In This Issue
#ACHPER2017 Abstract Submissions Extended
Bring the Olympics to Your Classroom
Vale Janet Harper
National Health and Physical Education Day 2016
NEW ACHPER Resource - Play with Purpose: Rugby
Unpacking and Implementing the AC:HPE
FEATURE ARTICLE: Advancing the great Aussie game
Get Social!
2016 Professional Learning

Upcoming professional learning events being held by your ACHPER State/Territory Branch: 

9 August 2016

11 & 12 August 2016

26 August 2016

9 September 2016

14 November 2016

24 & 25 November 2016

ACHPER's 30th International Conference
ACHPER Membership
Active and Healthy TPSR Special Edn
Partners and Supporters
Welcome from the National President
As I write this welcome note, my last as National President, and contemplate my journey to this point I can't help but reflect upon the significant role that belonging to this great professional organisation has had on my life and career. For myself and many of my colleagues of a similar vintage, around the country and overseas, the sense of connection, relationship and belonging to ACHPER runs deep, and while some researchers would tell us that 'new generation' teachers don't want or value the same things, I think that they do, just they get them in different ways - such as connecting through Twitter or Facebook - and the ability of our organisation to adapt and continue to provide that connection in contemporary ways - to meet the relevance and relationships equation - I believe has been a real credit to everyone who has a role to play in the continued service excellence that ACHPER provides. 

#ACHPER2017 Abstract Submissions Extended
To date, we have received over 150 abstract submissions and continue to encourage your involvement in our international conference by submitting an abstract addressing one of the following themes:
  • Focus on educative purposes
  • Take a strengths-based approach
  • Value movement
  • Develop health literacy
  • Include a critical inquiry approach
  • Sport and recreation pedagogies
Final abstract submissions are due Wednesday August 31, 2016

Early bird registration to attend the 30th ACHPER International Conference is still open and applies to 3-day registrations only. Early bird rates are applicable until Friday August 26, 2016, after this date, the full rate for 3-day registrations will apply.

Bring the Olympics to Your Classroom
Bring the Olympics to your classroom with the Australian Olympic Committee's Education program!

Primary school teachers can now download 60 cross-curriculum lesson plans themed on the Rio Games and the 2016 Australian Olympic Team!

The resources are linked to the national curriculum and are offered across three stages of learning - lower primary, middle primary and upper primary.

Primary students can learn about the sports, venues, marketing and sustainability of the first South American Games as well as discover more about their Olympian heroes in athlete profiles and the making of the Australian team uniform.

You can also help decorate the Olympic Village with our Village Art program which has had great success in the past with over 2,000 students submitting artworks for the London 2012 Games.

Schools can also run their own Olympic Day event in 2016 to celebrate the birthday of the modern Olympic Games!

More information about the Olympic Education program can found online at

*Advertising does not indicate ACHPER's endorsement of the product or service.

Vale Janet Harper
The National Board, staff and members of ACHPER would like to express their sadness at the passing of ACHPER Fellow, Janet Harper.

Janet was an amazing contributor to the ACHPER (SA) Branch over many years and her dedication and passion for health and physical education will be missed by all.

We send our deepest condolences to Janet's family, friends and colleagues.
National Health and Physical Education Day 2016
National HPE Day will be celebrated on Wednesday September 14, 2016 with a focus on HPE: Good for Communities

We have produced some short videos to explain more about National HPE Day, and to detail what others are planning to do to celebrate this important event.

Download our newsletter snippets to include in school newsletters to inform teachers and parents on how to be involved on the day.

NEW ACHPER Resource - Play with Purpose: Rugby
Play with Purpose: Developing Thinking Players - A Game Sense Resource for Rugby Union, League and Touch focuses on a player-centred and game-based Game Sense approach to teach the rugby codes. Author Shane Pill has written this resource with the aim to fill the game in game-based activities that support the Game Sense approach of the Australian Sport Playing for Life philosophy.

It is relevant for teachers and coaches from primary aged children to youth adult rugby.

RRP: $37.95 (members receive 10% off) 

Unpacking and Implementing the AC:HPE
ATT: ACT HPE Teachers

ACHPER National is hosting a one day workshop in Canberra on Friday September 16, 2016, where we will unpack the Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education to assist HPE teachers in planning and implementing a quality program at their school.

FEATURE ARTICLE: Advancing the great Aussie game
Researchers from Flinders University schools, led by Sport, Health and Physical Activity lecturers at the School of Education, provided their knowledge and expertise in the game of Australian rules to compile one of ACHPER's newest resources, Advances in Australian Football.

In this feature article, authors examine what readers can expect to learn in this text, including where Australian rules football has come from to where it is now from a range of angles.