In This Issue
Join over 240 delegates at #achper2017
Get on board!
Save the date: National #HPEday 2017
BLOG: Creating a Formative Assessment Culture in your Classroom
BLOG: Safer Schools for All
BLOG: Health promotion in schools - reality or pipe dream?
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2016 Professional Learning

Upcoming professional learning events being held by your ACHPER State/Territory Branch: 

21 & 22 November 2016

24 & 25 November 2016

5 & 6 December 2016

6 December 2016

ACHPER's 30th International Conference
A true champion of PE in NZ lost
2016-17 ACHPER
Partners and Supporters
Welcome from the National Executive Director 
On behalf of the profession, I would like to congratulate Professor Richard (Dick) Telford on being named the ACT 2017 Senior Australian of the Year. This announcement last week highlights his passion for lifelong learning and commitment to Health, Physical Education and Sport, and provides us all with a role model for continuous engagement in learning within the profession.

We are therefore extremely honoured to have Dick present the prestigious Fritz Duras Memorial Lecture at the 30th ACHPER International Conference in Canberra in January 2017. Dick's journey from physical education teacher, to sports scientist and elite athletics coach, and more recently to advocating and researching HPE outcomes for children in our schools is noteworthy. For the past 10 years, Dick has spent his time as the Research Director of the Lifestyle of our Kids (LOOK) longitudinal intervention study. His focus on physical education, physical activity and their roles in child health and development should offer invaluable information to stimulate thought in the profession.

I invite you all to come along to #achper2017 and absorb Professor Dick Telford's accumulated wisdom and engage with over 200 diverse presenters as we aim to provide you with educative opportunities to enhance the health and welling of Australians through professional practice.

Join over 240 delegates at #achper2017
Start 2017 at this exciting professional learning event shared with national and international researchers, primary and secondary teachers, professionals and practitioners from the health, education and sport sectors. 

With over 220 sessions to choose from, eight key partners on board and over 20 trade exhibitors to visit over the three days, the conference will be the perfect opportunity to engage with national and international professionals through a variety of avenues.

Registration options cover single or multiple day attendance and reduced rates for tertiary students.

Get on board!
Snowsports continue to gain popularity among schools thanks to its ability to combine fun and adventure with health and physical education.
WorldStrides has been delivering snow experiences to Australian students for over 30 years and their team of snow experts are leading the charge by incorporating educational and curriculum-based activities into their tours.
Their Falls Creek tour caters to students of all abilities and exposes them to a new environment; where they learn a unique set of skills and enjoy daily lessons in snowsports that challenge them outside of their comfort zones. 

The tour incorporates activities that can be linked to the HPE Learning Areas & General Capabilities including Movement and Physical Activity and Personal, Social and Community Health. Multi-media workshops and snow-making sessions can also be incorporated.
See it for yourself! Experience what happens on a Falls Creek snowsports tour.
WorldStrides delivers snowsports programs across Australia and internationally. Click here for more information.

*Advertising does not indicate ACHPER's endorsement of the product or service.

SAVE THE DATE: National HPE Day in 2017
In 2017, National Health and Physical Education Day will be celebrated on Wednesday September 6

Make sure you add this date to your school calendar today to ensure your students, school and community are involved in raising awareness and advocating for the value of HPE in Australian schools. 

Formative assessment provides students with specific, descriptive feedback so that they are able to improve performance or understanding. It has the biggest impact on student outcomes when it is embedded in each and every lesson, becomes part of the teaching and learning culture and feedback guides future learning. So how does one embed formative assessment in each and every lesson we hear you asking?

We hope this blog post by Kelly Bell and Hayley Dean provides you with food for thought and encourages you to learn more about the place of formative assessment in Health and PE.

Approximately 1 in 4 Australian students aged 8-14 years reports being bullied frequently - that is, every few weeks or more often. Research has shown that a wide variety of factors influence the likelihood that young people will be involved in bullying as a target or perpetrator including individual (e.g. personality, social skills), family-based (e.g. exposure to family violence, learned problem-solving methods), school-based (e.g. peer influence, supervision during breaks), and cultural (e.g. acceptance of aggression).

Keynote Speaker at #achper2017, Professor Donna Cross, talks about how schools need to consider the impact of the physical environment and involve students (as well as other members of the school community) in the evaluation and planning of physical features in the school environment to help prevent peer bullying, conflict and aggression.

Australian schools have had pressure to solve a raft of societal and health issues. While this is unrealistic, schools can and do play a role in improving and/or protecting the health of all school users. A Health Promoting School attempts to balance the health curriculum and classroom teaching with supportive changes in the school environment, reinforcing health lessons with policy and practices.

Brush up on your knowledge of the Health Promoting Schools Framework and read some important tips to consider when establishing a Health Promoting School in this ACHPER Blog post by Sally Blane, current President of the WA Health Promoting Schools Association.