May 2013

Director Notes... 

When you drop your children off in the morning, please be sure to bring them to the room they're supposed to be in! There is just already so much going on first thing in the morning that we would prefer that there not be any more confusion with figuring out where the children belong. Thanks so much!


Spring is in the air and we kindly ask that you take home any of your child's winter gear and bring in all of their spring/summer clothes! 


Please make sure that all of your children's things are labeled; bottles, clothes, etc. We would hate to mix things up; this just makes things a little less confusing for our teachers.



Our younger friends petting our visiting reptiles!  
Happy Birthday... 

Jessica Reisinger 5-4-09

Natalie Larzelere 5-8-07

Jaiden Gonzalez 5-11-11

Rachael Hutchins 5-29-06

Thank You...

The Lagana family for the yummy cookies.

The Parks family for the clothes.

The Fortunato family for the boy's underwear.

Mr. Dave for the beautiful new fieldtrip van!!!!!

Mother's and Mother Figures: 
Please join us for our Mother's Day Ice Cream Social in the afternoon of Friday, May 10th. 
Classroom News 1
The Friendly Fish

02InfMay  We went on an animal safari for "Zoo" week. We learned about different kinds of animals and their sounds, including lions, elephants and monkeys. The kids really enjoyed watching our teachers sing and dance along to "Five Little Monkeys" and "Skinnamarink." We also took out our squishy zoo animal toys for the kids to play with and chew on, which we all know they love to do


Noteworthy Achievements:  

Owen claps his hands and loves the jumper.

Cody is sitting up.

Reese is rolling over.


The Cuddly Caterpillars 

With scales all around us, we were very brave as we came into "Creepy, Crawly Critters" week. Although we were all a little nervous, we really enjoyed our visit from Reptile Man. He brought so many interesting lizards and snakes for us to see. We decided to take a mini field trip outside in search of worms and ants in the dirt. Once we were finished we came inside to create some leggy spiders using finger paint.



Noteworthy Achievements:

Lily and Clare are taking steps.



Classroom News 2
The Busy Bees
"Disney" week has always been one of our favorite weekly themes. During circle time, we hung a variety of Disney characters on the walls and had the children individually show us their favorite character. We did several different art projects this week, including Disney princess art with lots of sparkles, Mickey Mouse, painting Nemo orange and so much more.

Noteworthy Achievements:

Drake, Kayden and Justin can do ABCD in sign language.




The Mischievous Monkeys
What a silly week "Wacky" week was! Not only do the children get very enthusiastic about the different wacky themed days, but the teachers as well. We got to wear silly hats, do our hair in crazy ways, wear our clothes both inside out and backwards and we had pajama day. Our cooking project was definitely a wacky one, which they really seemed to enjoy. We used bologna, cucumbers and chocolate chips to make wacky faces.

Noteworthy Achievements:

Landen doesn't use his pacifier in school anymore.

Alexia knows how to spell her name.

Classroom News 3
The Krazy Koalas 

 As part of "Earth" week, we began to grow a sunflower to give to mother earth, a gift to show our appreciation and also to improve our environment.   We reviewed the growth cycle of a plant while learning how plants provide oxygen for everyone as well as pollen for the bees to make honey and other plants. We discussed recycling, why we do it, and what we can recycle. We discussed different types of pollution as well; noise, air, ground, and water.    


Noteworthy Achievements:

Waylon received free karate uniforms and one month free karate lessons for being such a good listener during our karate sessions.


The Fancy Flamingos

For the week of "Creepy, Crawly Critters," we made a whole bunch of fun and colorful art projects. We created caterpillars using different colored circles of construction paper, spiders using paper plates, glue, pipe cleaners and glitters, tie-dye butterflies, and cardboard ladybugs. Since the weather was so nice, we took the adventures outside for an interesting bug hunt.



Noteworthy Achievements:

AJ took his first state test.

Alyssa got an 84% on her unit test.