
July/August 2015


Welcome to the July/August Cirrostratus Group Newsletter.


Over the past several years as I have worked with SaaS companies I have seen the emphasis shift toward how to scale SaaS businesses. Many businesses are at the point where they have good product/market fit and they have customer acquisition, support  and customer success processes but they need to figure out how to scale those processes. I've included some information in this month's newsletter about scaling a SaaS business. 


User Experience Design is a topic that you hear a lot about these days and I recently participated in a test as a customer. I shared my experience in a recent blog. 


I am always interested in your plans for developing and offering cloud applications. Let me know what you're working on. 

Paul Ressler
The Cirrostratus Group




Info-text graphic - experience
Five Tips for a Successful User Experience Test 

I recently participated in a user experience test for the software that I use for this newsletter. I thought it was a mutually beneficial hour spent and have shared what I thought made it successful from my perspective in my recent blog post
Scaling a SaaS Business
I recently read a blog post by David Skok about one of the most common problems in scaling SaaS sales. One of the things that struck me about it is that the problem that he sees as a venture capitalist is a basic one of not having sufficient trained sales people to meet the business plan.

This post applies not just to sales and customer success as he talks about directly, but with any customer facing labor intensive process. It applies equally as much to support and professional services.

It's definitely worth a read if you are figuring out how to scale your business. 


Contact Paul Ressler at the The Cirrostratus Group

In This Issue

The Cirrostratus Group Services

If you provide SaaS, Cloud or Managed Services, The Cirrostratus Group can help you...


 Through our industry experience and understanding of service delivery we can help you make sure that you have the people, processes and technology needed to provide profitable services that delight your customers.