In This Issue
Will you be at #achper2017?
ASADA launches school lesson plans
BLOG: Do our kids have all the tools?
BLOG: The DADEE Program
BLOG: Build it and they will come
National Office closure over Christmas holidays
Appointment to the ACHPER National Board
Brilliant Canberra
Get Social!
Online resource portal
Partners and Supporters
Welcome from the National Executive Director 
Learning in Health and Physical Education (HPE), sport and recreation makes an important, positive difference to students and their lifelong participation and health and well-being outcomes. In a year when implementation of the Australian Curriculum: HPE commenced through the state and territory jurisdictions, I would like to congratulate you and your schools for this undertaking of curriculum change. This time of transformation has been, and will continue to be, a shift in your thinking as an educator and will evolve your approach to pedagogy. Looking back on the past year in this upcoming holiday time of rejuvenation, no doubt you will again be amazed by your achievements.

Indeed, transformational change in schools takes energy and requires support. To ensure that you are supported in the great work that you manifest in schools, ACHPER is aware of our important responsibility to offer professional development, advocacy and effective partnership opportunities as part of a suite of services to members and the HPE profession.

I would like to congratulate ACHPER branches around the country on the quality professional learning events offered in 2016. The 30th ACHPER International Conference in Canberra from 16-18 January, 2017 promises to be another exciting opportunity and will offer plenty to support delivery of your work in schools and the wider HPE profession. I strongly encourage you to consider attending and participating in your ongoing professional journey starting in Canberra and renew and refresh your work in preparation for the new year. ACHPER is also pleased to announce Teacher Quality Institute (ACT) accreditation and mapping to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers for this event.

Will you be at #achper2017?
16-18 January, 2017
University of Canberra, ACT, Australia

Don't miss the opportunity to attend this exciting professional learning event that promises to showcase the best practice and research ideas pertaining to ACHPER's areas of focus.

The program contains over 220 sessions to choose from and will provide you with the opportunity to hear from seven experts within the health, education and sport sectors.  In addition, there are over 30 trade exhibitors to engage with over the three days.

PLEASE NOTE: Changes have been made to the Conference program, please view the program overview for the most recent program.

Session selections are filling fast, so register now to avoid disappointment!

ASADA launches school lesson plans
Sport has many benefits for young people. The benefits of sport can also come with the pressure to be the best, sometimes at any cost.  The Australian Sports Anti-Doping Agency (ASADA) and the National Integrity in Sports Unit (NISU) have developed free-to-download school lesson plans that support teachers in educating their students about making good decisions to keep sport clean, fair and safe for everyone.

The lesson plans suit students in Years 9 to 12 and support the learning outcomes outlined in the Australian Curriculum for Health and Physical Education, discussing the role in promoting fairness and ethical behaviour in sport of organisations such as ASADA and investigating the impact of performance-enhancing drugs on individuals and sporting codes (ACPMP107).

Free ASADA facilitated face-to-face sessions are available for schools wanting an interactive student experience. Limited places are available. For more information, visit

*Advertising does not indicate ACHPER's endorsement of the product or service.

Volume 23 Issue 4 2016 of the Active + Healthy Magazine contains a number of articles that focus on improving student health outcomes as one of the best ways schools can maximise learning and student achievement.

Articles in this issue include:
  • The Health Promoting School - An effective way of improving students' health outcomes
    Lawry St. Leger
  • Enhancing staff health and well-being in schools
    Rita Alvaro & Hayden McDonald
  • Inclusive Physical Education: Kids understanding the learning needs of classmates with disability
    Dr Phil Doecke
  • Tennis Australia's Tennis for Primary Schools resource - Appealing to the educative purposes of Physical Education
    Rebecca McDonald & Dr Mitchell Hewitt
jnl cover v2.1
Volume 7 Issue 3 2016 of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport & Physical Education is now available for members to read online.

This collection of papers traverses a range of areas broadly inter-related through sociological lenses across health, sport and physical education including a paper on the very topical issue of young people's engagement with social networking sites.

With the release of the second Report Card on Physical Activity of Children and Young People indicating a grade of D- again for Australia for both Overall Physical Activity and for Sedentary Behaviours, why as a nation are we still failing when it comes to our kids moving more? Do our kids have all the tools they need to be active for life?

Dr Natasha Schranz and Charlotte Vincent from Active Healthy Kids Australia talk about the key message that came out of recent discussions with Industry and Academia from around the country about how we address this very serious problem we face as a nation.

More than 80% of Australian girls are insufficiently active and are often marginalised in physical activity contexts at home, school and in the community. As such, girls have less opportunity, encouragement and support to be active, compared with boys.

Professor Philip Morgan from the University of Newcastle and #achper2017 keynote shares how his research program 'DADEE: Dads And Daughters Exercising and Empowered' targets the father-daughter relationship as a key strategy to improve girls' self-esteem and physical activity.

The concept of modified sports has been with us for many years. Rules, equipment and playing spaces are commonly modified in an effort to scale the adult version of a sport to the needs of children. Despite widespread support for the notion of sports modification for children, a review of some prominent national and international sporting organisations suggests that despite good intention they still might not have truly grasped the importance of modified sport.

In this blog, skill acquisition scientist and #achper2017 Keynote Damian Farrow suggests that if we are able to scale the game to be more appropriate for children, they will enjoy the game more and consequently learn more.