin Liu, LILRC
John Hammond, NNYLNLaura Forshay, METROLaura Osterhout, RRLC
Nora Hardy, SCRLCTessa Killian, SENYLRCJaclyn McKewan, WNYLRC


 New York Heritage Photo of the Month
 Van Vranken, Undertaker, Vischer Ferry, NY, c. 1905
Garret and Brower Van Vranken, funeral directors, sitting atop the horse drawn wagon that served as a hearse. The Clifton-Park Halfmoon Public Library has over 500 images that span decades and lots of interesting scenes of this lovely area. See more great images from the collection here.

New Collections on New York Heritage!


For this month's Featured Collections, visit http://www.nyheritage.org  


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